The most important thing is, maybe you don’t even know when you will be contaminated with cause and effect!

Uncle Jiu: No wonder the administrator said that most of the creatures in the ancient world are good at calculations. I'm afraid they are worried about being contaminated by the ubiquitous cause and effect (fear.jpg)?

Evil Sword Immortal: Obviously that's right! I thought that the great power of the ancient world was so powerful that he should be able to control the world and be free and easy, but now it seems that he still can't be truly free and easy!

Zhang Junbao: You can't say that. After all, the eternal life that is beyond our reach is within reach within our reach.

As long as it's not a terrible disaster like this demon war, and you don't seek death, you should still be able to live a long and stable life?

Ordinary ordinary people: The so-called freedom may be regarded as a relative, but absolute freedom, except for existences like the boss of Sun Star, it is estimated that there is no second.

Conscientious Administrator: “Actually, I suddenly thought of a question.

If we really want to talk about cause and effect, the existence of Sun Star Boss has blessed all things, shined and brought warmth since the beginning of the world.

There are almost not many living beings who can avoid this cause and effect, right?

As soon as these words came out, the chat group entered a brief state of silence...



The group has entered the daily suffocation phase again.

A group of friends who had already known about the terrifying nature of the prehistoric cause and effect only realized it at this moment.

There are almost no living beings in this ancient world who do not owe the Sun Star boss karma!

Sun Xing: The second cause and effect was related to the two bald men who were slightly punished by me during the first live broadcast.

There is a lot of causal involvement between the two of them and Na Hongjun in the future.

Hongjun was worried that I would hold a grudge against those two people, so he came to ask me.

As for those two guys, I didn't actually care about them, so I naturally went along with the flow, which made Hongjun give up his original plan to give up on those two people.

In this regard, before Hongjun left, he said that if he was sent something, he would not refuse.

These words may be big or small, and naturally they can be regarded as a big cause and effect that he took the initiative to send.

In this case of two causes and effects, I asked Dijun and Taiyi to get the spiritual treasures, and Hongjun was naturally unstoppable.

Otherwise, it will not just be as simple as getting the spiritual treasure...

The conscientious administrator: So that's it. Thinking about it now, it's no wonder that Hongjun has a helpless expression.

Ordinary ordinary person: After all the calculations, when the benefits were finally collected, the two innate golden crows were fully harvested. Even the future Taoist Ancestor's mentality at this time is unlikely to be any better.

The hungry dragon roared: The world of adults is too complicated. Kangna just wants to be a dragon that will never grow up. She will be happy just eating and drinking every day, ah woo (eating chocolate)!

Have you seen my little bear: I have mixed feelings. Fortunately, Annie is just a little loli who won't grow up (delighted.jpg).

Cute Queen: Scheming lolita, hum (you can't escape the eyes of this queen)!

The conscientious administrator: Now I suddenly want to know, Dijun and Taiyi will take away those treasures! Those are the best innate spiritual treasures! Many great men in the world have things that they can only meet but cannot ask for (eyes open) Light.jpg)!

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of the group of friends immediately shifted.


Chapter 59

On top of the ruins of the Western Continent.

Hongjun looked at the two little ancestors who had materialized in front of him with a wry smile.

At this moment, they were looking at the innate spiritual treasures, their eyes shining brightly.

There seemed to be a glimmer of crystal water about to drip from the corners of the two little lolita's mouths, but luckily they reacted in time.

After squeaking for a while.

The two little guys, who were as delicate as porcelain, deliberately kept a straight face.

Ahem...Senior Hongjun, I am Dijun, and she is Taiyi, the innate golden crow born from the sun star.

When I come here today, I would like to first of all congratulate Senior Hongjun for his victory in the great war, and I can look forward to the future.

Dijun and Taiyi slightly arched their hands to show respect.

In his words, he even addressed Hongjun as his senior, and did not directly state his intention in the first place.

The meaning of this is naturally to give Hongjun the face.

Furthermore, Hongjun can afford the title of senior to Dijun and Taiyi, both in terms of his cultivation and status.

What's more, if there is no Sun Star as the pillar of support for both of them.

I'm afraid that in the future, after 14 Hongjun becomes the Taoist ancestor, this senior may still be considered a high achiever.

Of course, the situation is different now. Even Hongjun has to treat these two little Golden Crows kindly.

When they walk outside, what they naturally represent is the face of the Sun Star!

In ancient times, once their cultivation reached a certain level, the things they cared about became less and less.

But the word face can never be lost (except for a certain Western duo)!

Don’t you see how important the word “face” is to the future Saint of Heaven?

Even though the Western duo concealed their true identities when carrying out many of their plans, they still cared a little bit.

Send my regards to Senior Sun Star for me. However, the old Taoist currently has to repair the damage caused by the Great Desolation, and the old Taoist gained some insights during the war, so he will not go there in person.

Hongjun did not maintain his identity, and he also slightly raised his hands to show respect for Sun Xing.

