Yun Tian scolded the two of them sharply.

The tulle covered his face, and he couldn't see his expression clearly, but the plain sleeve robe trembled slightly, clearly showing his anger that could not be vented!

Ye Ling looked at Tang Wanzhi, as if to say, look at Senior Sister, your news is not accurate, you have been arrested by the Master, right? Tang

Wanzhi spread his hands, and a wry smile appeared on his face, as if to say.

Senior brother, when Shizun left, he said that it would be three days, but he didn't expect her to come back so soon.

At this time, Yun Tian suddenly turned around, interrupting the silent communication ...... between the two

"Ye Ling, recently our Ten Thousand Swords Sect had a chance to go out to practice, I fought for you, maybe I will come to inform you in the next few days, you go back and cultivate first."

Yun Tian's voice became surprisingly soft at this moment, completely similar to before.

Master, what does this mean?

Ye Ling was puzzled and looked at Tang Wanzhi.

Tang Wan's fair and pink little face was bloodless in an instant

, and ...... was gone"I've heard about the resurgence of the remnants of the Black Lotus Sect for a long time, I don't know if the training opportunity mentioned by the master is related to this matter?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, and don't care about what you shouldn't care." As he

spoke, Yun Tian flicked his long sleeves and walked straight to the outside of the Chengyu Palace.

"Later, you hurry up and go back to cultivate, I have a few words to tell your junior brother!"

"Master, what's the matter if I'm here, Yun Yufeng is just three of us masters and apprentices, and there are no outsiders ......" "

Master, I can't control you, can I? Do you still have my master in your eyes?" "Master,

the disciple doesn't dare." After

arguing a few words, Tang Wanzhi finally compromised.

She reluctantly walked past Ye Ling, and with that reluctant to leave, Yun Tian was even more angry, and scolded sharply.

"Don't go quickly, I'll count to three, if you haven't left the Chengyu Palace, you won't recognize me as a master in the future!"

"Three, two......

" Before the word "one" was shouted, Tang Wanzhi sighed, left the Chengyu Palace, and walked towards the bedroom.

The lover left, and Yun Tian breathed a sigh of relief.

Slightly sideways.

She faced Ye Ling and said slowly.

"Ye Ling. "

The disciple is here. "

Do you think the master is very harsh?"

"The disciple doesn't dare. "

As the saying goes, jade is not cut, it is not a weapon, the master gives you this opportunity, but also to let you have more experience and become a great weapon early, you won't blame the master, right?"

"The disciple doesn't dare."

"Okay, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared, so hurry up and go back to cultivating.

"Respectfully follow the teachings of the master, and the disciple retires.

Ye Ling was cautious throughout the whole process, and silently withdrew from the Chengyu Palace, only then did he breathe a sigh of relief.

After walking far away, the voice of Master Yun Tian suddenly came from his ears......

"Yes, this dish tastes really good. "

It's the first time I've eaten such a delicious dish for so many years...... "

Hey, am I a little too much about this miscellaneous spirit root...... "

Master, do you care a little bit about yourself?"

Ye Ling listened, his heart was ecstatic, and even walking became easier.

Or before, the master had a little misunderstanding about himself.

Well, now things are turning for the better.

Someday, I will return to my sister's ......

Thinking like this, before he knew it, Ye Ling returned to the cave.

That's not right.

Why is there one more person in the cave?

And it's a real beauty.

"You, are you back?"

The light was dim, and the woman in front of her was incomprehensibly beautiful.


Ling slowly condensed his spiritual power, ready to launch a fatal blow at ......the other party at any time

"Little brother, don't you know me?" At

this time, the woman opposite spoke.

The voice seemed familiar, but it was no longer as cold as before.

"Are you, Senior Sister

Mu Yanxue?!" "Giggles, little brother, you finally remembered me, I'm so happy......"

The woman opposite was Mu Yanxue, and the moment Ye Ling called out her name, she immediately laughed and trembled.

"You don't cultivate in Dusty Peak, what are you doing in my cave?"

"I don't see you for a day, like every other autumn. Little brother, people miss you.

Mu Yanxue's eyes were like silk, in stark contrast to the coldness before.

As she spoke, she stepped forward to get close to Ye Lingtao, and Ye Ling immediately stopped ......

"Don't you come here, men and women don't kiss, you know?"

"Giggles, little brother, you say this as if I'm going to take advantage of you. "

Don't talk nonsense, say, what is the purpose of you approaching me?"

Mu Yanxue did not answer Ye Ling, but followed suit and kept moving forward.

In this way, Ye Ling has been stuck in the corner by her, and there is no way to retreat.

"Come on, come on, that day at the top of the dusty peak, there was no winner or loser, tonight we will see a high and low, labor and management will convince you!" Ye

Ling was very annoyed, and the momentum around him exploded, and he was going to have a big battle with Mu Yanxue next.


Suddenly, a leisurely sigh ...... sounded in his ears

"Asking what is the situation in the world, it is called life and death, the sky and the north are double flyers, and the old wings are cold and hot several times. Happy and fun, parting bitter, there are even more crazy children...... "

What, isn't this the poem that I improvised on the stone wall the day before yesterday when I missed my senior sister and became ill?"

Ye Ling listened to Mu Yanxue read it out at this moment, and the momentum around him plummeted, and he lost his temper in an instant.

"Senior Sister Mu, don't read it, I beg you to leave quickly. "

Why should I go? I came this time to show my heart to you......"

Mu Yanxue looked at Ye Ling, her enthusiasm was like fire, and her eyes showed a warmth that she had never seen before.

It's obviously the rhythm of bad dishes, why are these eyes so familiar?

By the way, in his previous life, he once saw his girlfriend in love like this.

Could it be that this woman is interesting to herself?

Ye Ling suddenly had two heads, and he and his senior sister hadn't yet figured it out, and there was another Mu Yanxue!

The question seemed to have become a little tricky.

However, as a person who has come over, he still looks at this problem very rationally, after all, everyone has the right to pursue love, and the world of cultivating immortals is no exception......

"That, Senior Sister Mu, you said that you are here to show your heart to me, right?"

"That's right, Senior Brother Ye, let me tell you, in fact, I just pretended to be frivolous, just to test whether you have concentration.

"Senior Sister Mu, do you think this is interesting?"

"Don't interrupt, after you listen to me, in fact, the time Dusty Peak fought each other, I knew that you were a man with an unlimited future, and you would definitely reach the peak of the Immortal Dao in the future

!" "I can't say it, I love to hear it!" "

Just imagine, who is willing to hit a person who praises and worships him, Ye Ling is naturally no exception.

In this way, Ye Ling's precautions against Mu Yanxue were a little less noticed.

And Mu Yanxue's speech is still continuing to ......

"Senior Brother Ye, through the temptation of you just now, I have seen the shining ...... from you again


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