As early as a long time ago, these two showed such attitudes towards Hyuga Goten, the elite of the Hyuga clan, more than once.

Although they were a little surprised at first, they didn't find anything special.

Until now, Hyuga Goten has also shown his unparalleled contribution to the village.

Almost all of the many forbidden techniques in the Book of Sealings are controlled by it and have even been improved upon.

What's even more terrifying is the other party's terrifying eyes!

It seems to be just a pair of ordinary white eyes, but in a secret strength test battle against Hinata Goten.

Those eyes showed the top ninjas of Konoha a terrifying pupil technique they had never seen before!

With his devastating power, he crushed a group of elite jounin, and was favored by the top management of Konoha.

Coupled with the strong support of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, Hyuga Goten has almost been designated as the future fifth generation Hokage.

Now on the surface, he is just an ordinary Jōnin of the Hyuga clan.

But actually.

But it is the hidden high-level people who control countless powers in Konoha secretly.

But the outside world is almost completely unaware of all this (except for a certain dance king's subordinate Black and White Jue).

Get ready to take action. The five major ninja villages have been peaceful for so long. It's time to make some waves.

Hinata Goten's confident voice sounded.

Behind him, Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo nodded slightly.

It seems that he is led by Hinata Goten's attitude!

Ancient times.

Above the thirty-third heaven.

The Demon Clan's heavenly palace stands quietly, and the endless palaces of the divine court reveal a solemn and solemn meaning.

The entire demon clan heaven is blessed with the power of heaven!

The heavenly palace was built by the joint efforts of Di Jun and Tai Yi, together with countless powerful demon clans who came to seek refuge.

Countless treasures from heaven and earth were spent on it. The demon clan heaven created in this way is endlessly magical!

Each sacred palace matches its corresponding identity and provides corresponding blessings of luck...

Cultivating in the Demon Clan's Heavenly Court can be said to be a thousand miles a day, comparable to the supreme Paradise of Cave Heaven!

This made countless demon clan powerful people extremely excited. Even Fuxi and Nuwa also threw themselves into the heaven.

He was granted the title of Emperor Xi and Emperor Wa, and his status was second only to the two great emperors of heaven.

As for the Queen Mother of the West, who joined the Heavenly Court early, she was even more happy and realized her original idea of ​​being free and at ease.

At the beginning, Dijun and Taiyi only used her identity to make a promise, and naturally they would not break it.

Dijun and Taiyi were very careful about the majesty and integrity of the Emperor of Heaven.

Since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the entire demon clan has been managed in an orderly manner by them, and the majesty of the Heavenly Emperor has grown stronger day by day.

The entire heaven revealed the potential of ZTE.


The Wu clan located on the ancient land also developed rapidly.

They do not recruit as many courtiers as Tianting does, but rely on the Wu clan's own reproductive ability and naturally powerful physique.

Firmly occupying the position of the number one overlord on the earth!

Such development will naturally bring about certain problems.

For example, the reproduction of the Witch Clan requires the support of blood food, so hunting is naturally their only choice.

However, it is precisely because of this that the creatures established as demon clan by Di Jun and Taiyi bear the brunt and are the biggest source of blood food for the development of the witch clan!

Under such circumstances, even though the Wu clan currently wants to avoid premature collisions.

However, the friction with the Demon Clan Heavenly Court is increasing day by day, and the hatred between them has gradually deepened to the point of being irresolvable!

Between the wild world and the earth.

The fate that is invisible to the naked eye has quietly fallen.

Especially within the two Lich clans, countless powerful people were blinded by their luck, and their minds were eroded.

The initial cautiousness has gradually been lost.

His behavior became more and more wild, relying on his status as a member of the Heavenly Court or the Witch Clan to feel confident.

Being entangled in cause and effect without knowing it.

Father God, is it possible that the demon clan's heaven in the future is doomed to be lonely?

The two little guys, Di Jun and Tai Yi, looked quite worried at this moment and couldn't help but ask.

The two of them had already been broken by Chen Fan from the shackles of fate, and they would not be disturbed by the calamity.

However, although they cannot discern the existence of calamity, they can observe the actions of the demon clan by monitoring the heaven.

According to the current situation.

Dijun and Taiyi only have one word to evaluate the future of Heaven, and that is: prosperity but decline!

Because, in this recently revived demon clan heaven, almost all members of it are entangled in karma and are involved in cause and effect.

As the saying goes, if nature wants to destroy it, it must first make it crazy.

The current demon clan and the witch clan are already on the verge of going crazy.

If it weren't for the fact that the Twelve Ancestral Witches, Di Jun, and Tai Yi hadn't completely broken their skin yet.

I am afraid that a battle that will affect the entire world will begin again.

The development and evolution of the prehistoric world is for the purpose of becoming more perfect and powerful, and the manifestation of calamities is an inevitable process.

