In Tang Wanzhi's boudoir, Ye Ling sat down on a bamboo chair, and then looked around.

The senior sister is very good at arranging, which is completely different from her big horn's personality.

The room can be said to be warm and elegant, clean and new, and every inch of the place is full of a faint virgin fragrance.

It's just that under this comfortable pattern, there is a faint imperceptible change in it.

"Senior sister, has your wardrobe been sealed?" Ye

Ling subconsciously glanced in the direction of the wardrobe, and at that moment, Tang Wanzhi's porcelain-white face was immediately occupied by a touch of crimson.

"It's not because you ......"

"Because of me?"

Listening to Tang Wanzhi's words, Ye Ling was full of confusion.

"Yes, it's because of you.

"Senior sister, this is strange for you, I am a decent gentleman, have I done anything out of the ordinary after being with you for so long?"

Tang Wan subconsciously thought for a moment before slowly speaking.

"Senior brother, don't say it, it's really not ......"

But as soon as Tang Wanzhi's words fell, Ye Ling suddenly blushed.

His thoughts flew back to the Xuanshui Sword Abyss, to the front of the Yunyu Peak Beast Tide, and to the ...... of the gambling incident between him and Jiang Xinrou

In this way, the senior sister's worries are related to this ......

He felt that it was necessary to clarify this matter with his senior sister again, but the moment he looked up, he saw that his senior sister had returned to normal ......

"Senior brother, don't get me wrong, all the seals in my closet are spirit stones, that's the hard-earned money we earned, I'm afraid of losing it, of course I'm going to seal it all at once." "

Oh, that's it...... "

Senior sister, senior sister, your reason is too far-fetched.

Whose spirit stones are not carried with them? The treasure bag is super large in space, and it is not a problem to hold millions of spirit stones.

At this moment, Ye Ling even had the urge to open his senior sister's wardrobe to take a look.

However, he soon became ashamed of his bizarre ideas.

Ye Ling, Ye Ling, you are a person with great ambitions, how can you go around on a few pairs of underwear all day long

?" "Senior sister, I don't care too much about your private life, didn't you just want to teach me some Douyin Golden Spirit Technique?"

"Okay, junior brother, I'll teach you ...... now"

Seeing that Ye Ling was studious and motivated, Tang Wanzhi then left the short episode just now ......

"This Douyin Golden Spiritual Recipe is actually quite cumbersome, it took me a whole year to understand it thoroughly. "

Ah, Senior Sister, won't it......"

Thinking that a talented and intelligent person like Senior Sister has spent a whole year, so if it were me, I don't know how long it would take?

Even if I understand faster than Senior Sister, it will take at least half a year to make a discount.

This also means that he and his senior sister can't talk to each other for at least half a year.

Hey, the heavens don't fulfill people's wishes, what else can be done except to slowly enlighten ......

At this time, Ye Ling's ears heard the light call of senior sister Tang Wanzhi......

"Senior brother, you are watching me carefully now.

After instructing Ye Ling, Tang Wanzhi sat on the bamboo chair next to him, slowly stretched out his right arm, took out his right palm, and gently held the cage ......

"First of all, the first step is to condense spiritual power, by the way, according to your current Jindan realm, you need to make a Douyin Golden Spirit Recipe, which requires a cultivation.

"If you want to improve his secrecy and timeliness, you have to use 20%, 30% or even higher level of cultivation.

At the same time as Tang Wanzhi spoke, the fingers of his right palm shrank slightly.

With the soft sound of "Teng", there was a golden light cluster condensed by spiritual power in the palm of his right hand.

Tang Wanzhi slowly lifted up the golden light cluster, only a foot away from his face.

"Senior brother, you can speak in this way, but you have to pay attention to the fact that when you speak, your mouth must be accurate. "

Mouth shape?" Ye Ling was a little puzzled.

"Yes, lip shape, you see that the golden light cluster in my hand is condensed with the mental method of Douyin Golden Spirit Jue, and the core element of Douyin Golden Spirit Jue is to record the mouth shape, understand?"

"Senior sister, I understand. "

Okay, listen to it......"

Tang Wanzhi smiled and shook it lightly with his hand, the golden light cluster shattered in response, and the voice packet wrapped inside was also released at the same time.

The conversation between him and his sister had just been replayed in its entirety, and the effect was flawless, almost comparable to modern recording equipment.

"Senior brother, do you think this is very simple?" After the performance, Tang Wanzhi clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Senior sister, you think it's simple because you are talented and intelligent, and your junior brother's qualifications are dull, so you may not be ......

" "Okay, junior brother.

Tang Wanzhi smiled softly and interrupted Ye Ling's words ......

"Don't shoot Senior Sister's sycophants, I'll teach you the mental method of Douyin Jin Lingjue below......"

As she spoke, Tang Wanzhi's face gradually became solemn, and as her palm opened slightly, another golden light cluster appeared on the palm.

It's just that this light cluster is a little more condensed than the last time.

"Senior brother, don't resist Ha ......"

Before the words fell, Tang Wan's hand waved, and there was a soft sound of "bang", and the golden light directly hit Ye Ling's body.

The next moment, Ye Ling knew that there were more memories of Douyin Jin Lingjue.

Those runes, similar to long and short waves, were varied and as complex as memorizing a dictionary.

But now, Ye Ling felt that he had mastered it all, and if he wanted to, he could even use it.

Ye Ling was a little puzzled, but in his mind, he suddenly reflected the picture of Tianshan Tong's grandmother passing on the merits in the film and television drama in his previous life, and he instantly understood what was going on.

Others may need to meditate on this set of exercises for a year, two years, or even three years, but he will be favored by his senior sister and will have it in an instant.

In the future, as long as he practiced a little, he could use it freely, and Ye Ling was naturally very happy.

But I felt uneasy when I thought that my senior sister was going to lose her cultivation in order to quickly master the Douyin Golden Spirit Technique and directly enter her own sea of knowledge.

It took him a long time to return to his normal ...... from his state of distraction

"Senior sister, thank you.

"Don't thank me for it, try it." Tang Wanzhi said with a smile.

"Good. Immediately

, Ye Ling followed Tang Wanzhi's example and slowly stretched out his palm, and after a while, a condensed air mass emitting golden light appeared in Ye Ling's palm.

Ye Ling shouted softly at the air mass......

"Senior sister, I love you!"

"Senior brother, what are you talking about?"

Tang Wanzhi frowned slightly, obviously not understanding.

"Nothing. Ye Ling smiled awkwardly.

Tang Wan's face was suspicious, and a magic trick popped up, breaking the golden qi mass in Ye Ling's hand, and the voice package inside was instantly released ......

"I love you, junior brother, what does this mean, you are really engaged in recruiting me!"

"Senior sister, it's really not interesting......"

"Say it quickly!".

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