At this time, Feng Lingqian slowly came out of the queue and said in a deep voice.

"Senior sister, I have discussed with a few senior brothers just now, since you have decided to accept this miscellaneous spirit root, then I think there is something I still have to discuss with you. "

Hmph, I can't take care of the previous things, and I don't want to take care of them, but I can promise Senior Brother Feng that from today onwards, this miscellaneous spirit root will never cause you trouble again......"

Yun Tian's words moved Ye Ling for a while.

Who said that the master did not recognize himself, wasn't what he said just now a kind of protection for himself?

Ye Ling's emotion didn't last for a few seconds, when he heard Yun Tian say again: "If Senior Brother Feng is really unsettled, you can solve the previous matter privately, I can't control it, and I don't want to take care of it." "

It's the same person, why is there such a huge contrast between before and after

?Master, have you taken me as an apprentice?

Ye Ling's belief in Master Zun just now collapsed in an instant, but he thought that he would still be able to be with Senior Sister every day in the future, and his mood was not so depressed.

At this time, Feng Lingqian sneered and ......

"Senior Sister Yun really doesn't care

?" Yun Tian's body trembled, and he shouted: "Senior Brother Feng, please say it directly, why do you nagging like a woman?"

"Okay, what I want is the words of Senior Sister." As

he spoke, Feng Lingqian clenched his fists and stretched out his finger to point at the traceless sword path on Ye Ling's back.

"Senior sister, you, a miscellaneous spirit root disciple, used some despicable means to forcibly steal the traceless sword of my Spirit Sword Peak.

"You also know this Traceless Sword, it is the treasure of my Spirit Sword Peak. "

If Senior Sister Yun still recognizes me as this senior brother, then please let this apprentice of your return the Traceless Sword to Spirit Sword Peak, I Feng Lingqian is grateful!"

Yun Tian ignored Feng Lingqian, but turned his body slightly, facing Ye Ling ......

"Is the Traceless Sword on your back?"

"Exactly, Master!" Ye Ling replied.

"Show me!"

"Yes, Master.

Ye Ling reached out and took off the Traceless Sword from his back, which was about to be handed over to Yun Tian.

saw an arc of light flash, and the Traceless Sword returned to its original position by itself.

Yun Tianyu's hand trembled, snorted lightly, and did not speak.

Ye Ling frowned, and his consciousness penetrated into the sea ......

"Senior sister, why are you disrespectful to your master

?" "Hmph, a half-old, why did she touch me?"

the voice of the sword spirit came, very reluctantly.

"Obedient, Shizun just looks at you, you are so beautiful and so domineering, and it is normal for everyone to love you. "

Hey, senior brother is really, why do you care about her so much?"

"Senior sister, you don't understand, after all, she is my master, as the saying goes, a teacher for one day, a father for life......

" "Okay, okay, senior sister knows, I didn't expect you to be quite affectionate......"

Ye Ling's words were interrupted by the sword spirit before he finished speaking, and at the same time, the sword spirit also flew into Yun Tian's hand by itself.

All this seems to be a long time, but in fact, it has been completed between the electric flashes.

As if sensing that the Traceless Sword had recognized Ye Ling, Yun Tian nodded subconsciously.

She pulled out the Traceless Sword, and a dazzling white light filled the audience, instantly blinding everyone's eyes......

"Such a strong aura, yes, the Traceless Sword can't be wrong. With a

"choking" sound, the traceless sword was put into the sheath and returned to Ye Ling's hand.

At the same time, Yun Tian said slowly.

"Senior Brother Feng, since the Traceless Sword has recognized Ye Ling as the master, then what else do I have to say, which disciple of your Spirit Sword Peak has the ability, and you can also let the Traceless Sword recognize him as the master!"

"Since Senior Sister Yun is so unreasonable, then don't blame Senior Brother, I'm ruthless!"

"Senior Brother Feng, am I still afraid of you?"

Yun Tian was also not to be outdone, with a move of his jade hand, the golden frost sword came out of its sheath, and in an instant, the golden light was dazzling, and the cold aura was pressing.

In the field, the sound of sighs was ......endless

"The Golden Frost Sword really deserves its reputation.

"It seems that Senior Brother Feng is going to suffer......"

At this time, Ye Ling ...... in his mind

"It's just a piece of broken copper and iron, what is there to be proud of, hum ......"

The disdainful voice of the sword spirit sounded, and Ye Ling was speechless.

"Senior sister, let's keep a low profile, okay? Don't make trouble for me anymore, you see how difficult the situation is to deal with today. "

What are you afraid of a manly husband, there is a junior sister to carry around for

you, you are afraid of a hammer, hum!" "Okay, okay, I admit that you are powerful, okay, calm and calm, can you keep me calm?"

"Knowing senior brother, I won't cause you a lot of trouble, you can rest assured......" "

By the way, senior brother, I won't go back to Jianyuan, I have already had enough of those kind of bitter days."

"If Feng Lingqian is not convinced, you can play a game with him...... Ye

Ling said in surprise: "What game?"

"So stupid, recognize the master of the game, when the time comes, you put me in the middle, and then let me choose the master myself."

"Okay, since Senior Sister is determined to follow me, I will definitely not let you down. "

Sword Spirit's proposal is undoubtedly the best way to solve the matter.

After communicating with the sword spirit, Ye Ling's gaze returned to the field, at this time, the atmosphere on the scene had been suppressed to the extreme, and the master Yun Tian and Feng Ling were tense, and the battle was about to break out.

The head of the house was between the two, with an angry face.

"If the two of you make a move today, you will kill my senior brother first...... "

After all, they are in charge, and the two naturally dare not be contemptuous, but they are both arrogant people, and no one is willing to admit defeat, and they are in a stalemate for a while.

At this time, Ye Ling walked in front of the head and hugged his fists.

"Master Master, I have a way to resolve the dispute between me and Master Feng. "

Hey, Master Ye's nephew, if there is a good way, just say it, don't sell it, you will ......" The head patted Ye Ling on the shoulder, and he had both trust and weight.

"Okay, then you're welcome. As

he spoke, Ye Ling slowly walked to the opposite side of Feng Lingqian and gave a salute: "Uncle Feng, since the Traceless Sword has a spirit, why don't we let it make its own choice?"

As soon as Ye Ling's words came out, Feng Lingqian immediately understood in seconds, and immediately gritted his teeth and ......

"Okay, if the Traceless Sword willingly recognizes you as its master, I have nothing to say. "

Uncle Feng is really refreshing!" Ye

Ling praised and continued.

"I'll put the Traceless in the middle now, and we'll step back from each other.

"If the Traceless Sword recognizes you as its master, it will naturally fly to you on its own, and vice versa.

"In order to prevent you from saying that I cheat, let's do it three times in a row, if each time it is the same result, then what should we do, Uncle Feng, then I don't need to say it, right?"

Feng Lingqian nodded, his face solemn ......

"That's a good idea, I agree.

"All the uncles and uncles present also make a ......witness,"

Ye Ling clasped his fists at the several leaders, and then placed the Traceless Sword in the center of the council hall.

The next moment, the Traceless Sword, which had been placed horizontally on the ground, stood up on ......its own

"Sure enough, the sword has a spirit, and it is not stained with dust. It

means that the Traceless Sword loves to be clean, I don't know if it is deliberate, after saying that, Ye Ling even found that the Traceless Sword body also shook his body slightly.

According to the agreement, the two of them each stepped back, and they were more than a foot away from the traceless sword.

"Let's start......"

Beginning to recognize the master, Ye Ling and Feng Lingqian both closed their eyes, waiting for a moment ...... worry

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