His soul has almost disappeared, and he was almost wiped out by the terrifying sword energy with unlimited murderous intent!

On the other hand, Hongjun himself was able to handle it with ease. Even though his Taoist robes were damaged a lot, there was actually not much damage.

Such a contrast made Yang Mei so angry that she almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

Now, he really regrets that he believed Hongjun's promise and coveted the position of the future saint.

Thinking that Hongjun owed them great karma, he would not dare to break his promise in the future.

Coupled with the four peak quasi-sages, against a Rahu, isn't that a sure win?

Who would have thought.

This Luohu turned out to be so terrifying, ruthless and decisive that he directly detonated the infinite spiritual veins of the Western Continent, and even the ancestral spiritual veins could not escape.

The destructiveness caused by such a reckless method is naturally immeasurable!

He forcibly increased the power of the Immortal Killing Sword Formation to an unbelievable level.

Facing such a sword formation, the weakest ancestors Yin Yang and Qian Kun were the first to bear the brunt and could not withstand it.

Taoist Yang Mei has been struggling to support himself until now. He is seriously injured and it will take many Yuanhui sessions to repair him.

But he, Hongjun, really sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and regarded them as the turtles in the urn.

In fact.

From the moment they entered the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, they couldn't help themselves.

It was impossible for Luo Hu to let them go, so naturally he desperately used the power of the sword formation in an attempt to kill them.

Being inside the sword formation, it was impossible for them to give up resistance and let Luo Hu kill them.

In this way, all situations are under Hongjun's control.

The three of them, who were at the peak of their quasi-sage status, were being played around like monkeys until they were now unable to resist.



Two extremely angry voices came out from the Immortal Killing Sword Formation again.

But it is the ancestors of Yin and Yang and Qiankun!

They were already on the verge of being wiped out, and after all, they couldn't bear this kind of humiliation.



Two self-destructions shook the entire world, spreading over the western continent and sweeping across the world.

The ancient world was once again shattered, and the endless aura of chaos rolled in, making the already devastated Western Continent even worse.

The self-destruction power of the quasi-sage's peak power has been greatly affected even if it has reached the level of the Zhuxian Sword Formation commanded by Luo Huji's power.

The originally flawless sword formation had some flaws in the gaps!

Hongjun's face remained as calm as water, as if no matter what kind of major event, it was completely unable to cause the slightest fluctuation in his Taoist heart.

The jade plate of creation stirred up the energy, and three thousand paths were sprinkled down, as if three thousand worlds had evolved, but finally merged into one.

It seems to be in line with the so-called method of Tao generates oneness, creates all things, and all things return to one!


A low shout came out from the sword formation, and the infinite Dao rhyme instantly filled the world.

This future Dao Ancestor finally started to exert his strength at this moment!

After all, Patriarch Yin Yang and Patriarch Qian Kun were already dead, so he did not want to continue to deliberately be trapped in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

The self-destruction of the two is the best opportunity to break out of the formation!

at the same time.

Immortal Yang Mei, who was deeply wounded, had a look of pain on his face when he got this opportunity, but it quickly turned into determination.


Yang Mei's remaining magic power was poured into the Pangu flag.

It turned out to be the power of the Pangu Flag to tear apart time and space and break through the chaos, coupled with the turmoil when the two quasi-sages self-destructed.

Within the Zhuxian Sword Formation, a spatial rift was opened that led to unknown directions.


Without any hesitation, Yang Mei plunged into it, and the space channel closed instantly.

Only the Pangu flag remained, its precious light restrained, turned into a small simple plain-color flag and remained in place.

Oh... when it's over

A long sigh came from Hongjun's mouth, but he didn't know whether he was regretting something unsatisfactory.

The power of three thousand Tao principles evolved into immeasurable magical powers, and finally turned into a Tao flower, exuding an almost perfect aura.

·····Ask for flowers···

Seeing this scene, Luo Hu smiled sadly.

Coupled with the face covered with magma cracks, it is indescribably hideous and terrifying.

At this time, he clearly felt that Hongjun's Qi was continuously rising!

Although he has not yet reached the realm of a saint, he is clearly getting closer!

And this is all under the condition that he is not dead yet.

What this meant, Luo Hu knew clearly in his heart that at this time, Heaven had completely chosen Hongjun instead of himself.

Moreover, the power erupted from the infinite spiritual veins and ancestral veins of the West were not able to completely kill Hongjun.

If he even allowed the opponent to escape intact from the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, he had already failed.

All the trump cards are revealed, and everything is exhausted. This is what Luo Hu is talking about at this time.

..... ......... ...


