I saw.

In front of the crowd, two little lolita transformed, with a rather petite figure and a face as delicate as porcelain.

Just like Chen Fan's incarnation, a golden robe was added to his body, with a picture of a bright sun and a golden crow fluttering its wings engraved on it.

Although she looks like a little lolita, she still shows her natural imperial demeanor, and her heroic spirit is fully displayed between her brows!

Father God!

Father God!

The two innate golden crows that had just transformed instantly ran to Chen Fan's spiritual incarnation, knelt on one knee, with a look of joy on their faces, and shouted respectfully.

In response, Chen Fan also had a smile on his face.

It just so happened that I had some ideas next, and my two little guys appeared and picked the Daluo Dao Fruit.

Then, they have to let them get some things by themselves!


[The author Junpo has something to talk about with you. The next chapter will be a post-release review. Don’t worry, the author Junpo is not trying to be miserable or anything like that. It’s not interesting. He’s just discussing the direction of the novel].

Chapter 55

Key core: It will be released at 12 o'clock tonight, and it will definitely be popular! ! !


First of all, let me make it clear that we are not going to be miserable! Don't be miserable! Don't be miserable!

The author is not the kind of person who starts talking about his ideals as soon as the product is put on the shelves. That is meaningless and boring.

Opening a book is nothing more than the author diligently updating it and then checking the results on the shelf.

Up to now, I am actually very satisfied with the results of the new book period. This is also brought about by everyone's support. I would like to express my gratitude.

After it was put on the shelves, the author asked for flower data and no need for rewards.

I just hope that friends who like this book can subscribe and continue to accompany me. That is the best support!

That’s all there is to say about listing.

Below are some issues that people often discuss in the comment area about the setting of this book. Don’t worry, it’s very concise and can be solved in just a few sentences!

The author still borrows that sentence, there are ten thousand Hamlets in the hearts of ten thousand people, and different people have different preferences.

As for the author Wu, he writes enjoyable articles. To put it bluntly, it is meant to be enjoyable for everyone to read without any depressing plot.

To put it more bluntly, it is to make everyone happy and happy (of course, the author still has many shortcomings, and I hope everyone will bear with me, and the author will work hard to improve himself).

Since this is the case, then in the author's book, naturally our protagonist is the strongest. Otherwise, why not make the supporting character invincible and then lick the supporting character like a licking dog?

The author Jun Jun came to Feilu to write a book just to write interesting articles. I think most people came to see this for this.

Therefore, there is no need for you to compare settings with others and compare what is better and what is stronger. That will only make you uncomfortable.

The author writes a book, and the book sets the prehistoric world as the strongest, so I will not mention other so-called myths at all, let alone belittle anything.

I believe everyone can also see this.

I respect every reader's preference, and I hope everyone can feel more comfortable reading it.

In short, I hope everyone can read happily, live happily, and be happy and healthy. This is the most important thing!

The novel is inherently illusory and relies more on the reader's imagination.

I believe that every reader has his own strongest protagonist in his mind!

Okay, that’s all I want to say.

Those who can see this are naturally old readers who have been accompanying me for more than ten days. I wish everyone a happy reading, all the best, and lots of money.

Finally, let me explain again: the author is really not a lolita control! You believe me! Trust me! .

Chapter 56

Young monk Fahai: This... after the two innate golden crows transformed, it was indeed a bit unexpected. I didn't expect that they would be two female donors.

The hungry dragon roared: It's amazing, it's amazing, these two cute big sisters (Kanna wants a hug.jpg)!

Little girl: Is this the daughter of Big Brother Sun Star? She is really beautiful!

Can Liu: Although she is transformed into a girl, she seems to have the appearance of a ninety-five supreme being? She is indeed the daughter of Senior Sun Star. Her talent is terrifying and astonishing.

The conscientious administrator said: Senior Liu Shen, you are wrong. These two are not the nine-five supreme figures, but the nine-ninth supreme destiny! They are destined to be born emperors!

Iron Man: A natural-born emperor? Just like the ancient emperors of Daxia (I dare not write those two words directly, everyone understands)?

Uncle Jiu: No, no! Although Wujiusan doesn't know what the fate of Jiujiu Supreme in the prehistoric era is, but as a descendant of Maoshan, I still know the theory of Feng Shui and fate.

Among the emperors in ancient times, only the top ones could truly be called the Nine-Five Emperors and had special destiny.

But it is far inferior to the Nine-Nine Supreme Fate! Not to mention, this is still a prehistoric world!

The two daughters of Mr. Sun Star will probably become the most powerful men in the world in the future!

Time Elf: We don't know anything about fate, and we don't want to know. I just envy them. They are too cute and beautiful, right? They are like flawless works of art!

The most important thing is that while being cute, it also carries an innate majesty and heroic spirit of an emperor.

Please tell me, what should Kurumi Tokisaki do to become so good (tears of envy.jpg)?

Rem: Give up struggling, it's innate, just like Rem was born to be a perfect maid, it can't be learned (pride.jpg)!

The bones were boiled into soup: I don't know what the so-called perfect maid is proud of? No matter how perfect the maid is, isn't she still a maid (Honest Man.jpg)?

