As for Bai Jue's half body, there was clearly confusion in his eyes.

Tell me what's going on.

Uchiha Madara restrained his pressure and began to think rapidly in his mind.

Being able to tamper with the sealed book during this period of time is obviously not something that ordinary people in Konoha can do.

He has been lurking in secret for so many years, keeping an eye on Konoha's every move.

Uchiha Madara knows it even better than the higher-ups in Konoha!

An unexpected person appeared. According to the investigation, that guy was clearly just a very young jounin of the Hyuga family.

But it didn't take long, and now he is at the top of Konoha, and he is still hiding in the dark!

It is precisely because of this that we were unable to detect the existence of this guy in the first place.

When we planned to investigate further, the guy was far more alert than we expected.

The most terrifying thing is that even the Fourth Hokage, the former Third Hokage and many strong men in Konoha rushed to his aid!

It's as if he is the most important core in Konoha now!

Forced, they could only retreat temporarily.

There were also bursts of frustration in Hei Jue's eyes.

who is he?

The third son created by Otsutsuki Kaguya, the ultimate figure behind the scenes who has endured for thousands of years in the ninja world.

But now, I almost fell into trouble with an inexplicable person I had never heard of!


When Hei Jue saw that guy, he felt a faint sense of fatal threat!

This point was not made clear to Uchiha Madara.

As for its purpose, it is naturally self-evident.

Uchiha Madara's sudden return to youth has disrupted Black Zetsu's plan.

And now, another extremely weird guy has appeared in Konoha.

If Uchiha Madara can fight to the death with his opponent, that would naturally be the best.

If not, then Hei Jue will have to arrange a new back-up man.

But faintly, Black Zetsu was sure that the guy in Konoha would not be a simple person.

Interesting! When did the selection of high-level officials in Konoha become so quiet and receive everyone's support?

I can even see into the existence of Black Zetsu. It seems that the changes that have occurred in Konoha are not small.

Uchiha Madara's voice echoed in the cave.

In a pair of Sharingan eyes, light kept emerging.

Some kind of guess, no, maybe a definite judgment, appeared in Uchiha Madara's mind.

After having watched the memory fragments about my own world through the Ten Thousand Realms chat group, as well as many memory fragments between it and the world.

Uchiha Madara has a very clear understanding of his world!

According to the original plot, the destined protagonists of this world will be Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto.

With the secret help of the Immortal of Six Paths, these two guys have grown at an astonishing speed! .

As a result, Konoha and even many other contemporaneous players in the Ninja Village all became support runners.

There is no way, these two people have the halo of protagonists, which completely overshadows the light of many outstanding ninjas in the same period.

Among them, Sasuke tried to commit suicide many times, which even Uchiha Madara thought was outrageous!

But now.

In Konoha, there was a guy who could make the whole village's senior officials nervous.

Moreover, this guy actually comes from the Hyuga clan of the Soy Sauce family!

This is somewhat intriguing.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: @Everyone, everyone, there seems to be a special existence similar to the protagonist in my world? But it does not cause a world task. I feel it is quite interesting.

The conscientious administrator: Protagonist, this is indeed a problem. After all, it is not easy for someone to be able to bear these two words.

But why didn't the world mission be triggered? What a shame, another opportunity to earn points is lost!

Aizen Sosuke: Isn't it a disappointment now that the world mission has not been triggered?

Evil Sword Immortal: World mission? Where is it? Add me, I don't need points (Longing Vision.jpg)!

Rem: Shameless old thief! You are a guy who can gain a lot even if you don't need points. I strongly recommend that after the world mission starts, a fee system will be adopted to let the evil sword fairy enter!

Evil Sword Immortal: ...

Sun Star: There is no world mission, which only shows that although the guy mentioned by the Dance King may be the product of some accidents, it does not pose any threat to the entire world.

Such a guy, the current Uchiha Dance King, should be able to easily solve it on his own.

It will be nice to have a live broadcast at that time to show everyone the situation.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: The boss of Sun Star has said so, so it shouldn't be a big problem. When I'm ready, I'll take the Samsara Eye back first, and then go find that guy after I'm sure of it.

After all, he is the guy who can make even Hei Jue feel so wary.

I'd better be careful. After all, just because you can't move the world, doesn't mean you can't move me (Proceed with caution.jpg).

Time Elf: Hey! Is this the King of Dance I know? When did he become so cautious and think twice before making a move? This is unscientific!

Sand sculpture group friends: +1!


Chapter 116

Iron Man: This is not the Uchiha Dance King I know. This is not the dance king who is vertical and horizontal in the ninja world. His words Do you want to dance too? are popular all over the world (tears run.jpg)!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: You guys, do you want to go to the PK field with me and have a chat about life (Sharingan Warning.jpg)?

Zhang Junbao: Sure enough, the phrase the scar is healed and you forget the pain is a perfect way to describe Mr. Big Shit. It seems that we need to further speed up the improvement of the hand that separates muscles and bones!

Iron Man: Wang Defa! Stop it quickly! I was wrong! Stop improving it. Haven't you always liked my armor? 50% off! I'll sell you the latest nanoscale armor at a 50% discount!

