But I can't deduce much else.

Having no other choice, Master Hongjun had no choice but to smile bitterly and said: My dear friend Dijun, the Four Swords of Killing Immortals and their formations have world-shattering power.

According to the veteran's calculation, it would take the realm of a saint in the future to be able to fully unleash the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, and the killing power is too heavy.

How about... try another one?

Hongjun's tone was open to discussion, but he would not directly stop the other party from making a choice.

At this moment, Hongjun's previous sentence You two can choose the destined spiritual treasure seems just right.

It not only gives enough face, but also allows room for detours at the appropriate time.

It fully shows the scheming and scheming of Hongjun, the number one calculator in the world!

On the other hand, Di Jun did not refute Hongjun's words. He just pretended to be reluctant to leave and glanced at the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Then he asked Taiyi: Sister, do you have any favorite baby?

On the surface, it's just a simple inquiry.

But in fact, the two innate golden crows, who have the same origin, communicated secretly.

Coupled with Chen Fan's secret help, even Hongjun was completely unaware. Instead, he felt that these two little girls were quite well-behaved and knew how to be humble.

Hmm...let me think about it.

Taiyi pretended to be in deep thought, and his eyes kept passing between several spiritual treasures, seeming to be slightly fond of them all, and it was hard to make a choice.

But in the end, her eyes were fixed on two treasures.

The first item is Demon Ancestor Luohu’s weapon of attack—the God-killing Spear!

The second item is the innate treasure left behind after the death of the ancestor Yin Yang - the Tai Chi Diagram!

After another moment of pondering, Taiyi seemed to have made a decision.

Let's take this Tai Chi diagram. As an innate treasure, it must be extremely powerful. It should not be weaker than that sword formation.

As soon as he finished speaking, Taiyi seemed to be quite impatient and immediately planned to reach out and take the treasure into his bag.


The old Taoist Hongjun on the side was shocked again when he saw this scene.

He almost lost his sense and stretched out his hand to stop Taiyi, but instead said in a hurry: Wait a minute!

Do you have any advice from Dao Ancestor?

Taiyi's expression seemed to change, and his tone lowered a few degrees as he asked.

Di Jun on the side also cast a slightly questioning look.

This made the smile on Old Dao Hongjun's face become increasingly bitter, adding a bit of embarrassment.

After all, Di Jun had been dissuaded once before, and now he wanted to dissuade Taiyi again.

Even with Hongjun's city, he felt quite embarrassed at this moment.

It would be really ugly if someone had a reputation of bullying the younger ones.

Especially since the other party is the daughter of Senior Sun Star, if he offends Senior Sun Star, that would be the biggest problem!

Little friend Taiyi, from an old Taoist perspective, your Taoism seems to focus on moving forward and being unstoppable.

From this point of view, although this Tai Chi diagram is an innate treasure, its magical power is somewhat inconsistent with my little friend.

On the other hand, this god-killing spear is the first offensive spirit treasure in the world. It is more in line with my little friend's way and should be able to exert greater power!

Hongjun's remarks can be said to be sincere, as if he is doing it for your own good.

In fact, that's exactly what he said.

But the purpose is naturally to prevent Taiyi from choosing the Tai Chi diagram.

He had no choice but to feel something in his heart and had to take this step. Hongjun felt aggrieved.

Who would have known that these two little ancestors would be able to pick one accurately, and two items in a row would be inexplicably of great use to me in the future.

He had to stop him verbally, and he couldn't really offend these two people.

Otherwise, when Senior Sun Star was so angry, even the Heavenly Dao directly cut off three points of Luo Hu's luck!

It was so terrifying that Hongjun naturally didn't want to try it.

Although he is already infinitely close to a saint, after all, he has not yet become a saint, so he is just an ant after all.

That being the case, Taiyi should follow Senior Hongjun's instructions and choose this God-killing Spear.

After pondering for a moment, Taiyi said in a lukewarm tone.

Even though he clearly felt that the little guy in front of him was emotional, Hongjun still let out a long sigh of relief.

As long as this little ancestor doesn't fall out, then it's acceptable.

Even if he was a little wronged, Hongjun didn't think it was anything, he just regarded it as a favor to Senior Sun Star.

On the surface, she looked quite unhappy, but in reality, Taiyi was overjoyed inside.

Holding the God-killing Spear in her hand, Taiyi's little Loli looked majestic and heroic at this moment, quite a bit like she could dominate the world.

From the beginning, what this little guy likes the most is naturally this God-killing Spear!

Without it, only the Tao is in harmony!

If it weren't for Di Jun's timely communication, I'm afraid she wouldn't be willing to wait for a moment and take this treasure.

But now.

Not only did he take this valuable treasure into his pocket, but he also made Master Hongjun fall into a conspiracy through two treasure selections.

Di Jun's third choice will be the final move that will completely complicate things!

Senior, my sister has collected the treasure, so next, is it Di Jun's turn?

He still asked respectfully, showing his respectful attitude.

It seemed that he was not dissatisfied at all because of the two previous obstructions.

Faced with Di Jun's respectful attitude, the old Taoist Hongjun felt a little bit regretful.

