Senior sister, I think you have misunderstood, I have already reduced the amplitude of the Thunderbolt Fire Array to a minimum, okay?

The head smiled bitterly, but he didn't dare to say what was in his heart, after all, there were so many ears listening.

He is a master of favoritism, if this result is confirmed, then the next person to enter the thunderbolt fire array is probably him.

At this time, the person who came to the ground fluttered, wearing a mask trimmed with gold wire, and couldn't see the true face, but the familiar temperament couldn't be faked.

When Tang Wanzhi saw it, he was very excited, and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Master, are you back, Wan'er misses you so ......much"

"Hmph, my mouth is like smeared with honey, I just don't let me worry, I'll settle accounts with you later!"

Beside him, Ye Ling couldn't calm ......down

"Senior sister, this must be the master, right?"

"Yes......" Tang Wanzhi replied lightly.

Getting the answer from her senior sister's mouth, Ye Ling was both excited and nervous.

I finally met the master who had been thinking about it for a long time, but I didn't know if the master liked his ...... or not

Ye Ling's thoughts were chaotic, and in a moment, the oppression of the Thunderbolt Fire Array suddenly increased several times, like a mountain.

The joints were all clicking, and the two of them fell directly to the ground, with no power to fight back.

The head secretly threw a trace of spiritual power into the formation to relieve the pressure on the two, and then smiled bitterly: "Senior sister, you misunderstood, okay to

listen to my explanation?" "My apprentices are about to be abused to death by you, I still listen to your explanation, do you have that need?"

Yun Tian sneered again and again, with a move of his hand, the Golden Frost Sword was unsheathed, and at that moment, the red gold was everywhere, and the brilliance was dazzling!

"Golden Frost Sword?!"

"Senior Sister Yun is worth the trip, the Golden Frost Sword is still for him!"

"This year's seven summit martial arts, I'm afraid there are variables again, hey......"

As soon as the Golden Frost Sword came out, several of the first ones immediately showed a worried look.

The yellow sand wears gold armor in a hundred battles, and Loulan will not be returned if it is not broken.

The Golden Frost Sword had been coveted by countless powerhouses, and after many unknown hardships, Yun Tian finally got its ......

"Break!" The

Golden Frost Sword was really strong, and with a fierce and incomparable sword qi coming out, the thunderbolt fire array shattered!

"Senior brother, I'm sorry......"

As he spoke, Yun Tian stretched out his hand, and an incomparably powerful golden spiritual power was sacrificed, and Tang Wanzhi's light body was directly lifted out of the ...... outside the formation

"Wan'er, let the teacher take a look, are

you injured?" "Back to the master, although the apprentice was violently suppressed in the formation just now, he was not injured, I don't believe it I tried to show you......"

Saying that, Tang Wanzhi practiced boxing a few times and confirmed that his beloved apprentice was really fine, and Yun Tian was relieved.

Master, and what about me......

At this time, Ye Ling, who was still in the array, was a little embarrassed, Shizun only cared about his senior sister just now, and seemed to have no notice of his existence at all.

Or did they not know that they had accepted such an apprentice as him?

Wait a little longer, the master must have forgotten ...... for the time being

When thinking like this, Ye Ling found that Yun Tian didn't look back, and directly took Tang Wanzhi's hand, which was clearly about to leave.

Fortunately, at this time, the head of the door opened his ......

"Senior Sister Yun stays. "

What, Senior Brother still wants to hold me accountable for destroying the Thunderbolt Fire?" Yun Tian's expression couldn't be seen clearly, but there was obvious anger in his cold words.

"No, junior sister, the thunderbolt fire array is not worth mentioning, senior brother can repair it by himself in the future. I'm talking about your second apprentice, it's better for you and a few senior brothers and sisters to settle it completely today. "

Second apprentice, when did I have a second apprentice?" Yun

Tian's questioning voice came, and the head coughed lightly and said.

