Have you seen my little bear: Jealousy has blinded my eyes. When will the little bear in my arms be as warm as the sun (jealousy.jpg)?

Iron Man: Think about the points in your hand, and then look at the prices in Wanjie Mall. In the hot summer, I instantly feel a lot cooler (wallet is empty.jpg).

Zhang Junbao: Haha... I obviously earned points for a suit of armor before, but now I'm pretending to be poor?

Uncle Jiu: As an old man, I still have some points in my hand, but I don't know what to choose to improve myself.

Demons and ghosts are rampant in my world, and the way to obtain merit is very simple, but I am a poor person who has more than enough ambition but not enough power.

Gu Aotian: The defensive magic array is recommended. It only needs to be arranged to ensure the peace of the protection side. Creatures with at least 3 stars and below cannot break it! It is absolutely a great value for money!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Please allow me to interject, the Sharingan is invincible! It is definitely suitable for low-end strength and novices. No training is required. You can purchase the fusion on the spot to improve your strength!

Wing Chun Grandmaster: Ahem...what, Master Dancer, I have purchased a pair of Sharingan. How can I improve the ability of Sharingan?

In the world where Master Ye lives.

This master-level Wing Chun master, after the last communication.

So I directly bought Uchiha Madara's Sharingan at a special discount.

And in actual combat, I personally experienced the blessing of that power!

Although Master Ye's world also practices martial arts, it does not have the same flow of martial arts energy as in Zhang Junbao's world.

However, the existence of the Sharingan gave Master Ip Man the special energy of chakra in his body.

Coupled with the chakra refining method presented by the Dance King, his strength can be said to have skyrocketed, with a huge span.

Regarding the continuous growth of his own strength, Master Ip Man is naturally happy in his heart.

However, how to grow the Sharingan so that he has absolute power in this world so that he can fight against that damn little devil.

Currently it has become the biggest problem for Master Ip Man.

But no matter how hard he practices and how hard he works, his Sharingan has not improved at all.

Only then did Master Ye Wen couldn't help himself and started asking questions in the group.

Dazhu: Don't you mean that Master Ip Man didn't watch the memory clips in the group? There are memory clips about Naruto.

Wing Chun Grandmaster: Um... After I got the Sharingan, I have been studying hard and practicing hard. I want to improve my strength so that I can withstand missiles and other weapons with my body, so that I can serve the country with my body.

Therefore, except for the memory fragments about my own world, I haven’t had time to see anything else (sneer.jpg).

Rem: No wonder Master Ye doesn't know that the improvement of the Sharingan after it reaches the three magatama requires the death of a close relative, loved one, or close friend in front of your eyes before you can progress further.

Wing Chun Master: That's it, sorry for bothering me, farewell!!!

Loves eating carrots: Speaking of which, when I think of Master Ye turning on his Sharingan and then performing his classic moves, it looks very graphic (funny.jpg)!

Kaoruji: Sharingan and other things are always the fantasy of chasing beautiful girls! Miss Kaoru, in the future I will hold a Zanpakutō in my left hand, a Teigu in my right hand, and a double-pupil Sharingan.

It even has blessings from Mr. Sun Star!

At that time, I stood under the sun and shouted angrily at the enemy in front - who dares to come up and fight me!

What a picture! So beautiful!

The big bones were boiled into soup: Has she completely degenerated into a fan-chasing otaku? It's a pity that the proud daughter of an ancient clan has just allowed herself to degenerate (sadly.jpg)!

Gu Aotian: Mr. Ultraman is still too dull. He doesn't understand the world of Two-Spined Salamander and Two-Spined Salamander at all. How can this be called degeneration? This is the real dream-chasing girl (Wake up.jpg )!

You know, it is not impossible for us members of the Wanjie Chat Group to realize such a dream.

Esdeath: Teigu?! I seem to see someone in need of the Teigu? As long as , take the Teigu home! Xiao Xun'er, what are you waiting for (eyes shining.jpg)?!

Electric Mouse: Pika Pika... (what a scary look)

Xiao Xun'er: I'm just thinking about it. The points in my hand are not enough to support Xun'er in pursuing her dream.

However, if Sister Queen is willing to support me for free, Xun'er will become the only Dou Emperor in the future.

I will definitely pay you back tenfold, believe me (Innocent Gaze.jpg)!

Esdeath: No points? Goodbye, little lolita or something like that is not popular in front of me, humph!

Have you seen my little bear: I always feel like this is a stupid queen who has lost her youth and is full of resentment towards the little lolita (questioning gaze.jpg)!

Esdeath: What are you talking nonsense about, you hateful black-bellied lolita? I am a queen who is in great splendor and has the power to conquer the country. How can a mere lolita compare to her (gnashing teeth.jpg)?!

Rem: But the boss of Sun Star loves the cute little lolita in the group more (Honest Man.jpg)!

Esdeath: Pfft...that's enough, Rem, please stop talking. My heart hurts (Looking up to the sky in tears.jpg)!

Kill the world with red eyes.

Esdeath looked up to the sky and sighed, why, why did the Sun Star boss dote on the little Lolita so much.

Why can't I use the power of time to transform into a little loli like that abominable Kurumi Tokisaki?

Hate it!

Hermione: Lori? Although I am unfamiliar with this term, but...is it like this (selfie.jpg)?

In the group, a brand new photo appeared.

Long brown hair, delicate face, just the right height and cute expression.

It all proves that the little girl in the photo is another qualified Western lolita!

