Failure means death, and the holy status will be far away from you.


Luo Hu's roar resounded throughout the Western Continent, and his terrifying murderous intent shot straight into the sky.

The four peerless swords galloped out in an instant, no longer surrounding Luo Hu's side to protect him.

Instead, it exuded a monstrous killing intent. A formation diagram emerged from Luohu's body, and it instantly connected with the four shockingly sharp swords, turning into a terrifying killing formation!

Killing Immortal Sword Formation!

It is said to be indestructible except by the Four Saints, but now it is used by Rahu, blessing infinite karma, showing the terrifying nature of this killing array!

Almost instantly, each fairy sword turned into a portal, instantly pulling the corresponding enemy into it.

In that portal, there is endless killing sword energy, integrating the unique sword intentions of the four immortal swords of Zhu, Slaughter, Entrapment, and Jue, showing the peerless power of the first sword formation in the world!

The sword array is full of mysterious changes, unlimited murderous intent, and great dangers!

Facing Luo Hu's sudden trump card, the four quasi-sages seemed completely defenseless and fell into the formation instantly.

But the moment Hongjun fell into the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Luo Hu found that he seemed to vaguely see a faint smile on the corner of the other party's mouth!

However, the situation obviously did not allow Luo Hu to think carefully.

Boundless demonic energy and karma were constantly being blessed by Luo Hu on the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, in an attempt to kill the opponent.

Within the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Ancestor Yin Yang, Ancestor Qian Kun, Great Immortal Yang Mei and Old Taoist Hongjun each relied on the spiritual treasures in their hands.

It is still able to resist the endless killing intent of the sword.

But even so, apart from Hongjun, he was also bruised and bruised by the endless sword energy, and the terrifying and fatal murderous intention made them even more frightened!

If you are not careful, you may really fall into this sword formation with infinite murderous intent.

The Immortal-killing Sword Formation must be indestructible by the Four Saints, and this is not an empty lie.

Although Luo Hu has not become a saint, his strength is infinitely beyond the average peak quasi-sage power at this moment.

The most important thing is that the way of killing that Luo Hu cultivates perfectly fits the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Among the pinnacle quasi-sages, only Luo Hu can exert the power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation to its extreme!

Within the evolution portal of Zhuxian Sword.

Old Taoist Hongjun held a fragment of the jade disc above his head, and the power of three thousand Taoist principles easily swept away the terrifying and infinite sword energy, preventing it from entering his body at all.

But he didn't make any move to break the eye, as if he just planned to waste it like this.

Slowly wear down Rahu's power, and when he is exhausted, he can then use the power of the four quasi-sages to break out of the formation in one fell swoop!

This scene naturally fell into Luo Hu's eyes, and instantly aroused the endless anger in his heart.

It also completely detonated the decisive strategy in Luo Hu's heart!

Ah!!! The Western Spiritual Vein! Explode it!!!

Luo Hu roared angrily, and the entire western continent, the place mentioned by the spiritual veins, suddenly bloomed with extremely terrifying spiritual energy fluctuations.

At the same time, the four quasi-sages were inside the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Almost at the same moment, everyone's expressions changed drastically, with horror on their faces. They completely lost any reservations and wanted to break out of the formation immediately!

Even Hongjun's face was gloomy at this moment, but there was also a hint of helplessness.



The entire western continent was completely enveloped in the explosion that destroyed the world, and endless spiritual energy spurted out.

A crazy and cruel smile appeared on Luo Hu's face, and he completely absorbed the terrifying spiritual energy detonated by the infinite spiritual veins of the West into his body.

Jie, Jie, Jie... you all! All of you will die!

Almost in an instant, the endless killing array evolved by the Four Swords of Zhu Xian in conjunction with the array diagram seemed to return the world to chaos!

The terrifying aura of chaos filled the air, and the endless killing intent covered the vast land, causing all souls to wail throughout the land.

Endless creatures have fallen under this terrifying endless murderous intent.

The western continent turned into a wasteland, and the world was confused.

Terrifying thunderclouds gathered over the Western Continent, among which the terrifying Zixiao Divine Thunder flashed continuously.

It seems that Heaven is already furious at this moment!

However, the battle between Tao and Demon is unstoppable. It is a necessary battle for the future direction of the world.

In order to perfect himself, Heaven had to watch Luo Hu do whatever he wanted, and he had nowhere to vent his anger.

The purple sky thunder that filled the sky was more like a deterrent warning.

If Luo Hu really has the intention to completely destroy the ancient world, then this endless thunder will no longer be just a warning.


[After more than ten days, the author's bacteria has reached the moment when it is about to be put on the shelves. It is expected to be on the shelves at 12 o'clock tomorrow night. I hope that I can still get everyone's company. The author's bacteria will continue to work hard and try to make everyone happy. It’s comfortable to watch]

[It’s even more certain that it will be popular when it’s on the shelves. Let’s put it this way, the author will publish as much as he writes and will never hide anything].

Chapter 54

sun star.

Except for the two innate golden crows who fell into a state of enlightenment.

The projections of friends from the Wanjie chat group were completely stunned at this moment.

The terrifying battle caused by this battle between Dao and Demon has completely exceeded their understanding of battle.

It also broke their understanding of destructive power and killing.

All that was left in my mind was the thought of It's so scary.

In fact, a group of friends' eyes were red at this moment, their auras were turbulent, and there was a faint sense of killing.

Even the projected body is starting to feel a little out of control!

Seeing this, Chen Fan waved his hand.