"Well, junior sister, Ye Ling is the miscellaneous spirit root disciple I collected for you, and the right to be your Yunyu Peak outer gate miscellaneous servant, since you are not there, you have always been taught by the late master and nephew......"

Yun Tian's gaze slowly turned to Ye Ling, Ye Ling was in ecstasy at the moment, and his heart was like a deer.

Shizun looks at me, Shizun, you finally look at me, and you care about me like you care about your sister......

"Are you a miscellaneous spirit root!?"

Hearing this, Ye Ling was struck by lightning.

Originally, I thought that the master was in a good mood after winning the Golden Frost Sword, and he would shush him, a new disciple, and ask for warmth.

But now it seems that his master's contempt for the Miscellaneous Spirit Root is not weaker than that of other people......

"Senior brother, junior brother, the master is asking you!" Ye

Ling was stunned, and suddenly heard the senior sister calling softly, he realized that he had lost his temper, and hurriedly bowed to Yun Tian respectfully.

"Master, the disciple is a miscellaneous spirit root!"

Who knows, Yun Tian turned his head to face the head as if he hadn't heard him speak.

"Senior brother, you just said that you recruited this disciple, right?"

The head hurriedly replied with a courteous face: "Yes, senior sister."

"Okay, since I didn't recruit him, then what does it matter to me if he makes a mistake?" Wan'er, let's go, let's ......go"

Saying, Yun Tian pulled Tang Wanzhi and left, Tang Wanzhi turned around one step at a time, and kept looking back at Ye Ling, his eyes were full of reluctance.

Ye Ling smiled bitterly, he had just been ignored by Yun Tian, and his mood had fallen to a low point, but now looking at the meaning of the master, it was clear that he didn't want to recognize him as a disciple.

Hey, what can I do about

this? He once promised to protect his senior sister for the rest of his life, but this promise has not been fulfilled, okay

? He has not repaid

his senior sister for his kindness? If he didn't have his senior sister, he believed that his world would be a gloomy place!

Ye Ling's head was in a mess, and the arrogance in his bones in the past had become messy at this moment.

At this moment, several whispered talking ...... came from his ears

"As I said, how could Senior Sister Yun accept a Miscellaneous Spirit Root disciple?"

"Regardless of whether Senior Sister Yun accepts it or not, he must pay the price for the goods he broke into!" "When Senior Sister Yun

leaves, we will settle accounts with him......"

The last sentence was extremely low, but it was still heard clearly by Ye Ling.

If it had been in normal times, he would have exploded long ago.

However, at this moment, he really doesn't have that mood, just like a rootless duckweed, drifting with the tide, and there will never be a day ...... see the other side

"Hey, I said Miscellaneous Spirit Root, what are you still doing there

?" This voice is

Shizun! Is she talking about me?"

"Eh, Senior Sister~

" "Let's go, Shizun called you back." Seeing Tang Wanzhi beckoning, Ye Ling believed his judgment.

After getting such a definite result, his mood instantly took a 180-degree turn.

On top of a handsome face, it also glows with a strange brilliance.

The smile bloomed at that moment, incomparably sunny, incomparably bright......

"Yes, Master!"

Ye Ling agreed, his originally heavy legs were like being loaded with hot wheels, and every movement carried the wind.

Ye Ling felt that he was doing it again in an instant, and it was different to have a backbone and not have a backbone.

He quickly walked to Yun Tian's side and saluted respectfully again: "Thank you Master for being able to accept your disciples, and you should repay the kindness of knowing the spring."

"Well, you're very well-behaved, let's talk about it when you go back." With that

, Yun Tian took the lead in turning around and walked towards the outside of the council hall to ......

"Senior Sister Yun stays, Senior Brother has something to talk about......"

At this time, Feng Lingqian's words came, Yun Tian turned around, and a cold voice came from under the mask......

"Senior Brother Feng, what's the matter?".

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