In the face of the Sanqing Pangu Zongzong, he was not in a hurry, and his cultivation at the peak of Daluo Jinxian was quite conspicuous among the many powerful people in this ancient world.


When these three people fell in front of Zixiao Palace.

One of them, Yuqing Yuanshi, glanced at the Yangmei Immortal Dojo on the side, had some thoughts, and secretly transmitted the message.

Brother, when I saw the Taoist temple of Immortal Yang Mei, it was very magical.

The splendor of this palace is endless, and the power of the law is fully displayed, which is paradoxical.

It's like being in this chaos, but also like a world of its own, isolated from the world, the mustard seeds transform into formless and formless, which is quite remarkable!

If not, we will go and find out...

Chuanyin hasn't finished speaking yet.

The face of Yu Qing Yuanshi changed in vain, as if he saw a person, high in the clouds of Zixiao Palace.

A pair of eyes without any emotion stared at him coldly, the Taoist charm emerged in the eyes, and the evolution was endless!

Second brother, don't have any delusional thoughts. Since you have already received instruction from the Taoist ancestors, you must not change your sect! What you say today should be treated as if you have never said it before!

The Supreme Master looked at his second brother with a slightly dissatisfied look and said quietly.

Second brother, you must not lie. It is a great kindness to inherit the teachings of Taoist ancestors. How can you be such an ungrateful person?

Compared with Taishang Laozi, Tongtian's temperament is obviously much more straightforward.

It turned out that the message was transmitted in such a way that Yuan Shi, who originally had a reserved expression because of the manifestation of Dao Ancestor at the Lingtai.

He couldn't help but look a little ugly again.

But at this moment, he had to grit his teeth and say: Eldest brother, third brother, I just want to find out for Master Taoist Taoist Yang Mei what is true, don't think too much!

Since you are unwilling to go, then you should give up.

After saying that, Yu Qing Yuanshi almost forced himself to step into the portal of Zixiao Palace.

After all, he underestimated the saint's ability and his broad mind.

Who would have thought that the scene outside Zixiao Palace would be monitored by the Taoist ancestors at all times!

Even the sound transmission could not escape the opponent's ears.

Thinking about this, Yu Qing Yuanshi's face became darker and darker. He knew that he might have secretly offended Daozu again.

Fortunately, Dao Ancestor should not be held accountable on the spot.

Otherwise, you will lose more than just your own dignity.

after all.

If the guy who occupies one of the eight futons is passed on, he has the idea of ​​​​going to the Yangmei Dojo.

This Dao Ancestor's face was severely beaten!

Aizen Sosuke said: During the time when the three Qings paused outside the Zixiao Palace, something seemed to have happened secretly. Yu Qing Yuanshi's expression was not normal.

Dazhu: Based on my experience as the first Hokage, he should have done some small tricks and been discovered, so that's why he's like this, right?

The conscientious administrator: Hey, Mr. Hashirama has been reincarnated by the dirt, but he still has time to analyze problems here (curious.jpg)?

Young monk Fahai: According to common sense, there should be a big conspiracy to use such evil means to control the dead.

The poor monk has many volumes of Buddhist scriptures, which have various magical effects, and may help the benefactor get rid of control.

Does Hashirama Donor need it? Very good deal!

Dazhu: Well... forget it, I don't have the Buddhist talent like Master Fahai.

Moreover, the reincarnation of me from the dirty soil has incomplete strength, and the possibility of breaking free from control is extremely low.

In addition, the guy named Hinata Goten seems to have hidden a lot of strength.

Since I was summoned last time, it only took a moment for me to fall into a deep sleep again.

Although it was only a glance, my intuition told me that that guy was definitely not a weakling!

Evil Sword Immortal: As for this problem, I don't think Mr. Hashirama needs to worry about it at all. The Dance King will find a way to solve the problems in your world.

I want to know now what Yuan Shi did secretly to make him look so embarrassed (full of curiosity.jpg).

Time Elf: As for this question, it is estimated that only the boss of Sun Star can answer it (looking forward to it.jpg).

Taiyang Xing: It's nothing, but just before entering the Zixiao Palace, Yuqing Yuanshiyang had a delusional idea and wanted to visit the Taoist temple of Immortal Yangmei.

I quite want to choose one of the two.

Then, he was naturally warned by Hongjun, and even Laozi and Tongtian scolded him.

What he looks like now is not surprising.

Canliu: This...Yuanshi is also one of the Three Pure Ones after all, the person with the greatest chance above the eight futons in the Zixiao Palace. According to common sense, it seems that he should not have such thoughts.

Perhaps, there was something that happened during the first mission that we don’t know about, right, Senior Sun Star?

Sun Star: “Well, when I preached for the first time, some unexpected things did happen.

It is precisely because of this that Yuanshi behaved in such an insane manner today.

Speaking of which, it does have something to do with you. Take a look at the memory fragments for yourselves.

Mentioning this matter, Chen Fan couldn't help but feel funny in his heart.

The scene in the Zixiao Palace could really be regarded as the darkest black history of the great masters.