Zhang Junbao: Deal! Although Pindao is already invincible in his own world, he is very interested in these high-tech armors.

Since Mr. Shit Dako is giving you face like this, it would be disrespectful for me to refuse him (shake hands and make peace.jpg).

Rem: Sniff, sniff... Rem smells an abnormal transaction (sharp gaze.jpg)!

Time Elf: It's such a pity. I didn't expect that Daozhang Zhang would be bribed with a 50% off battle suit. It's a pity that such a useful hand that separates muscles and bones cannot be improved (sadly. jpg)!

Have you seen my little bear: “Whenever I recall Mr. Big Shit’s shrill wails at the hands of his fellow friends, I feel subconsciously happy.

However, it seems that there will be no major breakthroughs at this level in the future.

The reason for all this is that Zhang Daochang was actually bribed. Annie is very disappointed in you (shakes her head.jpg)!

Uncle Jiu: As a fellow Taoist, your Taoist heart is not strong enough. How can you be moved by external objects? This will give rise to inner demons in the future!

Electric Mouse: Pikachu! (Contempt!)

Tom Cat: Separate muscles and wrong hands? It sounds very interesting. Can you let me study it? When I learn the kung fu, I will definitely be able to catch that hateful mouse (gnashing teeth.jpg)!

Gu Aotian: Having watched Tom and Jerry, I would like to say that it is commendable that despite almost countless failures and countless blows, Tom Cat has not given up the idea of ​​catching Jerry.

If this perseverance were developed from another angle, Tom would have become a god, right?

After all, apart from catching mice, you are really good at everything!

Tom Cat: But shouldn't a cat be born to catch mice? Only mice are my Tom's lifelong enemy!

Young monk Fahai: These words are full of the most profound principles of Buddhism. Although the donor is just a cat, he expounded this supreme Buddhist principle, which should be regarded as the Buddha's fruition status, Amitabha!

Tom Cat: Hey! Sorry, I'm just a cat! Don't slander me (it feels weird.jpg)!

Jing Jing Jie Administrator: Hmm... I feel like Master Fahai, since you believe in the Sun Star Boss, the Buddhism in your heart, Buddha, etc., are not all the Sun Star Boss you visualized, right?

So that’s why you’re reduced to trying to get even a cat to join Buddhism?

Young monk Fahai: ...

Green Snake World.

In Jinshan Temple, Fahai coughed twice.

He would never admit that his situation was really so embarrassing.

Dazhu: Madara, tell me, what's going on in Konoha? And who is the so-called protagonist? I just watched part of the memory clip, but I probably understand what you said before (sigh.jpg) .

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: “Why does a dead person worry so much?

I am no longer what I used to be. You should just stay in the pure land and enjoy the happiness of your family.

I can solve the problems in the ninja world (confidence.jpg)!

The conscientious administrator: Actually, maybe after the Dance King goes to Konoha, he might be able to meet Mr. Hashirama who was reincarnated from the dirty soil.

According to my experience in reading novels, it seems to be normal for the protagonists who appear in the world of Naruto to use the art of reincarnation (funny.jpg)?

Dazhu: When the administrator said this, I don't know why, but there was a feeling in my heart...

Even though he is old, he can still dance: ??? If I guessed correctly, the administrator must have said it right (with mixed feelings.jpg).

Dazhu: ... was resurrected, reincarnated from the dirty soil, in Konoha, just opened the coffin, and has been controlled (thousands of words are in my heart.jpg)!

Rem: Could it be that Sister Administrator, actually has some talent for poisonous milk that has not yet been discovered (suspected.jpg)?

Loves to eat carrots: Everyone, don't you look forward to the upcoming battle between these two people who love and kill each other?! This is a passionate and passionate episode!

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: Although I don't want to dampen your interest, I, Madara Uchiha, have the current strength.

Even if I haven't gotten back my reincarnation eye, it's still not comparable to Hashirama who was just reincarnated from the dirt.

Even if he is really resurrected, he is destined to be crushed by me.

After being enlightened by Tao Ancestor, all the blood inheritance limits in my body have been developed to an incredible degree.

Even Hashirama's Wood Release that I stole has reached a level no less than his.

What else could he use to hit me?

Dazhu: Is it really okay to say that in front of me (with mixed feelings.jpg)?

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, has Senior Dance King begun to look down on his lifelong enemy?

Konoha Village.

Hinata Goten looked at the two wooden coffins in front of him.

The coffin door has been opened to the side, revealing two porcelain-like bodies.

They were the former founders of Konoha, the first Hokage and the second Hokage.

Between the Senju Pillars and the Senju Tobirama.

It can also be called the strongest combat power in Konoha ever!

Behind Hinata Goten, the former Third Hokage and Danzo from the Anbu looked at him with incredulous eyes.

Yutian, I didn't expect that you actually succeeded!

In this way, after the first Hokage and the second Hokage are successfully reincarnated in the dirty land, we in Konoha will be the strongest in the ninja world!

Sarutobi Hiruzen spoke with great excitement, looking at Hinata Goten with no trace of fear in his eyes.

Even Danzo on the side looked at him with admiration.

This strange scene seems to be something that the ANBU ninjas around them are used to.

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