The hungry dragon roared: Roger that! Kangna will be ready within an hour!

Young monk Fa Hai: I can set off at any time, I just need an order from the Great Sun Buddha.

Tears: Who am I? Where am I? What should I do (confused*2.jpg)?


[There are some trolls starting to appear in the comment area, and they are quite weird. Obviously, my original words in the first chapter were I don't know how huge it is tens of thousands of miles away and It is so huge that it is completely indescribable, and later I said that the units of measurement that the protagonist knows are completely indescribable]

[What is I don't know and what is completely indescribable, when it comes to Gang Jing's mouth, it means: about tens of millions of miles, and then he started to say to me, are you a martial arts man, etc.]

[For this kind of thing, maybe I haven’t even finished the first chapter, and then I went to look up information to argue with it. I am simply speechless (you can read the comments, I don’t know what this kind of person thinks) 】

[Let me explain here that this is not a complaint. If I see comments like this in the future, I estimate that the author will fly away directly so as not to affect my mood. I won’t say any more, and will continue to write and write! ].

Chapter 24

Prehistoric, above the thirty-third heaven.

On the surface of the eternally burning boundless sun, the hibiscus trees are shrouded in the golden true fire of the sun, swaying and glowing.

On it, two three-legged golden crows that looked a little silly and cute were staring at something with their big round eyes, full of expectation.

next moment.

A figure made entirely of divine thoughts, with an imperial crown on his head and a golden robe. The robe was engraved with a brilliant sun and immeasurable flame divine patterns.

It is just a figure intertwined with spiritual thoughts, but it seems to be the source of all light and warmth.

The figure constructed by Chen Fan using his spiritual thoughts was like the source of infinite light, the essence of fire, like a great sun rising slowly in front of their eyes, shining brightly in the heavens!

Father God!

Father God!

The first time Taiyi and Dijun saw this figure, they immediately shouted respectfully.

The two pairs of big round eyes were full of kindness and expectation.

It seems that he wants to get close, but he is also a little afraid of the displeasure of his father God that he may cause.

“Taiyi Golden Immortal’s peak cultivation level and solid foundation are pretty good.

However, you still need to work hard. You are the only living beings who gave birth to the Sun Star, and you cannot fall short of the Sun Star's divine power!

Have you ever understood?

Chen Fan's spiritual figure spoke calmly, showing no anger or authority.

The golden eyes, flawless face, and unparalleled divinity are intimidating but also fascinating.

Yes! Father God!

Dijun and Taiyi will definitely not disappoint Father God!

Two cute three-legged golden crows shouted in unison, their tone seemed firm! The big eyes are full of passionate flames!

They were not dissatisfied at all with Father God's harshness.

On the contrary, it was precisely because of Chen Fan's demands on them that they felt even more loved by Father God!

Who are Dijun and Taiyi?

They are the innate golden crows bred on the sun star. They are born to control the true fire of the sun and can burn the Daluo Golden Immortal!

Not to mention, the two little guys are accompanied by the top-quality innate spiritual treasure Hetuluoshu and the innate treasure Chaos Clock.

Powerful heels, perfectly matched innate spiritual treasures, plus the Nine-Nine Supreme Destiny.

Under such a premise, the future is destined to be promising.

However, if the original script continues, these two guys will not only have a miserable ending, but also live a very miserable life.

The reason why Chen Fan gave these two harsh instructions was precisely because of this.

He didn't want to see these two little guys, who could be regarded as half of his daughters, dying and turning into ashes in the future.

Of course, now that Chen Fan has been transformed into an innate god by the sun star, he wields the supreme power of the ancient world, overwhelming the world, and intimidating all spirits.

Naturally, such a scene would not be allowed to happen.


In the future, some changes may need to occur!

Does this hibiscus tree have any particularly important effects on you?

Chen Fan's spiritual figure asked.

After all, it is his daughter's habitat. To take it away directly and refine it into an external incarnation would be to lose some of the majesty of her father's generation.

Father, do you need the hibiscus tree? Just take it!

Taiyi spoke upright, his voice clear and sweet.

Di Jun, on the other hand, was obviously more mature. He rolled his eyes slightly and said, Father God, this hibiscus tree is actually of no use to us. It's just that it will be more comfortable to live on it.

For cultivation, as long as it is shrouded by your true sun fire, Father God, that is the best dojo!

