Chen Fan eloquently said that he didn't mind letting them know more about his two daughters.

Out of the thirty-third heaven, protected by his sun star, he was not afraid of being spied on by others.

Understood, Father God! The two of us will definitely restrain ourselves and attack again at the critical moment!

Dijun and Taiyi responded respectfully.

Aizen Sosuke: Taozu's second sermon, I don't know what kind of leap in strength the creatures in the ancient world will have after this time (sentiment.jpg).

Although he is old, he can still dance: I will not participate in this live broadcast. Master Daozu can enlighten us once, which is already extraordinary, so we don't expect a second time. The most urgent thing is that I have to remove the unexpected factors in my world. Let’s deal with it first!”

The conscientious administrator: I'm so envious. The two innate golden crows have the Sun Star boss as a solid backing. Is this the legendary Xiu Erdai (tears flowed from the corners of the mouth.jpg)?

Time Elf: Does Mr. Sun Star still need a daughter? She's cute, cute, and cute (cute.jpg)!

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, Kangna feels that the atmosphere in the group is getting weirder and weirder!

Little Girl: That's right! That's right! In the past, Big Shit and Deadpool were poisoning the group, and the Evil Sword Immortal was trying to catch him, tempting him to be deceived. Then, Taoist Zhang Junbao was bribed by the armor. Now, there is once again a bad habit of marrying. Relatives!

Have you seen my little bear: Resist! Resolutely resist this bad trend! Of course, if the boss of Sun Star accepts me as his good daughter, I will treat this as if I didn't say it (funny.jpg).

Evil Sword Immortal: I am still a ball. I was wrong. Brother Sun Star, please change me back (I want to cry without tears.jpg)!

Now my subordinates are looking at me strangely, as if they think I have some special quirk!

The most annoying thing is that some guys actually dress up like a ball, I...

Rem: Kakakaka... (the sound of waving the bolas chain)

Evil Sword Immortal: ...

Can Liu: I heard Senior Sun Star mention the so-called Taoist Yangmei before, since he can compete with Hongjun and has secretly provoked him in the prehistoric era.

Will he intervene in Hongjun's second sermon? This can be regarded as a great opportunity to attack Hongjun.

Moreover, if it really succeeds, it might be possible to take away part of Hongjun's luck.

Saw this message.

Chen Fan looked at the projection belonging to Liu Shen on the side with admiration.

I secretly praised in my heart: In the perfect world, he is worthy of being the guide for the future Immortal Emperor Xiao Shitou (distinguishing the identity of the Prehistoric Emperor). He is one of the best in terms of talent and talent.

If you were born in the prehistoric times, even if you are just a little bit behind, your achievements will probably not be too low.

Sun Star: That's right, if Hongjun hadn't deliberately lured Taoist Yang Mei out, I'm afraid Yang Mei would still be cultivating in chaos at this time.

But now that the current situation has emerged, Yang Mei will naturally not miss this opportunity.

You said, if it is the second time that Hongjun preaches, this Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who is not weaker than Hongjun also opens the altar to preach.

Isn't it interesting?

As he spoke, Chen Fan showed a slight smile on his face.

He had already expected this.

With Yang Mei's temperament that hates Hongjun to the core, she will naturally not let go of the slightest opportunity to attack Hongjun!

Just thinking about it.

Between the ancient world and the earth, the voice that seemed to be the manifestation of the great truth resounded throughout the world.

The time is coming, and I, Hongjun, will preach for the second time in the Purple Cloud Palace of Chaos. What I preach this time is the way of the quasi-sage.

In addition, during this time of preaching, people from the Wu clan are not allowed to set foot in Zixiao Palace. Anyone who violates this will be punished without mercy!

The first half of the sentence made the three thousand mortal guests who were lucky enough to go to Zixiao Palace look excited!

Although it has not been long since the first sermon.

However, among them, the most talented and powerful people in the ancient times have already reached the peak of Daluo Golden Immortal.

Especially the Pangu Sanqing, who were the first to break through to this level after Dijun and Taiyi.


After breaking through to this point, it seemed that it was stuck in some kind of bottleneck, unable to make any progress, which troubled many great powers.

At this moment, Daozu Hongjun's second sermon came at the perfect time.

Nothing more.

The first half of the sentence made them happy, but the second half made them start to think about the profound meaning contained in it.

The Wu clan does not cultivate the soul, nor does it have a soul. This is known to everyone in the ancient world.

Even when Hongjun preached for the first time, only Houtu and Na Xuanming gave him the honor to go there.

But now, the Witch Clan is not allowed to enter by name, and even those who violate it will be punished.

Although the people of the Wu clan are not willing to listen to the sermon, because it has no effect on them at all.

But unwillingness to go and being unable to go are two completely different concepts!

Moreover, although Dao Ancestor has not stated the reason, it already means that the Wu Clan is disliked by Dao Ancestor!

At this moment, the Wu Clan was in a complete explosion. Almost every member of the Wu Clan had endless anger and humiliation on their faces.

Daozu's move really put the Wu clan into an extremely embarrassing situation.

