In that world, the figure of Immortal Yang Mei seemed to be infinitely magnified, standing in the center of the world, high in the sky.

The primitive creatures are like ants, living on the ground and looking up at Yang Mei.

In the chaos, Chen Fan, who understood this scene, couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

After all, Yang Mei is Yang Mei. Compared with Hongjun, a scheming guy, she is far behind in some aspects.

It's no wonder that he fell into the scheme and formed a deadly feud.

Just this preaching posture alone is enough to make a judgment.

Yang Mei's so-called preaching was just to highlight her own strength and deliberately disgust Hongjun.

So much so that he doesn't care about the many thoughts of the primitive creatures, and he has no intention of forming good karma.

In his eyes, all living beings in the wild are no more than ants and can be easily crushed to death.

It is their honor to be able to preach to these ants.

In this way, the postures of Taoist Ancestor Hongjun and Yangmei Immortal made a judgment.

After all, one is kind-hearted and the other is conceited.

After this preaching, it is really hard to say whether Hongjun can really lose his face.


Chapter 121

The sound is loud, the great road is invisible, it can be understood but not seen...

In the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun's voice is like the evolution of Tao. When Tao is born, the golden lotus is infinite, falling beside many great powers.

Endless Dao rhyme spreads out, covering all living beings in Zixiao Palace.

Especially the creatures on the eight futons.

The Qi they revealed clearly has the potential to break through to the peak of Daluo Jinxian.

Except for Dijun and Taiyi, they were unable to break out of this current predicament because they lacked corresponding methods.

And this method that is most suitable for the current prehistoric world is exactly the method that Hongjun understood to kill three corpses.

Chen Fan's figure quietly appeared in Zixiao Palace, above the clouds, unknown to everyone.

However, this time, the sand sculpture friends were not brought into it.

Hongjun’s second missionary work is for the group of friends.

It's like teaching a 650-year-old baby how to make a nuclear bomb. It's completely incomprehensible, and it's even far beyond this level countless times.

Moreover, many of the great powers in the Zixiao Palace have already entered the state of enlightenment, and there is nothing good to see.

On the contrary, it would be more interesting to leave them in the chaos and enjoy the scenery.

With the protection of the power of Tao and Order that he left behind, they would not be discovered by Yang Mei.

Senior, I have already made preparations. This time I will definitely use the oath of heaven as an excuse to completely drag that Yang Mei into disaster.

Afterwards, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court should be able to use all its strength to suppress the Witch Clan.

Forcing Taoist Yangmei to die in person!

On one side, Hongjun preached to the three thousand mortal visitors, but his spiritual thoughts had no impact on his communication with Chen Fan.

He, who is good at calculation and deduction, naturally knows it.

After this second sermon, Yang Mei must be dragged into the disaster and make her fall completely.

Afterwards, the so-called Lich Measuring Tribulation can be used at will.

As long as the ancestral witch queen earth transforms into the six paths of reincarnation, it can be completely concluded.

This is also a very important step in the Lich's calamity calculation. For the perfection of the way of heaven, it is no less than filling the immortal Yangmei with the ashes of the calamity!

Chen Fan knew this very well, while Hongjun had a sense of it through deduction.

The Long-Han catastrophe and the battle between Tao and demons determined the future direction of the prehistoric era.

And this Lich Measuring Tribulation is a crucial step in perfecting the rules and order of the prehistoric world. The emergence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation has extremely far-reaching significance for the prehistoric world.

Living things can reincarnate, which is very important!

The great virtuous ancestral witch and Houtu are compassionate, feeling the suffering of all sentient beings in the world, regenerating compassion, and transforming reincarnation with their bodies.

It seems very touching, but more of it comes from the prompting of Heaven!

But in Chen Fan's eyes, he looks at it from the perspective of heaven.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation can even be called a recycling machine!

Between heaven and earth, after the death of countless creatures, everything about them will be traced back to their origins and return to the primitive world, which can be regarded as a special kind of feedback.

Before the Six Paths of Reincarnation, living beings died when they died, and the true spirits gradually dissipated, or were directly wiped out by those with great supernatural powers.

But after the six paths of reincarnation evolve, you can protect a trace of the true spirit from death and send it into reincarnation, giving the other party a chance to reincarnate.

Although he has lost his feet, memory, and cultivation, he can still have the opportunity to rebuild.

After many twists and turns, the one who finally gained was still the ancient way of heaven.

After all, from the beginning of a monk's birth until his cultivation reaches the limit of what he can cultivate, he also consumes the essence of spiritual energy in the world and so on.

Once it is extinct, what is returned is more, whether it is luck, opportunity, or the living being's own understanding, etc.