The power of self-destruction was far superior to that of the Qiankun Patriarch and the Yin-Yang Patriarch. It exploded instantly without any hesitation.

The ancient land that was still recovering has once again suffered unprecedented devastation.

Even though Hongjun tried his best to stabilize the earth, fire, water and wind, and wanted to maintain the stability of the ancient world, it was still difficult to avoid the complete destruction of the Western Continent.

Before Luohu blew himself up, he left a sentence:

The way of heaven is above. Now I, Rahu, transform into an extraterrestrial demon and establish a demon sect! In this way, the way rises and the devil disappears, and the devil rises and the path disappears!

As soon as these words came out, Hongjun also had an ugly look on his face.

Because, the Dao of that day actually agreed!

Fortunately, he finally became the winner of this battle between Dao and Demon, and he will also become the winner of this world.

The first heavenly saint!



Two crisp cries suddenly came from the thirty-third level of heaven.

Hongjun turned his head and saw two rounds of blazing sun flying out from the Sun Star, rushing towards this place at a very fast speed!

For a time, Hongjun's expression changed again and again.

Looking at the many innate spiritual treasures left here after the war, a wry smile finally appeared on his lips.

There is a saying:

All kinds of calculations have been done to mend the sky, and the war between Tao and demons has come to an end;

Infinite murderous intent and many dangers, the three quasi-holy orders are all eliminated;

The western continent is full of devastation, and the remaining spiritual treasures have fallen into the sky;

The trouble here was eventually settled, but others started to laugh.


[Ahem, please don’t laugh at me, thank you] Ding.

Chapter 58

Seeing the three-legged golden crow flying from the sky, relying on Hongjun's deduction ability.

How can you not know the other party's intention?

But what can he do? Apart from the wry smile, there is only a wry smile.

Who made him trapped in a cocoon before and owed the cause and effect?

Senior Sun Star had clearly calculated all of this, and as soon as the battle between Tao and Demon came to an end today, the two Innate Golden Crows came immediately.

I'm afraid that after the great battle, the only thing that Hongjun could gain was a few innate spiritual treasures.

It will also fall into the hands of others!

The conscientious administrator: Boss of Sun Star, what kind of big cause and effect does Hongjun owe you?

Although I knew it was related to Luo Hu and the West, I still found it unbelievable.

How could he be willing to give away so many enviable treasures (with a weird face.jpg)?

Ordinary ordinary person: I am also very curious. After all, looking at Na Hongjun's face now, it is clear that he is feeling uncomfortable, but he is helpless.

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: To be able to make the greatest scheming figure in the world have such an expression, and to be completely unable to refuse, when I think about it (it's scary to think about it.jpg)...

Can Liu: Causation, in the world I live in, I have heard news about treasures involving this way, but I don't know if it is similar to the cause and effect in the ancient world.

The conscientious administrator: The cause and effect of one is not the cause of the other. The gap in between is so huge! I don't even know how to describe it...

Genos: I can't understand what the big guys are discussing at all. My computing power is not enough (tears.jpg)!

Evil Sword Immortal: Now I just want to hear the explanation from Mr. Sun Star, what is the cause and effect that made the No. 1 plan of the Great Desolate become like this (Curiosity is overwhelming.jpg).

Rem: Same as above +1.

Flame Enchantress: Same as above +1.

Zhang Junbao: Same as above +1.

Well, Chen Fan could feel that the thirst for knowledge among the group of idiots in the group was growing like crazy.

If I don't open my mouth to clarify my doubts, then it is estimated that the entire chat group will become a world dominated by repeaters!

Sun Star: The origins of the two major causes and effects are quite coincidental. In fact, one of the causes and effects was sent by him on his own initiative.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Uh! The number one plan in the world has been delivered to your door? I, Madara Uchiha, said that I have learned a lot!

Sun Star: When I first cultivated my external incarnation, the power of my merits was so great that it attracted the attention of Luo Hu, who wanted to kill me. Then I naturally gave me a small punishment and a big warning.

But this punishment not only made Rahu miserable all day long, but also caused him to be despised by heaven and lose three points of his luck.

This is the decline of the other, and Hongjun's gain is the first major cause and effect, which can be regarded as casual.

This cause and effect has a bit of the face of heaven, which is interesting.

Cute Queen: Well... to put it lightly, I have gained a bit of favor from Tiandao. He is worthy of being the boss of the Sun Star. It really makes people speechless!

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: The illusory way of heaven, the supreme existence that cannot even be born in most worlds, must be given face...

Young monk Fahai: Buddhism also talks about the theory of karma and retribution, but it seems that in the ancient times, once karma is established, the consequences are really unpredictable.

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