There was something on his face that he seemed to want to say, but he stopped thinking about continuing because of his respect for his seniors and the difficulty of expressing it.

Well... superb acting skills are often reflected in the details.

After all, even though Hongjun is a senior, he has shown obstruction time and time again.

It would be strange if both Dijun and Taiyi didn't look angry at all.

You know, the two of them are now determined to be in the identity of Sun Star's young public servant, who is very powerful in the background. How can they lose the face of Sun Star's father?

Faced with Di Jun's inquiry and Taiyi's obviously questioning eyes.

Besides Hongjun's forced smile, his head really hurt.

But in order to protect this Pangu flag, he had to speak.

In the prehistoric era, it is the cause and effect that harms people after all. Whether it is in the past, present, or future, it is a headache.

Sigh... little friend Dijun, it's not that the old is bullying the young, but it's because you have difficulties. Can you exchange for another spiritual treasure?

Except for the Pangu flag, there are two remaining pieces. They can both be given to the children, okay?

Hongjun sighed and said with a wry smile.

There was nothing he could do, he owed Karma, and he kept trying to stop him, which was already embarrassing on his face.

As for the Pangu Banner, what remains are the Qiankun Ding and the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus, two top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

I can only give it up with great pain, hoping to satisfy Di Jun.


If it were an ordinary great power, there would be such an opportunity.

Although I lost one innate treasure, I was able to obtain two top-quality innate spiritual treasures.

Even more so because he was able to win the favor of Taoist Hongjun, a powerful senior, so he probably agreed quickly.

Can be biased.

The two masters in front of Hongjun were not ordinary existences.

This is the lawless daughter of the Sun Star who dares to plot against him in front of him!


[Um, I can’t stand it any longer, so I got up and started typing after not sleeping for a few hours. I’ll have a meal and rest for an hour, and then I’ll continue to give everyone a blast. I expect there will be at least ten updates today! ].

Chapter 62

PS: Thank you to [****8798] for your 1000 VIP point reward support. Thank you very much! Thank you to the boss [Small smile can’t hide the sadness] for your support with 1,000 reminder votes. Thank you very much!


Senior Hongjun! I respect you as my senior, but how dare you bully us like this?

Could it be that Taiyi and her sister are young and have no knowledge? !

I came here with good intentions to settle the cause and effect between you and Father God, but you stopped us time and time again. I...

Although Hongjun's words were full of helplessness, they seemed to directly anger Taiyi.

She seemed to have been wronged and scolded her loudly, and she even had the momentum to take action!

Taiyi! Don't be rude! Hongjun is a senior. Since you have already said that you have difficulties, how can you be so rude?

Let Senior Hongjun explain and tell us what our suffering is.

Presumably, as senior Hongjun, he would not do such a thing as bullying someone small.

At the critical moment, Di Jun took a step forward and stopped the impulsive Taiyi.

And with a little scolding, the word respect for the seniors was fully reflected.

Although, Hongjun could still see the suppressed dissatisfaction in Di Jun's eyes.

But he sighed in his heart: The future life is terrible.

After all, in Hongjun's eyes, no matter how good-tempered he is, his continuous obstructions are enough.

He probably wouldn't give himself a good look either.

What's more, the two young ancestors in front of them have special status and cannot be punished at will.

The other party did not rely on their identity and retained respect for themselves. Moreover, under such circumstances, they still suppressed their inner anger.

This made Hongjun feel a little ashamed.

Of course, if he finds out, this is a plan that Dijun and Taiyi worked together to calculate with superb acting skills after Chen Fan gave some advice.

He probably spurted blood on the spot, and then let out a long sigh: Everything is a conspiracy, even a poor man can fall into this trap!

But now.

Hongjun faced a very confusing problem. How to explain the reason why Pangu flag could not be selected?

Di Jun asked so respectfully and politely.

Of course, it won’t work if you don’t give an explanation. Can you explain it? How to explain it?

Should I tell the other party directly that this treasure will have a big cause and effect on Pindao's future?

Well, if you are so honest, if you say it.

Hongjun himself felt like he was deceiving his two young ancestors as fools.

after all.

You can use this excuse to dissuade me the first time, but I can still reluctantly believe you the second time.

the third time?

Senior Hongjun? Can you explain? Why did you dissuade us from choosing the treasure three times in a row?

