The conscientious administrator: I always feel like when you said that, you seemed to have offended three people in the group at once (watch the show.j~pg)!

Time Elf: No! To be precise, four! I, Kurumi Tokisaki, Ro-Li! What do you think?

Diligent management-administrator: ...

Iron Man: You know, the two little guys in the group, Kangna and Xiaonan, are the group's cute pets that are loved by the bosses of Sun Star. I always feel that what you said, Dance King, is a bit suicidal!

Ordinary ordinary person: There is nothing to be afraid of. After all, creatures of our level are not even qualified to let the other party take a second look, let alone plot against us?

Rem: Rem thinks that the daughter of the boss of Sun Star has a very good talent, just like Rem has the talent of a maid!

Queen of Cutie: No! In fact, you are gifted with a poisonous tongue (I see through everything.jpg).

Finally finding an opportunity, Esdeath made a prompt decision and launched a beautiful counterattack.

Dedicated administrator: After the world mission ended, this administrator tasted the exquisite food from Rem. Hum, does a stupid queen want to have a PK friendly meeting (gearing.jpg)?

Young monk Fahai: Indeed, I cannot forget the kindness given to me by the female benefactor Lemu. Please count me in your favor.

The hungry dragon roared: It's terrible, it's terrible, Kangna is passing by making soy sauce, you continue (acting cute passing by.jpg).

Queen of Cutie: Goodbye, oh no! Never again (gnashing teeth.jpg)!

A certain queen started autistic mode, and in the world of Crimson Eyes, Esdeath's subordinates were trembling.

Well, I was trembling mentally and physically.

They didn't know what was wrong with their general, so they started to get sulky.

Even if he was sulking, he actually radiated the power of the Teigu.

Without orders, they did not dare to leave easily, so they could only stand cautiously.

Enjoying this dual coldness from the psychological and physical levels.

Sun Star: This live broadcast, it's time to end here. The battle between Tao and Demon has come to an end, and there will be some peace and quiet in the next prehistoric period.


[The great and supreme Sun Star has closed the live broadcast, and the live broadcast effect is calculated as: over limit (it is an immeasurable benefit to allow the group of friends to witness the horror of the Longhan Tribulation, and their mood will be greatly improved)!

[Reward: tens of millions of merits. 】

Can Liu: It's over. It's really like a dream. The prehistoric world is far more cruel than my world!

In front of the gate of Shicun, the crystal-clear jade-like branches of the Willow God are like the divine chain of order, dancing in the wind, exuding a warm luster, blessing Shicun.

She had been recovering her strength, but her speed had improved a lot again.

It seems that after watching the Dao Demon battle this time, I gained some superficial understanding.

It’s not about Taoism, it’s about the state of mind.

The conscientious administrator said: Another big boss' live broadcast has ended. Now I feel empty in my heart, as if life has lost its meaning.

Time Elf: Mingren don't tell secrets. The boss's live broadcast is really shocking. After watching it once, I was completely nostalgic for the elegance of the ancient world!

Genos: Well... I have to find the doctor quickly. I have to upgrade my body, otherwise it may really explode next time (fear.jpg)!

Rem: So Genos is actually a robot (curious.jpg)?

Iron Man: I think I am the most authoritative in this regard!

Mr. Genos, would you like to consider letting me help you upgrade your machine? You only need a few points as handling fee!

Genos: Forget it. I think Dr. Kusno is more reliable. I am a modified person, not a pure robot. Your technology may not be useful to me.

Rem: Another day when Mr. Big Shit was hit hard! The technology he was so proud of turned out to be unfavorable (sympathy.jpg).

iron Man:……

Zhang Junbao: Ahem, you can't say that. Just like a poor man, I am very optimistic about Mr. Shit Dako's steel armor.

·····Ask for flowers···

As the only one who agrees with you in the group, what do you think, do you want to consider giving me a set (white prostitute monster.jpg)?

Just when the sand sculpture group friends were sighing and chatting because Chen Fan's live broadcast ended.


[Welcome new member Gu Aotian to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome the new member Plumber to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome the new member My Italian Cannon to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

[Welcome the new member The Evil God of Waste Materials to join the chat group of all realms! 】

[Welcome the new member Staff Making Goddess to join the chat group of all worlds! 】

[Welcome the new member Problem Child to join the Wanjie chat group! 】

..... ......... .....

Several prompt tones sounded in the Wanjie chat group one after another.

Dedicated administrator: New members join the group! Please read the instructions for joining the group after watching the mandatory memory clip!

Secondly, when the newlyweds arrive, please take photos, age, measurements, and whether you are married; finally, I wish you all a happy time together!

There is a lesson from the last time a new person joined the group and the God King committed suicide.

Although because of the boss of Sun Star, there is an extra memory clip that is mandatory for newcomers to join the group.

But, just to be on the safe side.

Mu Jinxuan gave a friendly reminder and even stole Esdeath's lines.

after all.

This year's newcomers seem to be a bit strong.

Two nicknames with god appeared (albeit weird nicknames), and one Aotian brother.

