How could they not see the method practiced by Dijun and Taiyi?

It's clearly not the way to kill three corpses!

The meaning of this is somewhat thought-provoking and elusive.

As for the eight futons, the faces of Sanqing and Dongfang were even more ugly.

Among them, Yuqing Yuanshi was the most frustrated.

In his eyes, one of his three pure virtues is Pangu Zhengzong, and he will never be half inferior to the innate Golden Crow in terms of footwork, understanding, and opportunities.

But he fell behind the opponent again and again.

Naturally, he felt uncomfortable in his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a little more resentful toward Dao Ancestor.

After all, if Taozu hadn't been overly partial, how could he have fallen behind others in Yuanshi?

For a moment, Yuan Shi was filled with anger, but he had nowhere to vent it, so he had to keep it in his heart, his face as black as the bottom of a pot.

Such a scene fell in the eyes of Laozi and Tongtian, and they couldn't help but secretly worry again.

This second brother (second brother) really doesn’t let them worry!

On the futon, the visions of Di Jun and Tai Yi gradually returned to calm. They opened their eyes, and in their pupils, the majesty of the emperor flashed away!

Thank you, Daozu, for your kindness.¨!

Dijun and Taiyi were sensible and slightly bowed.


Hongjun responded with a kind and kind smile, and then once again described the method of killing three corpses.

Although Dijun and Taiyi did not practice this method, they were still fascinated by it.

After all, this method of killing three corpses will definitely be effective in the future growth of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court.

Not all creatures in the ancient world can have such an opportunity as them, and rely on the luck of the atmosphere to achieve quasi-sage enlightenment.

Three thousand years have passed in the wilderness, just like a white horse passing by.

But for Chen Fan's group of friends, it is a rare opportunity.

Being able to hone one's mind in silence in this primitive chaos can be regarded as a unique kind of practice.

After all, in their own world, they generally don't dare to spend time like this.

The first time I preached, there was the method of enlightenment taught by Taoist ancestors. Naturally, I couldn't realize the feeling of time passing by and the sun and the moon flying by.

But this time, standing in the lonely and boundless chaos, fortunately, there is a chat group from all realms where we can communicate at will.

Otherwise, except for a very small group of friends such as Liu Shen, they may not be able to endure such polishing.

The conscientious administrator: Ah! Mr. Sun Star, you are finally out! Wuwuwu... Three thousand years! Three thousand years! It has been so long that I have not been able to see you, Mr. (Tears filled my eyes.jpg )!

Chen Fan's incarnation had just come out of the Zixiao Palace and fell into the eyes of a group of friends.

The state of mind that had been tempered for so long was broken in an instant, and the atmosphere in the group became lively in an instant.

Little Nannan: Big brother, long time no see. This is the third thousand years that I miss you big brother!

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, Kangna hasn't eaten anything delicious since watching the live broadcast for three thousand years, and she hasn't even left here (cute.jpg)!

Aizen Sosuke: Although the time spent in Soul Society was quite long, a mission like this lasted for three thousand years, which can only be said to be a long time ago.

Iron Man: Three thousand years ago, as an ordinary person, I now feel like an old man in the sunset. Fortunately, I have the protection of the special mechanism of the Ten Thousand Realms chat group.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I just watch the live broadcast once, and you can give me some incense (funny.jpg).

Uncle Jiu: Don't worry, after you die, I will help you find a feng shui treasure land to ensure blessings for future generations.

How about, should you consider making an appointment for this service in advance? The price is considerate, and you don’t have to be fooled!

Time Elf: We don't have any special feelings, it's just that I haven't seen Mr. Sun Star for a long time, and I miss him very much (shy.jpg)!

Zhang Junbao: Three thousand years have passed by in a blink of an eye, and the old Taoist has improved the splitting of muscles and bones into a peak version, which is absolutely powerful (laughing, jpg)!

Iron Man: Wang Defa?! You shameless old man, didn't you agree not to improve anymore? That wasn't the attitude you had when you bought the armor at half price (angry.jpg)!

Zhang Junbao: Ahem... It's been a long time and it's really boring, so my hands are itchy and I can't help it. At worst, can't I just pass it on (sneer.jpg)?

Rem: 100 points, the latest version of the muscle-splitting and bone-splitting hand, would Taoist Zhang consider it?

Zhang Junbao: It has been put on the Wanjie Mall! If you want to buy it, please hurry up (handshake.jpg)!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Although I am not rich in points, I still have a mere 100 points. It is a pity that the sign-in function of the chat group of all worlds is only useful in my own world.

Otherwise, signing here for three thousand years might be a good way to make a fortune!

The big bones were boiled into soup: I have purchased it. I wonder if the bone hand of Wang Li has any effect on fighting monsters, or is it only effective on humans (curious.jpg)?

Iron Man: You shameless old man, you just said you wouldn't teach the latest version of the muscle-splitting and bone-splitting hand, and now you are directly putting it up for sale?! I feel like you are targeting me, Tony! It's too much!

Zhang Junbao: If the group of friends bought it themselves, how can they be said to have been taught by me? Mr. Big Shit, please don't slander the old master (funny.jpg)!

iron Man:……

Looking at Wanjie Mall, the sales volume of the latest version of the Split Muscles and Bones Hand continues to rise.

Tony's heart felt extremely cold at this moment.

Obviously, all the group members who once regarded points as so important did not hesitate to spend 100 to buy this profit which was just a means of torturing people.

It's too much, really too much.

There is no love in this world anymore, and feelings have faded after all!