Di Jun spoke again just in time, but his tone was slightly lower.

This is already obvious and starting to question.


With another long sigh, Hongjun said helplessly: After all, it is the poor man who is at fault, but the reason for this is truly unexplainable.

In this way, in order to make up for the treasure selection that blocked you three times.

The old Taoist can give these twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus and the Qiankun Cauldron to little friend Dijun, hoping that the little friend can keep the Pangu flag.

At this point, Lao Dao and Senior Sun Star have come to an end.

At the same time, as a seasoned person, I owe you two friends a share of karma, okay?

As soon as these words came out, they represented Hongjun's final bottom line.

The cause and effect with the sun star must be resolved, otherwise it will have unpredictable effects in the future.

Hongjun didn't want to let himself end up like Luo Hu.

So this cause and effect must be cut off!

As for Dijun and Taiyi, if they don't provide a reasonable solution, the other party will obviously not give up.

In this case, we can only owe the two of them a share of cause and effect first.

You know, Hongjun's words have already given him enough face.

He is at the pinnacle of quasi-sage cultivation and is still infinitely close to the heavenly saints, but he is willing to owe a share of karma to two little guys who have just picked up the Daluo Dao Fruit.

It can be seen that Hongjun also took great pains to plan for the future.

As soon as these words came out, Di Jun frowned slightly, originally planning to give it a try.

Let's see if we can transfer this cause and effect to Father God.

But in the bottom of her heart, a spiritual thought appeared: That's enough.

The little guy immediately gave up his thoughts. If he supports Father God, then he is a good boy!

Since Senior Hongjun has said this, then if he is not satisfied, it will appear that Di Jun is stingy.

Pangu Banner is given to you, then the Qiankun Cauldron and the Twelfth Grade World-Destroying Black Lotus, Di Jun will not be polite!

The words fell.

Pangu Banner was directly thrown into Hongjun's hands by Di Jun, and the two top-quality innate spiritual treasures were instantly put away.

After being blessed with three important treasures and a share of cause and effect from Master Hongjun.

The two little guys were filled with joy in their hearts, but their faces showed no trace of it.

After bowing slightly, the two little guys turned into their true bodies and flew thirty-three days away.

Kong left Master Hongjun silently looking at the remaining three treasures in front of him, with the corner of his mouth twitching slightly.

Today, after what was supposed to be a showdown between the Dao Demons, Hongjun's plan succeeded.

Not only has he achieved the status of a future saint, but he has also earned a lot of shining moments.


Things can never go as planned.

Immortal Yangmei escaped with the help of the power of Pangu Banner and the self-destruction power of two quasi-sage pinnacles.

This is a major unstable factor and may have some negative effects in the future.

Secondly, Hongjun not only lost his treasure now, but also owed a share of karma to the two little guys.

After this battle between Dao and Demon is over, it seems that except for the saint status, the other benefits are really gone!

However, the two little Golden Crows seemed to be the biggest winners.

He didn't do anything, but relied on the karma of Senior Sun Star to come and receive the heavy treasure gift package.

By the way, Hongjun also owed Karma and made a lot of money, which was a great pleasure.

But he, Hongjun, still couldn't express his pain, and even felt vaguely (Li Nuozhao) that he couldn't feel sorry for the two little guys? !

In the end, he had no choice but to sigh and began to clean up the mess after the war.

Today was also the day when Old Dao Hongjun sighed the most.

Complicated feelings.

Above the sun star.

The group of sand sculpture friends who were watching were all dumbfounded at this moment.

After seeing the two little golden crows flying back, they turned into sweet, cute and delicate little lolita like porcelain.

A group of projections that were originally out of reach actually took a step back.

There is a strong intention to keep distance from Xiao Jinwu.

There is no way, this group of friends are really going numb when they see the acting skills and cooperation of the two little Golden Crows!

The future Taoist ancestors were all plotted by him, and even looked quite indebted.

With such terrible scheming, this bunch of idiot friends are really ignorant of the term .~little loli.

With a new understanding! .

Chapter 63

PS: Thank you to the boss of [Shang·Fleeing Time] for your 200 VIP point reward support! Many thanks!


Even though he is old, he can still dance: From today on, I, Madara Uchiha, will no longer believe in innocence and cuteness! The cuter and more delicate a loli is, the more scary it is!

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