Then, he continued:

Lao Dao Hongjun is also aware of the purpose of the two coming. He did owe Senior Sun Star two big karma before.

This opportunity for retribution came by chance. The two of you can just choose the destined spiritual treasure as a poor way to resolve the cause and effect.

Hongjun's tone was slightly helpless.

Especially when he said the opportunity for reward came by chance, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

Obviously, he was also greedy for the top-quality innate spiritual treasure in front of him!

Even though he is now infinitely close to the level of a Heavenly Saint, it is not true that he has no need for spiritual treasures.

Every top-quality innate spiritual treasure has a natural Taoist charm and contains all kinds of unpredictable divine power. Even if it is simply used to understand the Taoist treasures, it is something that can be encountered but cannot be sought!

After hearing Hongjun's words, Dijun and Taiyi looked at each other and secretly said that it was true.

Although Hongjun did show great pain, in fact, the other party really wanted to settle these two major causes and effects.

Thinking about this question, little Loli Dijun's eyes started to roll!

Thoughts were flying in his mind, and he seemed to be thinking about how to make the simple matter of selecting treasures and leaving them a little more complicated.

So that the cause and effect between Father God and Taoist Hongjun will not be settled so easily!

Di Jun was accompanied by a top-notch innate spiritual treasure like He Tu Luoshu who was good at deduction and had great deduction abilities.

Maybe not as good as Hongjun, but he also knows that the Taoist in front of him is favored by heaven.

If this cause and effect will not be easily resolved, wouldn't it be more beneficial to Father God?

Thirty-three levels of heaven.

Chen Fan's spiritual incarnation looked at the scene in the scroll in front of him.

In an instant, it became clear what kind of intentions his good daughter had.

This little guy Di Jun is not big, but he is very courageous.

This was the first time he was born, and he began to plan this. Hongjun was just one step away from becoming a saint.

wrong! How could my daughter use the word calculate?

This is called - being smart, resourceful, considerate of their father, and worrying about their father since they were young!

Thinking of this, Chen Fan couldn't help but smile.

His heart moved slightly, and a ray of unique Taoist charm originating from Chen Fan quietly fell into Di Jun's heart.

Little guy, are you thinking about how to prevent the consequences of this from being resolved easily?

Father God?!

Di Jun's face changed slightly, but he quickly regained his composure, and responded with excitement in his heart.

Well, since you are so interested, I will give you some pointers and remember them...

Feeling the Tao Yun's guidance from Father God in his heart, Di Jun's face showed a hint of joy unknowingly.

After the unique charm that even Hongjun couldn't detect completely dissipated, Di Jun's face returned to calmness.

The little guy has already taken Father God's advice to heart.

Now that Senior Hongjun has opened his mouth, we will be disrespectful and start selecting now, so as not to delay Senior's important task of repairing the ancient times. That would be a sin.

Di Jun said respectfully.

Then Bian and Taiyi set their sights on the top-notch innate spiritual treasures, even the innate treasures Tai Chi Diagram and Pangu Flag!

The four swords of Zhu Xian and the formation diagram, the Tai Chi diagram, and the Pangu flag.

Di Jun focused his attention on these three treasures. As for the reason, of course it came from the guidance of Father God!

Chen Fan's advice to Di Jun was to pretend to choose these three treasures.

By then, Hongjun, who has been infinitely close to the saint and is good at deduction, will definitely feel something in his heart.

These three things have a great effect on him.

It would definitely not be easy to see them taken away by Di Jun and Taiyi.

Otherwise, there will be no reason for the three heavenly saints in the future to form an inseparable cause and effect with Hongjun.

Don't underestimate Hongjun's gift of treasure in the future.

Those treasures are not given indiscriminately, they are all contaminated by infinite cause and effect and chance. Only appropriate things can produce corresponding effects in the future.

A certain calamity in the future will also be closely related to the distributed treasure!

Chen Fan had accurately calculated this point and gave Di Jun some pointers.

After all, this will not touch Hongjun's bottom line, but it can control the other party a little, so that the cause and effect will not be easily resolved.

So, why not?


[Let’s just give up the fourth update tonight. Get up early tomorrow and continue to fight and update! I wish you all good night and sweet dreams].

Chapter 60

PS: Thank you to the boss of [Flower of the Other Shore Manzhu Shahua] for your 300 VIP point reward support! Many thanks!


Senior Hongjun, I saw that the sword formation produced by these four swords in conjunction with the formation diagram is infinitely powerful. It has the ability to restart the earth, fire, water, and wind. I don't know...

Di Jun spoke again, and his target was the Four Swords of Zhu Xian plus the Formation Diagram.

Just after saying this.

Hongjun suddenly felt something in his heart, secretly thought something bad, and quietly started to make calculations.

However, no matter how you calculate it, you can only figure out that the Four Swords of Zhu Xian and the formation diagram seem to have a very important role for itself.

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