Chapter 123

Young monk Fahai: As expected of Taoist Master Zhang, who is a master of martial arts. The latest version of the Splitting Muscles and Crossing Bones Hand is very useful. I tried it in the training ground of the Wanjie Chat Group and the effect was very significant (put your hands together.jpg).

Evil Sword Immortal: Is this the legendary... physical salvation method? As expected of Master Fahai, I have three seconds of silence for the monsters in Master Fahai's world (terrible.jpg)!

Gu Aotian: It seems that I have to do more research on the magic of intensifying pain. It seems that it is very popular in the group (Thinking.jpg).

Time Elf: I really envy you talented guys. I can't do it. I can only use my time ability to torture people little by little.

Rem: This is the most shameless thing I have ever heard, bar none (contempt.j-pg)!

Crippled Evil God: In short, for us, the fork, the source of all evil, is the most terrifying torture. Wuwuwu... When will this evil god be able to get rid of this terrible curse (Extremely uncomfortable.jpg)!

Loves to eat carrots: Touch your head, is this the evil god? It's such a cute creature!

Crippled Evil God: This Evil God feels that your words are the greatest insult to us (hiding his face and crying.jpg)!

Staff Goddess: Hmph, the evil god is actually afraid of forks. As expected, only this goddess is the real god of this group (satisfied.jpg)!

Rem: The god who single-handedly lowered the IQ of the entire chat group?

Staff Goddess: ...

He was unable to refute, although he wanted to prove that he was also intelligent.

But, it seems like I can’t think of a way at all!

Zhang Junbao: Everyone, has everyone already received a copy of the latest version of the Split Muscle and Cross Bone Hand? If there is no demand for it, it will be temporarily removed from the shelves.

So as not to hurt the young mind of Mr. Big Shit.

Iron Man: It's decided. The anti-martial arts armor has become the only target at the moment. You shameless old man, prepare to die!

Problem Child: I didn't expect that Mr. Shit Da Ke did not fall in love with Mr. Deadpool in his own world, but instead fell in love with Mr. Zhang Junbao. this the so-called fate?

Deadpool: I, Deadpool, have one thing to say about this issue. I will always love the nesting doll (tears in my eyes.jpg)!

Rem: It's rare that Mr. Deadpool can finally fully speak in the group after three thousand years (funny.jpg)!

Uncle Jiu: Congratulations! Congratulations! This is really not easy. Speaking of Mr. Deadpool, if the restriction is triggered again, how long will it last (curious.jpg)?

Deadpool: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Although she was extremely sad inside, Xiao Jianjian did not dare to speak freely in the group, so she could only express her feelings by sobbing.

You even have to try your best to control your thoughts in your head.

if not……

The next time he speaks is expected to be hundreds of years from now.

Thinking of the terrible result, Xiao Jianjian could only endure the sadness in her heart and gradually adapted to the new way of speaking.

Well, I have to admit that he feels that he has taken a small step and a giant step for civilization!

I just don’t know why, but there is always a phrase like “Mom messing with Fake” in my heart that wants to pop out.

It's not directed at anyone, it's just something I want to blurt out.

Electric Mouse: Pikachu... (After three thousand years, I feel like I have become a mature Pikachu. This time I go back and become the king of Pikachu!)

Xiao Xun'er: I didn't expect that even Pikachu is so ambitious? It seems that Xun'er can't relax! I am determined to become the Empress of the Two-Spined Salamander (Struggle.jpg)!

The big bones were boiled into soup: Are you sure you're not a otaku who chases fans to death? After all, it seems that the best time to spend these three thousand years is you and Xiao Wu, probably rewatching TV dramas every day (Honest Man.jpg)?

Loves eating carrots: Sure enough, the best way to revive Giant Tiga is to boil the big bones into soup! (Molar teeth.jpg)!

Xiao Xun'er: In order to awaken the giant Tiga, let's boil Mr. Dagu into soup together (Long live the two-spined salamander.jpg)!

The big bones are boiled into soup: ...

You can't afford to offend, you can't afford to offend, the two-spined salamander killed the house girl, how terrifying!

Can Liu: Senior Sun Star, should Dao Ancestor Hongjun take action next?

The projection of the unrivaled Liu Shen asked Chen Fan with a slightly curious look on his face.

Daozu Hongjun's second mission has ended, and many great powers in the Zixiao Palace have gradually begun to withdraw.


To be more precise, it should be called a forced exit.

Immortal Yangmei came from the side of Zixiao Palace to give a sermon, humiliating Taoist ancestor Hongjun in this way.

After this sermon ends, I'm afraid something will happen more or less.

However, this is obviously not something they can watch!

One is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who has realized the law, and the other is the first heavenly saint in the world.

Not everyone is qualified to watch such a farce.

Ever since.

These many great masters from the ancient times very wisely chose to leave the chaos directly, and even the speed of their departure increased again and again.

After all, no one knows the next two people.

What kind of actions will he make? In order to avoid hurting innocent people, it is the right way to leave as soon as possible.

Almost at the same time the sermon in Zixiao Palace ended.

In the Yangmei dojo with boundless divine light, all the chaotic laws and visions disappeared.

Immediately, all the primitive creatures in the palace did not have to leave on their own.

He was immediately swept away by a force of space laws and disappeared into the palace.

When they came back to their senses, they had already appeared in the Thirty-Three Heavens of the Ancient World.

For a moment, they looked at each other with mixed emotions, and there was clearly a hint of dissatisfaction in their eyes.

It's just that I didn't dare to show it at all in the saint's dojo before.

Wait until you leave.

The depression in their hearts suddenly exploded!

Especially the mortal guests who had listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace, their hearts were really close to despair.

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