A faint divine glow enveloped all the members in an instant, and the faint killing intent instantly dissipated.

The friends in the group gradually regained their clarity, and they all showed some fear in their eyes.

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, Kangna almost turned into her true form and started eating everywhere! Fortunately, Brother Sun Star's light helped me regain my consciousness!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Can I say that I am worthy of being named Kangna? All we think about is killing, but you... are eating and drinking?!

Ordinary ordinary people: Even if we only watch through the condensed picture of the Sun Star boss, and it is still in a projection state, we are still inevitably confused by the terrifying will to kill.

The horror of billions of beings being wiped out and the endless killing intent covering the entire wilderness is too shocking for weak beings like us!

Can Liu: Even though I was transformed into an ancestral sacrifice spirit to be worshiped by all spirits, and I had attacked foreign worlds nine times in and out, but I had never seen such a terrifying battle scene.

He actually destroyed the entire prehistoric world into such a scene, which aroused the anger of the heavens.

Is this really a state that ordinary beings can achieve through cultivation? !

Even the magnificent Liu Shen couldn't help but question himself at this moment and had self-doubt.

After all, even the most brutal battle she had experienced in her life was not as good as one in a trillion.

Genos: Cognitive impairment, unable to be analyzed...

Well, Genos, as a cyborg cyborg, simply shut down, trying to analyze such a battle, if Chen Fan hadn't been protecting them all the time.

It is estimated that in a certain Punch Man world, Genos should have exploded directly at this moment.

Evil Sword Immortal: I suddenly feel that I am not worthy of being called a demon at all. The Demon Ancestor Luohu is ruthless enough. In order to fight for a chance of survival, he is planning to completely kill all the people, right?!

Young Monk Fahai: This is what makes Demon Ancestor Rahu so terrifying. He is different from Dao Ancestor Hongjun who is good at planning and hiding himself.

Demon Ancestor Rahu has a terrible obsession that is willing to pay any price for the Tao in his heart and his own desires.

The dedicated administrator: Actually, the most terrifying thing is Hongjun. Even in the face of such a situation, he is still hiding himself. This future Taoist ancestor is really deep-minded to a terrifying degree!

Zhang Junbao: I really never imagined that the future Taoist ancestor would be such a scheming and ruthless being. This...

Uncle Jiu: The same is true for poor Taoists. At this moment, it seems that there are thousands of words in my heart, but I don't know how to evaluate it. Alas!

At this moment, although the two guys came from different worlds and practiced different methods, their hearts were full of depression.

After all, Hongjun is the future ancestor of Taoism in the prehistoric world. He can be called Master Taoist to all the worlds.

But it happened that the two of them, who were juniors from the Taoist sect, witnessed such a scene.

Naturally, I feel uncomfortable.

The conscientious administrator said: You two, there is no need to feel so uncomfortable. Hongjun is the founder of the Taoist sect, and his strength is not half weaker than Luo Hu's.

Moreover, good calculation and planning is the way to survive in the ancient times. There is nothing shameful about it. We cannot use ordinary people's thinking to speculate on the creatures in the ancient times.

You know, in the ancient world, if you are not kind, you may end up with both body and soul destroyed!

Aren't the three innate tribes the best example?

Rem: Actually... Rem wants to say, are you worrying too much? This is the prehistoric world, a place where great powers gather, and it is the territory of the Sun Star boss.

It is only under the care of the Sun Star boss that we have the opportunity to experience the great power of the prehistoric times.

But in fact, we are still the weak chickens, just the scum that will be destroyed at the first touch in the ancient world!

As soon as Rem's poisonous tongue came out, the scene instantly turned cold.

A group of friends who were sighing just now now have a little embarrassment on their faces.

Now, watching the live broadcast of the battle between Dao and Demon, my mind was in turmoil, and I got a little involved without realizing it.

But actually, Rem was right.

Now they are like eating carrots and not worrying much. They are obviously ants crawling on the ground, but they care about the stars in the universe.

They are no longer on the same level at all, and they even start to judge the future Dao Ancestor in an inflated manner!

Sun Star: There is no need to belittle oneself too much. Every world in the universe still has its own unique style, which is worth experiencing.

Moreover, what Hongjun did may seem like a villain's behavior, but in fact, for the way of heaven, it was exactly what it needed.

Ordinary people's opinions cannot be applied to ancient times.

Let me explain a little bit, so that this group of idiot friends will not be really shocked in the future.

After all, the battle took place in the ancient world, and it was a battle between Tao and demons at the top level.

The consequences caused even countless prehistoric creatures to feel horrified.

This is naturally even more true for group friends who are not on the same level.

The conscientious administrator: Wait a minute! Boss, there seems to be some movement from the Innate Golden Crow?!

Suddenly, Mu Jinxuan's attention was attracted by two small suns, and she spoke immediately.

The other group friends were also attracted instantly.

As for Chen Fan, who is a Sun Star, he had naturally noticed this a long time ago and was not surprised at all.

The two innate golden crows gained insights from watching the battle between Taoists and demons.

Three flowers gathered at the top, five qi toward the yuan, Daluo flowers blooming in nine grades, showing the extreme number, also represents unlimited potential, and is the most top qualification among Daluo.

At this moment, the two innate golden crows that had just harvested the Daluo Dao Fruit were as bright as the sun, making it impossible for anyone to see their true bodies.

But that light began to gradually disappear, slowly revealing two rather petite figures!

The conscientious administrator: Am I stupid?! Why are Dijun and Taiyi transformed into two little lolita (completely confused.jpg)?!

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