Ye Ling smiled, and directly reached out and pushed the two treasure bags back ......

"Senior brother, I said, I won't accept your spirit stones, it's not early, you eat quickly, go back to the mountain early when you're full, come one person

and one ......" Ye Ling said, distributing bamboo rats to a few people one by one, and a few people had no choice but to take it.

Although the taste of bamboo rat is very good, it tastes like a swallow medicine for a few people.

Finally managed to finish eating, several people quietly avoided Ye Ling's sight, put the spirit stone on their bodies on the stone table, and hugged their fists.

"Senior Brother Ye, thank you for your hospitality, and we will leave.

"Well, since you insist on leaving, the junior brother will not keep you any longer, are you still satisfied with the senior brother's hospitality today?"

"Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied."

"That's good, I have time to come often......"

Before Ye Ling's words fell, a few people ran away.

Isn't that a matter of human life!

At this time, Ye Ling turned his head and found the spirit stone placed on the stone table, and hurriedly shouted outside the cave.

"Senior brothers, you forgot to bring your spirit stones. "

Senior Brother Ye, that's all for you, how can we as senior brothers eat junior brother's things for nothing?" "It's

just a meal, you guys are so polite......"

Ye Ling chased out of the cave and found that several people had long been gone.

"Hey, you see this is a ...... thing"

Ye Ling sighed helplessly, put away the treasure bag on the table, and put it in a secret place.

"I will never accept this spirit stone, you underestimate my character too much, it is enough to have a big family like Senior Brother Gao, you guys, forget it." "

Well, just wait until the next time you come, just return the spirit stone to them.

As a result, for more than ten days, Ye Ling did not wait for their arrival, but Ye Ling's realm once again increased by two layers, reaching the sixth layer of the Jindan realm.

Ye Ling cultivated at night and studied martial arts and formations during the day.

"Miscellaneous Spirit Divine Formula", "Five Elements Broken Gang Fingers" and "Ancient Five Elements Array" have all improved to varying degrees.

Especially in "Five Elements Broken Gang Finger", it has been almost ten days since the last time three cold iron swords were broken at once.

This time, Ye Ling experimented with six swords, and the result was that one finger was also broken.

Ye Ling was in a good mood, full of spirits, running the five elements and breaking his fingers, instantly full of anger, only listening to the sound of sighing, and a line of words was quickly engraved above the entrance of the cave......

"If he succeeds in Ling Yunzhi one day, he dares to laugh at Ye Ling's husband. "

The handwriting is vigorous and powerful, domineering and majestic.

Not far away, the head of the house bowed slightly, and said with a smile: "This son has the spirit of my year, and it is a good material...... "

In a moment, the candidate to go to the Shenlong Kingdom already has a plan in his heart.

"Whoa, whoa. Suddenly

, two dog barks interrupted the master's thoughts, looking at the big yellow dog in front of him, the head hurriedly raised his hands in surrender.

After that, he rode away from the wind.

Here, Ye Ling heard the dog barking, and his heart couldn't help but move!

"Ah Huang is here, it's Ah Huang!"

In the distance, a agile figure appeared.

"Senior sister, it must be Senior Sister who sent Ah Huang here......" Ah Huang's

arrival was like a thunderbolt, causing waves to surge on Ye Ling's originally calm heart lake.

Ye Ling ran wildly on the rugged mountain road, leaving behind a large area of grass and jungle in an instant.

After a few breaths, he finally met Ah Huang in front of a rock.

"Woo, woo~"

Ah Huang kept circling around him, swinging his tail and shaking his head.

As if to say to him, buddy, you are really not interesting, and you don't say a word when you leave, which makes me think so bitterly.

"Blame me, blame me.

Ye Ling gently rubbed Ah Huang's head, but found a letter in Ah Huang's mouth.

"Ah Huang, tell me, did my senior sister ask you to give me this letter?"

"Woo woo~"

Ah Huang let out a whining sound and wagged his tail at the same time.

Seeing this, Ye Ling was overjoyed, took off the letterhead, and after unfolding it, he found that the handwriting of the senior sister was indeed ......

"Senior brother, the master has been out for three days, if you have time, can you go up the mountain and cook a meal for

me?" "Could it be that the master allowed me to go up the mountain?"

Holding the letter from the senior sister in his hand, Ye Ling felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart, but after thinking about it, it was not right.

If Shizun really allowed himself to go up the mountain, then why did Shizun go out in the senior sister's letter.

No matter.

Since it was an invitation from the senior sister, it must not be as simple as cooking a meal.

Thinking of this, Ye Ling couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

At that moment, he didn't dare to delay, and patted Ah Huang's head softly.

"Ah Huang, senior sister called me to go up the mountain, let's go ......"

as he spoke.

He directly sacrificed the Traceless Sword, and together with Ah Huang, walked in the direction of the Chengyu Palace.

After more than a dozen breaths, Ye Ling had already seen the main entrance of the Chengyu Palace.

A woman, standing against the railing, dressed in white, holy as a fairy, with such a temperament, who else but the senior

sister?" "Senior sister, is it you?"

In a blink of an eye, Ye Ling took Tang Wanzhi's hand and stared at the two Wang Shenhong, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Tang Wanzhi smiled bitterly and said softly: "Senior brother, you see that you have lost weight, isn't it bitter at the bottom of the mountain?"

As he spoke, his porcelain white hand subconsciously stroked Ye Ling's cheek, and his gentle movements contained a full sense of pampering.

Ye Ling smiled sourly: "It's not bitter, it's just that I miss the days with my senior sister, and I look forward to being able to go back to the time before my master didn't come......

" "Do you really think so?"

Tang Wanzhi blinked and turned his head to look at Ye Ling.

Ye Ling suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the painting style, so he frowned and asked.

"Senior sister, did you call me really so that I could cook you a meal?"

"Yes, not all.

As he spoke, the sadness in the corners of Tang Wanzhi's eyes and eyebrows faded, and turned into a look of secrecy.

"Senior brother, I want to teach you the unique sound transmission secret of our Yun Yufeng

, Douyin Golden Spirit Formula?!" "Douyin Golden Spirit Formula?"

Ye Ling was slightly stunned, and then his face suddenly ......

"It's the same as the master's sound transmission flame technique?" Tang

Wanzhi nodded.

"Senior brother is smart, and he can understand it at all. However, the master of the master is practicing fire attribute exercises, which is different from ours, so the specific exercise methods are also different. "

Senior sister, is it true that each peak has different sound transmission techniques according to the different attributes of the spiritual power they cultivate?" Ye Ling asked.

"That's right, junior brother, that's what it looks like, without further ado, before the master comes back, I will try to teach you this technique. With that

, Tang Wanzhi began to warm up and prepare for the exercise. Beside him, Ye Ling ...... with a look of interest

"Now it's okay, if I have anything to say in the future, I can directly transmit it to my senior sister. "

Senior brother, don't be too happy, when the master is here, you still don't give me a message.

"Why did Senior Sister say that?" Ye Ling was puzzled.

"Hmph, if one day it is intercepted and cracked by the master and discovers a little secret between us that shouldn't be let him know, you will be miserable......"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Ling felt that his forehead was poked fiercely......

"So, you'd better be careful. "

I know, senior sister. "

I thought that after learning this Douyin Golden Spiritual Formula, I could secretly give my senior sister a few words in my heart, and put the words that I was ashamed to say in front of my face on weekdays and put them in Douyin Jue.

But after being poured down by Tang Wan's basin of cold water, Ye Ling instantly sobered up ......

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