[The great and supreme Sun Star uploaded a memory fragment, named Soul Questions-Have You Enlightened?]

A group of idiot friends saw the title of this memory clip.

Infinite reveries suddenly appeared in my heart!


Chapter 120

After Chen Fan released the memory fragments.

A long time passed, and the chat group was surprisingly quiet.


Zhang Junbao: It's over! I can't go back! The majestic image of the great power in my mind has been completely shattered (Three Views Collapse.jpg)!

Aizen Sosuke: It's hard to imagine that because of us, Taoist ancestors taught the method of enlightenment, these powerful people in the ancient world would actually do such seemingly childish behavior.

Even I don’t know how to evaluate it at this moment, it’s really hard to put it into words (with mixed feelings.jpg).

Iron Man: Is this just like when I was a kid studying, pretending to understand when I didn't understand in class, and then being called on by the teacher to answer questions (dog head saves life.jpg)?

Time Elf: Be confident, Mr. Big Shit, this is either a resemblance or (funny.jpg)!

Can Liu: Actually, for a powerful person from the beginning, it is not incomprehensible to do this.

After all, their lives are far from endless, and their pursuit in life is almost to enhance their own strength and powerful magic weapons.

There is very little desire for other things, so that leads to it.

The degree to which they care about their own skin is far beyond the imagination of ordinary creatures like us.

The conscientious administrator said: As expected of Senior Liu Shen, his analysis is reasonable and well-founded. Now I finally understand that in the Yuan Dynasty of the Qing Dynasty, my feelings were because I was wronged last time, and I had thoughts that I shouldn't have in my heart.

But in this case, I'm afraid, this person's life will not be so easy in the future!

Mu Jinxuan felt a lot of emotion while wiping the oversized epee in her hand.

The dignified future saint of heaven secretly offended Taozu several times just because of his so-called reputation.

This Yuanshi Tianzun is also the first one!

I don’t know what Yuanshi Tianzun’s face would be like when the saint accepted disciples and gave him treasures when he preached for the third time.

Just thinking about it, Mu Jinxuan felt excited!

Gu Aotian: Face, to a certain extent, is indeed very important!

Just like, I will never allow people in my world to dare to disrespect the Great Tomb of Nazarick and the name Ainz Ooal Gown!

These are the memories I share with my former friends and must not be violated!

The big bones were boiled into soup: I feel like the dough that the Bone King and the prehistoric big guys think of are not the same thing at all (Honest Man.jpg).

Uncle Jiu: To put it bluntly, the Bone King is guarding the memories of his former friends in his heart, but the great men of the prehistoric era basically just care about face.

From this aspect, I think you, Bone King, are even better (dog head saves life.jpg)!

In the Zixiao Palace, above the clouds.

The figure of Taoist Patriarch, who is like the manifestation of Taoism, sits cross-legged, with Taoism flowing around his body, giving rise to endless visions.

His eyes slowly opened, the light inside them flashed away, and his face was as calm as water.

Under his eyes, the entire Zixiao Palace.

The figure of the so-called three thousand mortal guests at the beginning turned out to be about one-sixth less.

Although this number is inconspicuous to all living beings in the ancient world.

Even if they are placed in the Zixiao Palace, they are still Daluo Jinxian who lives in the back.

However, in the end, it damaged Daozu's face and made him lose face.

Thinking more deeply, this is actually tantamount to saying that the Tao taught by Taoist ancestors is not as good as that of Yangmei Immortal.

Otherwise, how could they, after hearing about the teachings from the Taoist ancestors, switch to Yangmei Immortal Court?


The existences on the eight futons, except for Yuanshi Tianzun who made some small moves before, were warned by Hongjun's eyes.

The rest of you didn't show any abnormalities at all.

Hongjun even gave the two Westerners a high look because of this.

He initially thought that these two guys would be tempted by the temptation of Immortal Yang Mei, but he never thought about it.

Yuan Shi was tempted, but they entered the Zixiao Palace honestly without sending messages to each other to test.

For a moment, Hongjun looked at these two people with a much kinder look.

Well, it seems that there is a reason why the West will flourish in the future.

This time, I will explain that above the Daluo and below the saint, there is the way of the quasi-sage...

There is no scene in the minds of all the great masters in the ancient world. Before Taozu preached, he scolded those who turned to the sect.

On the contrary, Daozu seemed not to take this matter into his mind at all.

Zi Gu Zi explained the quasi-sage avenue and the so-called method of killing three corpses.

As for the two Xiantian Golden Crows on the Eight Futons, they fell into the state of enlightenment early as usual.

Ever since.

All the powerful men in the world didn't care about thinking too much. They all began to concentrate, listen to the great road, and gain insights frequently.

In the chaos, next to Zixiao Palace.

The splendid palace built by Immortal Yangmei really does not reject anyone who comes.

He has proven the Hunyuan in the law of space, so the palace he built is naturally not simple.

It seems to be not much different from Zixiao Palace.

But it is a world intertwined with strange spatial laws. Even if all the creatures in the ancient world step into it, there will not be any pressure at all.

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