Dedicated administrator: How does Ultraman know what the perfect maid Rem means in our eyes (taking away my beloved Rem.jpg)!

The hungry dragon roared: I think Sister Thor will definitely enjoy communicating and learning with Rem! She has always wanted to become a qualified maid!

Flame Enchantress: They are already so exquisite and flawless now. I believe that these two will definitely become two unparalleled beauties that will captivate the whole country in the future (expectation.jpg).

Ordinary ordinary person: By the way, is our topic getting more and more skewed? If I remember correctly, the administrator seemed to be surprised at the two innate golden crow transformed girls at first, right?

The conscientious administrator: “Well… I was really surprised at first, but then I thought about it and it’s not surprising anymore.

Originally, as a creature born on the Supreme Sun Star, it was supposed to symbolize the Extreme Sun, so naturally it was impossible for it to look like a girl.

However, the existence of Sun Star Boss has changed all this. He is the ultimate manifestation of Yang Zhigang. Naturally, Little Golden Crow cannot be compared with Sun Star Boss.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the two little golden crows are girls.

Ordinary ordinary person: I see, so many things are involved in it? It is indeed a prehistoric world full of mysteries. It is really fascinating.

The war between Dao and Demon is about to come to an end. Luo Hu is no longer able to continue, and the three guys in the Immortal Killing Sword Formation are almost reaching their limit.

Dijun, Taiyi.

Chen Fan whispered in the incarnation of his spiritual mind, looking at the two delicate little lolita.

Father God, is there anything we need to do?

Di Jun asked respectfully, while Taiyi looked at Chen Fan curiously.

Although the two little guys were born from the same origin, they have different natures.

Dijun is calm, thoughtful, and abiding by the rules; Taiyi is lively, adventurous, and moves forward courageously.

This can be seen from the names the two little guys called Chen Fan.

Luo Hu will be defeated, and then he will transform into a demon to complete the way of heaven. Yin Yang and Qian Kun will definitely die. Yang Mei possesses the great power of space and should survive.

By then, after the war, there will be many spiritual treasures left. The two of you can go and collect one or two of the destined items!

Chen Fan said slowly with a slight smile on his lips.

When the two little guys heard Chen Fan's words, their eyes instantly lit up, looking like little money fans!

Although Taiyi himself is accompanied by the innate treasure Chaos Bell, Dijun is accompanied by the supreme innate spiritual treasure River Tuluo Shu...

But who can have too little of this treasure?

In particular, the treasures used by those who participated in the Dao Demon Battle are all the best among the best!

Father God, if we go like this, will we...

Although he was extremely tempted, Di Jun, who had always been more steady, still asked.

It doesn't matter, Hongjun will know your identity. He and I have a great cause and effect. Whether it's because of Luohu or the two people in the west, Hongjun owes me a share of cause and effect.

You two little guys can go with peace of mind, he won't dare to complain.

Chen Fan laughed and touched the two little guys' shining golden hair. It felt first-class!

Obey! Father God!

Hearing this, the two little guys were filled with joy, and the emotions on their faces could not be expressed in words.

This is how much Father God cares for them!

Taiyi became more courageous, holding Chen Fan's big hand excitedly, showing a bit of coquettishness.

Di Jun, on the other hand, was a little ready to make a move, but she wanted to maintain her majesty as the eldest sister, with a slight tangle on her face.

Such a scene made even Chen Fan laugh.

You know, these two little guys will become demon emperors in the future. Who can imagine that they will show such a posture?

Of course, except for the group of little transparent sand sculpture friends beside me.

Within the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Hongjun, who was calculating that the time was coming, suddenly felt something unexpected in his heart, and felt that something unexpected was going to happen.

However, at the moment, there was no time for him to think too much.

The endless killing sword energy, endless changes, and unpredictable dangers.

Even he needs to deal with it wholeheartedly!

Among the other three formation eyes, the Yin-Yang ancestors and the Qiankun ancestors are already in danger at this moment, and their magic power is weakened.

Even the treasure that protects oneself is uncertain.

As for Taoist Yang Mei, his face was filled with a gloomy expression, and he no longer had the fairy-like Taoist demeanor before, after being penetrated by the terrifying killing sword energy.

He is also becoming more and more powerless.


[It is expected that four or five chapters will be updated tonight, and the rest will be updated tomorrow].

Chapter 57

PS: Thank you to [****4222] for your 300 VIP point reward support! And [Ye Handsome Guy]’s 100 VIP point reward support! Many thanks!


Hongjun! What a good plan! The cause of today will be the result of tomorrow. I, Yang Mei, will never let go of you!

Within the eyes of the Immortal Sword Formation, Yang Mei was furious and roared angrily.

Now that things have come to this, how can he still not see what kind of calculation Hongjun has?

This is obviously to turn him and the three others into nourishment in the calamity, so that Heaven can perfect itself.

Otherwise, if this Immortal-killing Sword Formation gathers the power of the four quasi-sage peaks, no matter how terrifying Luo Hu is, how can he trap them for so long?

Look at the other two formation eyes, the ancestors of Yin and Yang and the ancestors of Qiankun.

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