With a kind smile on his face, he said: This is natural. Little friend Dijun will naturally choose the baby he wants.

As soon as he finished speaking, Di Jun waved directly at the Pangu flag, and his magic power swept over it.

As an ownerless thing, Pangu Banner naturally fell into Di Jun's hands instantly!

With a look of joy on his face, he spat out a few words: What a treasure! Tear apart chaos and time and space, what a treasure! It's you!

The words haven't finished yet.

Hongjun's face suddenly turned the color of bitter melon, and he was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood.

With this choice, Di Jun actually chose something that had a huge causal link with his future.

The most important thing is that she has it in her hands.

If this is blocked again, it will really become a big problem!


Chapter 61

Hongjun always pays attention to things he does - think carefully and plan before taking action. Even the battle between Dao and Demon was almost entirely part of his calculations.

But in the face of this Emperor Jun acted as if he wanted to take the Pangu Banner into his bag.

Even Hongjun had to lose his composure at this moment.

There is no way, if it weren't for this Pangu flag, there would really be a lot of karma for Yu Hongjun's future.

Then he doesn't care about such an innate treasure. It would be best if he can resolve the cause and effect with Sun Star as soon as possible.

However, among this pile of spiritual treasures, there are only two innate treasures - the Pangu Flag and the Tai Chi Diagram.

Although Di Jun and Taiyi would like him, Master Hongjun didn't question anything.

After all, there is still a slight gap between the innate treasure and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Ordinary ordinary person: Why do I feel that there seems to be something unusual in 597's seemingly simple process of selecting treasures? Is this my misunderstanding?

Even though he is old, he can still dance: I, Madara Uchiha, have been in the ninja world for many years. Even when I am old, I can be considered as the layout and strategist of the ninja world. I swear on my honor that there is definitely something fishy in this!

The big bones were boiled into soup: Well, does this look normal? And Taoist Hongjun seems to have a very good attitude, and he also helped Dijun and Taiyi with guidance (Honest Man.jpg).

Time Elf: A girl's intuition! There must be something going on that we don't know about!

Cute Queen: Now, let me show up! Call the dog manager for everyone, let her come forward to explain, @dedicated manager.

The conscientious administrator: Queen of Stupid, after going to the PK field with the scheming Lolita Annie, do you plan to try it with me too (Sun Real Fire Warning.jpg)?!

Rem: Tsk, tsk, tsk... Unknowingly, the queen's strength has been greatly reduced by the administrator! Rem deeply regrets this (sympathy.jpg).

Cute Queen: ...

This was very annoying. Not only was he threatened by the PK field, he was also given a vicious tongue by Rem, but he couldn't refute it.

We, Esdeath, have memorized this place. When the day comes when my queen’s strength takes a leap, we will definitely find this place back!

Uncle Jiu: As the true successor of Maoshan, in my world, the Taoist sect enshrines the founder of the Sanqing Dynasty of Taoism.

If I remember correctly, what Pindao knows is that the Taichi Diagram is owned by Taiqing Laozi, and the Pangu Flag is owned by Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun.

As for the Four Swords of Killing Immortals and their formations, they must be held by the Supreme Purity Lingbao Tianzun.

Perhaps, the hidden secret you feel is related to the treasures of these three people?

The dedicated administrator: Uncle Jiu is right, there are also three pure gods in the ancient world, and these three treasures are really closely related to them.

Dijun and Taiyi seemed to have deliberately chosen these three treasures.

If I guess, it should be to plot against Taoist Hongjun and not want to end the cause and effect easily.

Ordinary ordinary person: Well, according to what the administrator said, if these three treasures have special characteristics, it can be confirmed that Dijun and Taiyi are really plotting against Taoist Hongjun. This is really...

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: Play hard to get, and his acting skills are explosive. Looking at Taoist Hongjun's face, it is obvious that he is very aggrieved, but he has nowhere to vent.

Dijun and Taiyi gave enough face to each other, which made Hongjun even more uncomfortable.

In the first two treasure selections, I followed Hongjun's advice, so this third time, it was really a sure win!

Iron Man: Kuofei, according to what the administrator once said, this should be the first time the two little golden crows were born, right? This counts on the boss Hongjun, is this a talent? (Shivering.jpg) ?”

Time Elf: I'm afraid, I'm afraid. This is the prehistoric era. Everything is full of calculations. Even the cute loli who just transformed is like this. Sure enough, I am still too naive!

Queen of Cuteness: I don’t know who said that she was known as the 'worst elf'? Simple? Hmm...

Time Elf: See you at the PK field (smiling face.jpg)?

Cute Queen: ...

Another colorful addition was added to the little notebook in a certain queen's heart.

The situation is stronger than the person, let’s take note of this grudge first!

Chen Fan expressed that he did not want to participate in the speculations of the sand sculpture group friends.

He didn't want to tell this group of idiot friends that he had also secretly helped a little bit.

Otherwise, these guys will probably have to start their daily tasks again.

As for Mu Jinxuan's slightly speculative look towards him, Chen Fan ignored it.

Well, if you don't take the initiative to speak, the tool man will naturally not talk nonsense...

Senior Hongjun? I think your face doesn't look good?

Di Jun pretended to be suspicious.

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