It's just that powerful creatures are needed to fill up the calamity, and it has nothing to do with the heaven itself.

The reason why Heaven is favored by Heaven is that Heaven wants to use Heaven to maintain the order of the ancient world.

As long as you two little guys are still there, heaven will not be destroyed, so don’t think too much.

A baptism of fire is not necessarily a bad thing, do you understand?

What's more, your Father God is with you in everything, so why worry so much!

Chen Fan pulled the two little guys to his side and touched their little heads.

Only when they are by their side will these two guys show their gentle, cute and respectful side.

Especially after hearing Chen Fan's last words.

The worries on the two little guys' faces instantly disappeared, revealing sweet smiles.

The Wu clan will become a pawn in Taoist Yang Mei's game.

But they have never been Hongjun's pawns. With Father God standing behind them, they were destined not to fail from the beginning!


Chapter 117

PS: Thank you to Mr. [Pengpeng] for your VIP point reward support, thank you very much!


Father God, why can the secret Taoist Yang Mei still hold back and not help the Witch Clan?

Beside Chen Fan, Taiyi enjoyed Father God's care. After being silent for a while, she couldn't help but ask this question.

After all, he is also one of the Heavenly Emperors of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court. Although Taiyi is not as good at calculation and deduction as Dijun.

But he also has his own thoughts in his heart.

Nowadays, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court is booming, and on the surface, it has steadily suppressed the Witch Clan.

After all, the creation of Heavenly Court was recognized by Heavenly Dao, and the existence of God-given merit and great luck.

Moreover, the heavenly portal recruits capable people, and all the famous powerful people in the ancient world can join it.

This is not the case with the Wu Clan, even though they have the title of Pangu Zhengzong.

But their power is limited to the reproduction and reproduction within their own clan. It is just the power of one clan. This is not what the ancient heaven wants to see.

Why can the human race in the future become the protagonist between heaven and earth?

It is precisely because each generation of the acquired human race is weaker than the previous generation. Although they are the protagonists, their influence on the world is not as great as that of the three innate races and the two lich races.

Even if a war breaks out between human races and genocide, it may be an extremely terrible disaster for the human race.

However, for the entire prehistoric period, it will not cause any losses.

There are quite a few immortal sects that have arisen in the acquired human race, but it is impossible to achieve the prosperity of the three innate clans or the power of the two lich clans.

Except for the Conferred God Measuring Tribulation, countless great masters from the two sects of Interpretation and Interpretation ended up playing chess and participating in the battles between mortals.

The human race alone cannot cause much damage to this ancient world.

Therefore, the three Xiantian clans and the two Lich clans want to dominate the world and become the masters of the ancient world. This will not be tolerated by the law of heaven.

The way of heaven, that is, prehistoric times, needs long-term and lasting development and growth to continuously encroach on chaos.

Therefore, creatures like the human race are naturally the best choice to be the protagonists in the wild world.

And this was also after Nuwa created humans and became saints.

Nearly all the Heavenly Saints are more or less involved with the human race.

Don't underestimate the Wu Clan. After all, they have inherited a certain amount of Pangu heritage. Since they dare to claim to be Pangu authentic sect.

Do you think that the Twelve Ancestral Witches really don’t have any special methods?

You must know that the Wu clan has no spiritual cultivation and cannot use magic weapons. All their combat power is based on their terrifying physique and innate magical powers.

Based on these two points alone, the Twelve Ancestral Witches will not be your current opponent.

but! However, the Twelve Ancestral Witches have another trump card, called the Dutian Shensha Formation, which can summon Pangu's true form and has infinite power!

Speaking of this, Chen Fan's transformed eyes subconsciously fell on Di Jun.

Di Jun's companion, the best innate spiritual treasure - Hetu Luoshu, will have a great opportunity with Emperor Xi of Tianting in the future.

Therefore, creating the Zhoutian Starry Formation is extremely powerful.

Father God? Looking at Di Jun like this, what's the problem?

Di Jun was smart and asked.

Fuxi of the Heavenly Court is good at music and formations. Your Hetu Luoshu has the ability to deduce the mysteries of the Heavenly Way and astrology. You should make good use of the power of the Heavenly Court to plan for future development.

Chen Fan did not say it directly, but gave some hints.

With Di Jun's intelligence and the Dutian Divine Evil Formation she just mentioned, she will definitely have some ideas.


After thinking for a moment, Di Jun's eyes flashed with joy, and he bowed respectfully to Chen Fan:

Thank you, Lord Father, for your advice. My daughter has already gained some understanding!

It's good to understand, but there's no need to rush. Hongjun's second sermon is almost gone.

After this time, Hongjun was completely in the game and openly stood on the opposite side of the Wu clan.

The Taoist Yangmei must be filled with ashes before the third sermon.

Otherwise, after the Six Saints of Heavenly Dao arrive one by one in the future, Yang Meike may not dare to act rashly.

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