As he spoke, Tang Wanzhi directly stretched out his slender hand and grabbed Ye Ling's ear.

Ye Ling was in pain, and he was in a hurry, and he was ......

"Senior sister, I love you is that I make meat for you. "

Is that the case

?" "Of course, how could I lie

to you, senior sister?" "Okay, then I'll believe you for the time being, since you said you were going to cook meat for me, why don't you go quickly?"

Without waiting for Ye Ling to answer, Tang Wanzhi stuffed Ye Ling into the kitchen.

Ye Ling shook his head speechlessly, but his eyes were quickly attracted by a plate of meat on the stove.

said that it was back to the pot meat, and it looked charred and miserable.

"Hey, it must have been fried, could it be that after I left, Senior Sister ate this kind of dish every meal?"

Thinking of the previous Senior Sister's kindness to herself, Ye Ling's heart couldn't help but feel sour.

At the moment, he didn't care about complaining about the master, he cleaned up and tidied up, and he was busy, and after a while, more than a dozen dishes were served to the table by him.

The dishes in front of him were full of color, flavor and flavor, and Tang Wanzhi suddenly smiled.

"When the junior brother cooks, he will produce high-quality products, I haven't eaten anything made by the junior brother for a long time, then I'm welcome......"

As he spoke, Tang Wanzhi picked up his chopsticks and tasted every dish on the table.

Looking at the familiar operation in front of him, Ye Ling just smiled.

Hey, the senior sister is so cute, but the senior sister may not give them a chance to get along day and night.

Thinking of this, a touch of gloom crossed Ye Ling's heart......

"Senior brother, don't be stunned, eat quickly. In

his ears, the call of his senior sister was heard, and Ye Ling returned to reality from his distraction.

He was about to raise his hand, when suddenly a familiar breath came from far and near.

With a squeak, the door of the dining room was pushed open, and Yun Tian, dressed in a plain embroidered robe, appeared in the field of vision......


dust-stained peak, dust-free pavilion.

Ge Wenyu was wearing a brown sleeved robe and was sitting on his lap.

Below, Mu Yanyun knelt on the ground and kept sobbing softly......

"Master, please save the ...... of the snow

" "Hey~

" Ge Wenyu sighed softly, got up and turned his head, facing the huge seal "sword" behind him, and was silent for a long time.

"Night, since the master thinks that my sister is hopeless, then I will simply give her a sword, and I will save such suffering......"

After saying that, Mu Yanyun got up and was about to leave.


Ge Wenyu waved his sleeve robe and turned around suddenly.

"Do you think I don't want to save Yin Xue? She is the strongest cultivation among our new disciples of Dusty Peak, and I am still waiting for her to shine in the Seven Peak Martial Arts. "

Master, woo~"

Mu Yanyun cried and bowed down again.

"Get up, you let me think about it......"

Ge Wenyu said, and closed his eyes.

"Yes, Master.

Mu Yanyun got up and stood aside with his hands down.

After a long time, Ge Wenyu finally opened his eyes, and beside him, Mu Yanyun hurriedly asked.

"Master, have you thought of a way?"

"Hey, you still need to tie the bell to solve the bell, Yan Xue has been hit by the heart demon, and the root of the heart demon is Senior Sister Yun's miscellaneous spirit root disciple, once Yan Xue's heart knot is opened, it will definitely be a thousand miles a day!"

Mu Yanyun listened, and seemed to understand whether he understood ...... or not

"Master, are you saying that Yan Xue likes that kid?"

"Pretty much. "

Then what should I do? I can't go to propose marriage with Uncle Yun, right?"

"Propose marriage, what do you want? Let me beg Senior Sister Yun for this kind of thing, I can't afford to lose this person!"

At this moment, Ge Wenyu put on a stinky face, but the matter has finally come to the point, and then it will be up to me to see how to solve it.

At this time, Mu Yanyun suddenly thought of something, and immediately whispered to Ge Wenyu......

"Master, I heard that the miscellaneous order was driven to the back mountain by Uncle Yun at all......

" "Why didn't you say it earlier

?" Ge Wenyu's eyes lit up when he heard this: "How long has this been?"

"It's been about ten days."

"Where does he live now?"

"There is a cave in the mountain behind Yunyu Peak, it is said that it was used by Senior Sister Late and Senior Uncle Yun for cultivation before. "

Alright, I know what to do, by the way, you can inquire again, and see what the situation of that kid is now

......" "Yes, Master!"

Mu Yanyun left, and after an hour he went and returned......

"Back to Master, that kid may have been called up the mountain by Uncle Yun, I don't know what happened?"

Hearing this, Ge Wenyu sneered.

"Yan Yun, it's time for your brain to change, I remember telling you yesterday that your Uncle Yun has something to do in the past three days.

"Master, I understand, this miscellaneous spirit root was not called up the mountain by Uncle Yun, but secretly called by Senior Sister of the Evening. "

Well, you've finally got the hang of it, and to be honest, that kid is a miscellaneous root.

"But his appearance is handsome, like a celestial, with such a temperament, we can't pick out a few in our Ten Thousand Swords Sect, and your senior sister that night is also thinking about him. "

Master, what can I do about this?"

After listening to Ge Wenyu's reasoned and well-founded statement, Mu Yanyun immediately showed a worried face.

"What should I do, are you from here, do you still need me to teach you?"

"Okay, I'll send my sister over, the senior sister of the evening is close to the water, don't let her get to the top of the ......" Mu Yanyun nodded silently, his eyes revealing a trace of firmness.

"Okay, you can send Yan Xue to the cave, I estimate that after your Uncle Yun comes back, he will definitely reprimand this kid and then drive him back to the cave.

"At that time, no matter what happens between Yan Xue and him, Yan Xue's heart knot will definitely open at that moment.

"If he and Yan Xue really cultivate for a hundred years, it will not be bad, after all, this kid's strength is obvious to all, and entering the realm is called a god speed.

"If the two of them turn against each other and can't ask for it, there will definitely be a big fight between the two, and with the cultivation of the first layer of the Xue Yuanying, they will definitely not suffer."

"At that time, the knot in Yin Xue's heart will naturally open!" "

Listen to your words, and win ten years of immortal cultivation."

At this moment, Mu Yanyun finally understood that Jiang was still an old spicy ......

"Master, I'm going to do ......"

At night, Mu Yanyun carried the muddy Mu Yanxue on his back and went straight to the mountain behind Yunyu Peak to ......


into the jade hall side hall.

The three masters and apprentices sat around a quaint round table.

Yun Tian didn't say a word for a long time, and only from her slightly heavy breathing could she feel her anger.


It has reached a tipping point where it could erupt at any time.

Ye Ling looked at her senior sister and wanted to speak, but Tang Wanzhi took the lead ......

"Master, I called my junior brother ......

" "Master, don't blame Senior Sister, I secretly came up the mountain by myself!" "

Enough, who gave you such the courage to form a group to deceive as a teacher?".

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