As a qualified administrator, Mu Jinxuan feels that it is necessary to maintain a harmonious environment within the group.

Of course, except for PK Esdeath, Mu Jinxuan raised her hands in approval!

Ordinary ordinary people: Welcome new members to join the group. At the same time, we hope that the two group members with the nickname God will try their best not to cause trouble.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: As a veteran member of this group, let me, Madara Uchiha, say, newcomers, do you also want to dance?

Rem: I'm getting goosebumps!

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, a new friend has arrived!


Chapter 64

PS: Thank you to Mr. [Fan Yuanyuan] for your 100 VIP point reward and update ticket support! Many thanks!


Gu Aotian: The Ten Thousand Worlds Chat Group? Interesting stuff, I am Ainz Ooal Gown! The controller of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick!

Even though this group has a terrifying existence like the Sun Star! But I won’t give in!

So, I want to ask, why is my nickname so nasty and vulgar?

All the friends: ...

Well, he looked majestic and high-spirited, and even deliberately named the Sun Star boss.

Actually, I just want to know what my nickname would be like?

Ordinary ordinary person: The new group members' personalities seem to be a little... contrasting?

In the world of death, Aizen pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose.

He began to speculate on the personality traits of the new members, which was also considered an occupational disease.

For Aizen, only by knowing all useful information about his enemies and subordinates can he be able to perfectly control the overall situation.

The conscientious administrator: Without further ado, if Gu Aotian doesn't mind, then I'll upload the memory fragments!

Chapter 14: I haven’t uploaded memory clips for a long time, and I almost forgot to let everyone experience the joy of chasing fans!

Even though the world of the Sun Star boss is supreme, I still have to say that for a useless house, chasing fans is the way to go!

Sun Star: ...

Mu Jinxuan's speech slightly piqued Chen Fan's interest.

After all, in the years before Hongjun became a saint, nothing major happened in the wilderness.

Let this tool upload more memory fragments and act as a chaser, which is a good way to kill time.

Time Elf: Melon seeds, peanuts, and mineral water are sold in the front row. Is there any group member who wants to follow up and wants to buy them? Super low price, just 1 point, you can buy a snack gift pack!

The hungry dragon roared: It's terrible, it's terrible, is Sister Kuangsan going to steal Kangna's only small business? (Wrongful Baba.jpg)?

Kang Na has not forgotten the 100 flavored buns she has listed for sale in Wanjie Mall. far, except for my little girl who is a good friend and bought one, it has been completely ignored.

Time Elf: ...just kidding, we are the most evil elves, how can we compete with a useless cute loli?!

The crippled evil god: How can it be repaired! I am the great evil god - Nyarlathotep, not some crippled evil god!

This damn chat group of all realms! Do you want to try the great holy sword sanction? !

Staff Goddess: Ah? Evil God?! Although we are also curious about what the nickname 'Staff Goddess' means, I, Aqua, am the real goddess, the evil undead, accept the punishment!

Hmm...please ask, what should I do to attack the evil undead evil god?

Even though people are old, they can still dance: This year's newcomers are particularly active. It seems that they all have the potential to dance!

Ordinary ordinary person: Although the nickname carries the word 'god', I seem to have some not-so-good premonitions. I hope I am wrong.

Plumber: What a strange place. Is there anything else in this world other than pipes, princesses, fire-breathing dragons, etc.? It's so exciting!

Problem Child: Interesting, could it be said that this is another brand new small garden?

If my guess is correct, the existence of the God-killing King we saw at the beginning seems to have the authority of the sun just like us?

Moreover, it looks like it is even more powerful than me. What an interesting place!

The conscientious administrator: It's rare that two newcomers finally don't have to worry about their nicknames. However, the boss of the Sun Star seems to be targeted by someone who also represents the sun (smirk.jpg)!

Sun Star: There are many beings with the power of the sun in all the worlds, but it is interesting to meet one by such a coincidence. The Little Garden seems to be a very interesting place!

Thirty-three levels of heaven.

The figure of Chen Fan, whose spiritual thoughts were intertwined and manifested, had a smile on his face.

The problem child Shirayasha, the strongest star spirit who controls the sun and the white night, seems to be particularly interested in the sun of his supreme world!

Perhaps, he will be a good prospect with good potential.

The conscientious administrator: Hey, there is only one new member of this class who has not shown up yet. Could it be that he is diving?

Also, this nickname... always feels full of familiarity from the past!

Aura revives the world, inside the villa.

Mu Jinxuan lay on the bed every day, while her mind kept searching for that extremely familiar memory.

However, it seemed a little long ago, and I couldn't remember it for a while.

And that's when.

As for my Italian cannon: What the fuck! Li Yunlong has grown up, and this is the first time I have seen such a strange thing. Damn it, could it be that I have hallucinated because my head was blasted by a cannon?

Revitalize the world.

Looking at this extremely domineering way of speaking and the leader of a certain group who claimed to be a family member.

The corners of Mu Jinxuan's mouth twitched slightly, and the memory in her mind suddenly became clear.

At the same time, I also remembered that once extremely popular joke: Second Battalion Commander, bring up my Italian cannon...

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