.~I am Yangmei Great Immortal, and I have achieved the position of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal through the laws of space.

Today, outside the chaos, next to the Zixiao Palace, an altar will be opened to preach. Anyone who is destined to come here can come here!

It wasn't long before Daozu Hongjun's voice fell.

Another ethereal voice, containing the power of law, echoed throughout the wilderness and persisted for a long time.

As soon as this statement came out.

The expressions of countless ancient creatures changed, and their souls trembled!

Although I have never heard what the status of the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian is.

But subconsciously after hearing about this realm, Yuan Shen felt something and determined that it was an existence that was almost the same as a saint!

It was such a person who appeared out of nowhere.

On the day when Taoist ancestor Hongjun preached, something like this happened!

For a while.

There are many creatures in the ancient world with different thoughts and complex emotions.

Although Hongjun preached that he was destined to be acquainted with people, in reality, he was only teaching those with great luck in the prehistoric times.

Naturally, more primitive creatures do not have such opportunities.

but now?

A powerful man actually appeared, and he dared to openly compete with Dao Ancestor for the so-called destined person beside Zixiao Palace.

And the most important thing is that Daozu seems to have acquiesced without saying a word.

Does this mean that even Dao Ancestor, who is a saint of heaven, seems unable to stop the other party?

You know, this is Hong Guoguo's slap in the face, putting Daozu's face at risk!

However, Daozu did not take any response.

This gave rise to some thoughts in the hearts of countless primitive creatures.

Especially the people from the Witch Clan almost jumped up on the spot and clapped their hands.

This Taoist Yangmei could be said to have given them a bad breath!

After the voice of Taoist Yang Mei completely dissipated between heaven and earth, countless figures moved quietly in the wilderness.

In the chaos, it became lively again.

In the Zixiao Palace (Wang Ma Zhao), among the clouds above the eight futons.

Dao Ancestor Hongjun sat cross-legged, with a calm expression on his face, but in his eyes were endless scenes of the birth and death of the world, and the Tao Yun around him exuded a terrifying and cold Qi.

It was obvious that this person was really angry at this moment.

Immortal Yang Mei's operation was like pressing his face to the ground and rubbing it, disturbing his mind.

But soon, Hongjun's mood calmed down, and even a kind smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Although Yang Mei's move was insulting to him, it was very likely that in this sermon, he would take away part of the fate of all sentient beings originally planned by Hongjun.

However, this move came later.

Hongjun can also take advantage of the situation and use it as a reason to show that he can't bear it anymore and wants to completely settle the cause and effect.

Using his status as a saint of heaven as bait, he bets with Yangmei Taoist.

Before the third sermon, the opponent was completely dragged into the calamity, and then Senior Sun Star took action.

Fill it with tribulation ashes and perfect the way of heaven!

By then, he, Hongjun, will still be the ancestor of that sect, the Happy Saint, and the future teacher of the Six Saints of Heaven.

Who will still remember the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian who was filled with tribulation ashes?

Not to mention.

Taoist Yangmei relied on the laws of space to prove the Tao, and the Tao he preached was not suitable for all sentient beings in the wild.

As for himself, the saint of heaven, although his strength is inferior, he still feels that the most suitable laws and ways are handed down by heaven.

After this time.

Those who go to Taoist Yangmei to listen to the sermon will definitely regret it.

At that time, a high judgment will be made.

The loss of face today is naturally nothing.



[If any comments that cause controversy appear in the future, the author should delete them so as not to affect everyone's mood].

Chapter 118

The conscientious administrator said: Sure enough, Immortal Yang Mei is just as expected by the Sun Star boss, and he actually held a sermon right next to the Zixiao Palace (Kuofei.jpg)!

Aizen Sosuke: Perhaps the so-called saints' natures are not as extraordinary as we imagine, and they actually have their own desires.

However, this desire is more reflected in the pursuit of strength and revenge for hatred (smile.jpg).

Time Elf: After all, Taoist Yang Mei was miserably plotted by Hongjun. Such a powerful person almost died and died in the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

For such a life-and-death feud, I think any kind of counterattack is acceptable.

And speaking of it, this person is the real unlucky guy, who was schemed against by Hongjun in every possible way.

Now I’m... ahem... (acting cute.jpg)

Sun Star: There is nothing to be taboo about. The ancient world is so cruel. In order to perfect the way of heaven, it will promote the occurrence of calamities and turn billions of living beings into fly ashes.

Among them, there are countless powerful ones, but they cannot escape death.

Now, I just plan to push the level of this calamity to a higher level.

So that the way of heaven will become more perfect, the prehistoric world will become more powerful, and I can also improve.

The appearance of Taoist Yang Mei just happened to give him such an opportunity.

The great cause and effect between him and Hongjun destined him to suffer this disaster, but there were some unexpected circumstances in the disaster.

The hungry dragon roared: Incredible, incredible, so profound. Fortunately, Kangna is in the human world now. The humans in this world seem to be particularly friendly to dragons (happy.jpg)!

Little Nannan: With the blessing of my big brother, I am full of happiness wherever I go. I said that I picked up some beautiful ores today!

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