For about a quarter of an hour, the Traceless Sword did not move.

Not only Ye Ling was surprised, but several leaders in the audience also began to talk about ...... in a whisper

"What's going on?Didn't the Miscellaneous Spirit Root disciple get

the Traceless Sword to recognize the master?" "Yes, why is the Traceless Sword still slow to move

?" "Could it be that as Senior Brother Feng said, the so-called recognition of the Lord in the mouth of the Miscellaneous Spirit Root is a scam?"

"Well, I think it's eighty percent, hey, you see, you see, the Traceless Sword has moved......

" "Yes, the direction is actually towards Senior Brother Feng, it seems that a lie is about to be exposed......"

At this time, Ye Ling slowly opened his eyes, and sure enough, as several leaders said, the Traceless Sword was slowly moving in the direction of Feng Lingqian.

The speed is comparable to that of

a snail? No! I don't know how many times slower than a snail.

However, it was moving in the direction of Feng Ling Qian after all, and no one could refute this, including Ye Ling.

At this moment, Feng Lingqian's face was full of pride, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were filled with joy ...... from the heart

"I'll communicate with the Traceless Sword Spirit and make it a little faster!" Feng

Lingqian closed his eyes with confidence, opened his mind and communicated with the Sword Spirit.

But for a moment, he opened his eyes, his face full of shock ......

"What's the matter? The sword spirit actually turned off his divine sense and didn't communicate with me, so I'll wait slowly.

At this time, Zhang Qianhe next to him also echoed: "Senior Brother Feng is a little restless, just wait patiently." "

Yes, Senior Brother Feng, you have been cultivating the Traceless Sword for many years, and you have a deep affection for each other, how could the Sword Spirit abandon you to choose someone else to recognize the master?"

"Haha, I, Long Dingtian, guarantee that the Traceless Sword will definitely return to Senior Brother Feng's hands......"

Before his words fell, the painting style changed sharply, and the Traceless Sword suddenly turned around, and in an exclamation, An An fell back and returned to Ye Ling's back.

Ye Ling looked at Long Dingtian, and a harmless smile appeared on his face.

But in Long Dingtian's opinion, this is more uncomfortable than killing him.

At this moment, his face was flushed and swollen, and he didn't dare to face Ye Ling's eyes.

Several of the other leaders also lowered their heads, not daring to make eye contact with the sharp eyes of the three masters and apprentices of Yun Yufeng.

Of course, Feng Lingqian didn't expect this to be the result, you trembled, and looked at Ye Ling with resentful eyes......

"I'm not convinced, come again. "

Okay, it was originally a three-game ......"

The second time, Ye Ling found that the Traceless Sword was slowly moving towards his side first.

Halfway to Feng Lingqian, at the moment when Feng Lingqian was almost within reach, it fell back on Ye Ling's back.

Ye Ling smiled bitterly, this is clearly the sword spirit playing tricks on people......

"Senior sister, what are you doing here? back and forth. "

Create suspense, senior brother, I don't mean anything else, I just want to tease Feng Lingqian's old fashioned play."

"Senior sister, you're really funny, Uncle Feng doesn't look like a bad guy." "

Hmph, originally I was able to move freely in the entire Xuanshui Thousands of Miles Water, but didn't this old thing confine me in the Quenching Heart Pool, wasn't the purpose so that I could recover quickly, so that I could recognize him as the master?"

"Senior sister, after all, he has raised you for so many years, and there is no merit and hard work, I advise you to be forgiving and forgiving, if you have anything to say to him directly, it will also save him from thinking about you." "

Well, senior brother, you're right, I'll tell him to ......,"

the sword spirit said, and his breath was hidden.

Ye Ling put away the Traceless Sword, glanced at Feng Lingqian, who had a depressed face, and sighed.

"Uncle Feng, do you want to try again?"

"Master Ye, I am willing to gamble and lose, the Traceless Sword is yours......"

The corners of Feng Lingqian's lips twitched slightly, his face was pale, and the whole person seemed to have aged for many years all of a sudden, which made people feel pity when they saw it.

Ye Ling originally wanted to comfort him, but he saw a trace of essence suddenly burst out in his dim eyes......

"Wait a minute, the sword spirit is communicating with me......

" "I knew there would be variables, so don't make a sound."

Next to him, Long Dingtian's voice came, and for the sake of the face just now, he was very eager to win back a city.

But after only a few breaths, a soft phantom left his body and returned to the Traceless Sword.

And at this time, Ye Ling's ears also heard Feng Lingqian's leisurely sigh ......

"Hey, I may have overestimated myself, rank up, farewell!" With

that, Feng Ling turned around and was about to leave.

"Senior Brother Feng, what do you mean, what's going on? Why do you throw a stuffy gourd for everyone?"

Behind him, Long Dingtian's voice came.

Several leaders couldn't hold back their doubts and asked about the situation.

Feng Ling said: "Thanks to the concern of several senior brothers and sisters, Feng has thanked me." The sword spirit just told me that in the entire Ten Thousand Swords Sect, only Master Ye's nephew has the five elements spiritual power it needs, and it can complement and integrate with it......"

Before the words fell, Ye Ling immediately felt a series of blazing eyes coming towards him, there was eagerness, envy, and all kinds of emotions were complex and intertwined.

As if to say.

How could he, a miscellaneous spirit root, be able to gain the favor of the Traceless Sword?

Feng Lingqian left in a dejected manner, and the entire council hall became silent.

After a short silence, the head of the house suddenly spoke, and a warm smile resurfaced on his face.

"A few junior brothers and sisters, do you have anything else?"

Several of the first seats glanced at each other, and Zhang Qianhe hugged his fists first.

"Junior brothers and sisters, compared to the Traceless Sword, the little spirit stone pill that Senior Nephew Ye obtained from my Yanmu Peak is nothing. "

In this way, I won't pursue it, besides, Senior Nephew Ye is Senior Sister Yun's disciple after all, it doesn't matter if I don't give face to Senior Nephew Ye, it's your face that you always have to give." "

Haha, Senior Sister Yun, are you right?"

Zhang Qianhe is Yun Tian's senior brother after all, and he took the initiative to show favor at this moment, no matter how big Yun Tian is, he can't refute the face of his senior brother.

Immediately said to Ye Ling.

"Thank you, Uncle Zhang. "

Yes, Master.

Ye Ling agreed, and then symbolically thanked Zhang Qianhe.

Several leaders were stunned when they saw Zhang Qianhe, and immediately said that they were not guilty of Ye Ling's past, but told Yun Tian to strictly restrain Ye Ling.

Face project, Yun Tian naturally agreed one by one.

There was no danger in this matter, and it passed like this.

However, the knots in the hearts of several leaders have not been unsolved after all.

Outside the Council Chamber.

Several of the first seats gathered around ......

Long Dingtian said: "Wait until the seventh peak martial arts, and kill that kid's sharp ......

" didn't think about it, but was heard by Ye Ling: "Uncle Long, you are so old, why is your killing heart still so heavy?"


Long Dingtian was embarrassed, his old face was blue and white for a while, and he hurriedly put on a smiling face.

"Master Ye, you misunderstood, I'm not talking about you......

" "Oh, there are six masters and uncles in the first seat of the Seven Peaks here, could it be that Master Long is talking about the master uncle?"

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