Although it is completely insignificant to the way of heaven, it can add up to a small amount, which is the long-lasting way.

This is a characteristic of living things and cannot be compared to dead things.

Therefore, in Chen Fan's eyes, the emergence of the Six Paths of Reincarnation is also the top priority of the Lich's calamity.

After all, not everyone can evolve such a unique existence.

Now that we are ready, I won't say any more. The remnants of the three Xiantian tribes have been waiting for a long time.

When the time comes, they will join the Demon Clan Heavenly Court established by Di Jun and Tai Yi.

Yang Mei's chess pieces are not enough. In this ancient world, the only chess pieces that can give him the imperial envoy are the Wu clan.

After the words fell, Chen Fan stopped talking.

His eyes were on Di Jun and Taiyi on the futon below.

At this moment, the Qi of the two of them has gone far beyond the level of Daluo Jinxian, and they seem to have entered another mysterious realm.

A slight smile appeared on Chen Fan's lips. The paths taken by his two daughters were also different from those of ordinary great masters.

But similar to Hongjun, who relied on great luck to achieve enlightenment!

Therefore, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court is their foundation, and it is also the reason why Chen Fan originally left the Innate Tribe as the foundation of these two little guys...

at the moment.

Although Hongjun preached to the three thousand mortal guests in Zixiao Palace, there seemed to be no difference.

However, he secretly taught Dijun and Taiyi the method of luck and enlightenment.

This is the path that is most suitable for these two innate Golden Crows!

Born with the Nine-Nine Supreme Destiny, he is destined to be the Emperor of Heaven who reigns over the vast wilderness, and the method he cultivates will naturally be the way to control all spirits.

The method taught by Hongjun is only a guide, not a rule.

Even if they gather the same luck, the paths they take are completely different.

This is the end of the second mission. You have accumulated enough. I will teach you the method of killing three corpses and help you enter the realm of quasi-sages!

The endless visions of enlightenment slowly dissipated, and the saint's charm spread, causing all three thousand mortal guests to wake up.

There was an unfinished look on his face.

However, when he heard about the method of killing three corpses and the realm of quasi-sage.

Their faces instantly showed strong joy, and they all bowed their heads and worshiped: Great Master Dao! We will never forget it!


Hongjun had a kind smile on his face.

For these creatures who can resist the temptation of Immortal Yang Mei and still come to Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon.

In his heart, he was somewhat pleased.

Of course, except for a certain Yuqing Yuanshi who was seeking death.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a Sanqing and had a great chance, he would have become one of the saints of heaven in the future.

Hongjun must have let him have his way and didn't bother to pay attention.

There are three corpses in living beings, namely good, evil, and self...

Without any hesitation, Hongjun directly taught the three-corpse-killing method to the mortal guest in Zixiao Palace.

And at this time.

Astonishing phenomena erupted from Dijun and Taiyi, and endless true sun fire naturally swept out.

The body of the three-legged golden crow emerged, flapping its wings and crowing, the sound shaking the chaos, fully displaying the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven.

Behind them, all kinds of terrifying visions appeared!

An immeasurable sun shone brightly across all realms, the heavenly palace towered above the thirty-three heavens, and endless monster creatures bowed their heads and worshiped!

Daozu's method of killing three corpses has not yet been finished.

But these two people have actually entered the realm of quasi-sages!

The faces of many powerful people from ancient times changed their colors.


Chapter 122

PS: Thank you to the boss [There will be times when the wind and waves break] for your 100 VIP point reward support. Thank you very much!


Endless terrifying visions, as well as the real sun fire that can melt all things with moxibustion heat, although it seems to be sweeping the world.

But they huddled between the mustard seeds, and the two little guys were still just standing on the futon.

This is the Taoist law of a saint. Naturally, Hongjun will not let Dijun and Taiyi's breakthrough vision affect these three thousand mortal guests.


This breakthrough between Di Jun and Tai Yi made the atmosphere in Zixiao Palace become quite embarrassing for a while.

Many powerful people from the ancient times looked at Dao Ancestor Dijun and Taiyi with envy.

These two people had already entered the realm of enlightenment before they entered the Zixiao Palace.

Obviously, Daozu must have made some small plans in this.

In fact, this is understandable.

After all, behind these two people stood the big boss Sun Star, and even Dao Ancestor respected him.


I just heard the method of killing three corpses taught by the Taoist Patriarch. Although I haven't heard everything yet, I can still think of it as a comprehension.

These three thousand mortal guests are not ordinary people. Among them, Kunpeng, Zhen Yuanzi, and many other powerful immortals are equally extraordinary.

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