Esdeath: I have the knife in my hand. Do you want to form a team with me and kill a few lolita to worship the gods (blackened on the spot.jpg)?

The conscientious administrator: I feel so tired that I can't lift the knife, that's all. After all, in this group, the one who wins the lolita wins the world (hiding his face and crying.jpg)!

Problem Child: Well, we have another target that we want to take away. No, we have to write it down in the notebook, and the order is still necessary (eyes are blazing.jpg)!

Sun Star: Why do I always feel that, on the surface, you are discussing lolita, but in fact, you are making fun of me (PK field warning.jpg)?

The conscientious administrator: No! I'm not! I didn't! Sunstar boss can't talk nonsense, I will always be your loyal little fan!

·····Ask for flowers···

Esdeath: Who? Who dares to tease the boss of Sun Star? I am the first queen to refuse to agree (full of righteous indignation.jpg)!

Rem: I reported it, the administrator sister is clearly making fun of Brother Sun Star (dog head saves life.jpg)!

The conscientious administrator: Rem, you... I thought we were friendly forces in the same trench, but you actually stabbed me in the back, uh...

Iron Man: Everyone, we are here to watch the live broadcast and appreciate the style of the ancient giants playing chess. We are not here to let you show off your loli status or anything like that (stand up with integrity.jpg)!


[The administrator banned member Iron Man for 5 minutes. 】


It was very uncomfortable. I thought that by stepping forward, I would definitely gain a lot of support and favor from the group.

This is a way to wash away the unforgettable impression I left on my friends.

However, reality is often crueler than ideals.

Comrade Tony, who had been silenced, started his time to suppress the Internet again.

Aizen Sosuke: So, learning makes people progress. After staying in the group for such a long time, Mr. Big Shit still hasn't been able to learn when to speak (unfortunately. jpg).

Deadpool: Oh! Me

Evil Sword Immortal: ???

Rem: Obviously, the restriction imposed by Big Brother Sunstar has taken effect (everyone already knows the effect, because Deadpool can't help it).


Sure enough, I would rather believe that Piggy can climb a tree than believe that Mr. Deadpool can control his own mouth (funny.jpg).

Time Elf: Hit the nail on the head. As expected of Rem, the poisonous tongue. Mr. Deadpool has finally been sanctioned (Kuofei.jpg)!

Rem: As expected, we still have to discuss it with the boss of Sun Star. Rem feels that her meteor hammer needs the ability to control time!

Evil Sword Immortal: Yes, yes! The restraint time is enough, there is no need to continue to restrain me!

Time Elf: Sure enough, Senior Evil Sword Immortal is still as cunning and sinister as ever. How about punishing Senior Evil Sword Immortal first?

Rem: We have reached a consensus! The spherical Evil Sword Immortal is particularly textured when beaten (sneer.jpg)!

Evil Sword Immortal: ...

Sadly, the biggest BOSS in the world of Immortal Sword has completely become a target to divert firepower within the group.

One misstep turned into eternal hatred. Now the Evil Sword Immortal only hates himself. Why did he go fishing in the first place?

Sun Star: Okay, you guys, don't you have enough time to practice every day?

Now follow me to watch a show next to Zixiao Palace, and then we’ll end this live broadcast for the time being.

Wait until the next time I attack that Taoist Yang Mei, and then start the live broadcast.

A big wave of his hand.

Chen Fan led a group of projections and appeared in the boundless chaos, next to Zixiao Palace.

Under the protection of Chen Fan's power of order, he is hidden in the chaos. Even Yang Mei and Hongjun cannot see his figure!

And at this time.

Next to Zixiao Palace, a divine palace made of unknown treasures from heaven and earth blooms with immeasurable divine light.

Within the chaos, it is like a dazzling star beacon.

As a result, many great powers who came from the ancient world were attracted by it at first sight.

On the other hand, the Zixiao Palace on the side is simple, quiet, low-key and restrained.

From the appearance alone, there is nothing magical about it.

When Chen Fan saw such a scene, he curled his lips slightly.

Never thought of it.

Taoist Yangmei, in order to target Hongjun, even had to overwhelm the opponent in this Taoist field.

This so-called battle between saints is rather like a child's battle of spirits at this moment.

Chen Fan couldn't help but think to himself: Could this be considered a return to nature? The more powerful a person is, the simpler and more direct his method of revenge is?

Even the lowest level of comparison was used. The so-called transcendent mentality of a saint once again set a new lower limit in Chen Fan's heart.

It's no wonder that Yuanshi Tianzun can't help but die personally in the future.

Emotions are all foreshadowing!


Chapter 119

Not long after.

The great masters who can rush to the chaos and near the Zixiao Palace.

They were almost gathered together, standing in the chaos with different thoughts, seemingly making decisions in their hearts.

As for Chen Fan's two good daughters, they entered the Zixiao Palace early and were taught by their Taoist ancestors.

Well, anyway, Hongjun has now openly stood against the Wu clan.

It's understandable to open up a small mess for the two little guys.

What's more, there is also a relationship with Senior Sun Star.

Although he cannot tamper with the position of the future heavenly saint, giving him a little more care can be regarded as forming a good relationship.

Hongjun is now considered a member of Chen Fan's boat, and he should do his best.

In particular, Chen Fan plotted against Taoist Yang Mei and dragged him into the calamity to be used as ashes. For Hongjun, it was tantamount to solving his worries.

This is also a matter of cause and effect, and must be repaid.

The rhyme of Sanqing Taoism spread out from the chaos.

Since the first preaching seat has been decided for 14, the three of them are not in a hurry this time.

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