As he said that, two three-legged golden crows flew up directly, like two small suns, and landed not far away, signaling Chen Fan to take away the hibiscus tree.

In response, Chen Fan's spiritual figure nodded slightly.

Then with a gentle wave of his big hand, the hibiscus tree with its bright light and branches like horned dragons was instantly uprooted.

At the same time, the endless true sun fire suddenly erupted at the moment the hibiscus tree was uprooted, seeming to burn everything in sight to ashes.

Obviously, as one of the ten innate spiritual roots, he has not transformed into an innate god.

But there is also the simplest ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

After being uprooted, it burst out with real sun fire that even two little Golden Crows couldn't match, just to protect themselves.

But it's a pity.

The figure in front of the fusang tree was formed by intertwining a ray of divine thought from Sun Star Chen Fan.

Playing with Sun Real Fire in front of the Sun Star?

Chen Fan gently waved his hand, and the originally manic and violent Sun Fire instantly became silent and extremely well-behaved.

With a thought, a bright golden light, like the Milky Way falling from the sky, began to pour into the hibiscus tree in a surging and steady stream!

The scene in front of him immediately dumbfounded the two little Golden Crows not far away.

If I read it correctly, it should be a merit, right?

Taiyi's eyes widened and he asked dully.

Obviously, Father God is worthy of being the shining sun star in the ancient world.

Such squandering of merit is like sprinkling water, eh! It should be like a sea of ​​stars pouring down, which is simply unheard of!

I'm afraid only Father God can do this, right? !

Di Jun also looked dull and said with great emotion.

In the ancient times, who didn’t know and who didn’t know?

The power of merit is the rarest and most precious thing!

Even from some levels, the importance of the power of merit far exceeds that of innate spiritual treasures.

All just because.

The power of merit is too comprehensive and extremely easy to use.

Whether it is refining magic weapons, improving cultivation, or even relying on the power of strong merit to save lives, they are all top-notch excellent!

Mixing some merit power into the refining treasure can enhance the level and power of the spiritual treasure.

Even by consuming a large amount of merit, the spiritual treasure can be turned into a treasure of merit, greatly increasing its power.

The most precious treasure of acquired merit and virtue of Sanqing Laozi, the Xuanhuang exquisite pagoda of heaven and earth, is one of the representatives.

Those with profound merits will have long-lasting blessings and endless opportunities. Killing them will result in endless karma and endless troubles. It can be said that they have powerful life-saving skills!

After all, no one in the ancient world wants to be easily contaminated by karma, let alone the terrible karma.

As for improving one's cultivation, don't you see, the future Saint Nuwa will become a saint instantly by virtue of her immeasurable merits in creating human beings.

In short, the power of merit is actually the essential oil that everyone desires, but almost no one is willing to use it easily.

With Chen Fan making such a big move, his unscrupulous squandering methods are like the Milky Way pouring down water.

This is the first time in the entire prehistoric era that we have encountered it!


[The contract has been printed and sent, so today’s update is a little late]

[Ahem, is there such a thing as the kind of big guy who hides a lot of flowers and evaluation votes? After reading a book and enjoying himself, he waves his little hand and instantly makes the book's data increase a lot. ? 】

[The author also wants to experience the beauty of hundreds of thousands of flowers before they are put on the shelves. Is it possible? If not, then I will ask again in the next chapter (dog head saves life)].

Chapter 25

Ancient times, Yujing Mountain.

Hongjun is concentrating on practicing, deducing the secrets of heaven, and thinking about how to deal with the demon ancestor Luohu.


The jade dish of creation floating above the head, spreading endless principles, actually trembled quietly.


A sharp gaze instantly shot out from Yujing Mountain, penetrated the sky, and looked in the direction that caused the strange phenomenon of the Jade Disc of Creation.

But the next second.

I hope Senior Sun Xing won't blame me for causing trouble!

Hongjun immediately withdrew his gaze when he saw the mighty merits pouring in from the Milky Way.

And in the shortest possible time, he sent a message to apologize.

The reason why this scene happened was because, with a startling glance, what Hongjun saw was the boundless bright sun.

What arouses his mind and makes the jade plate of creation turbulent is the terrifying power of merit that emerges from the sun star!

Well, everything related to this big guy.

Hongjun said: I can't afford to offend, I can't afford to offend, and a decisive apology is the best choice.

Fortunately, Sun Star didn't seem to want to blame him.

Otherwise, Hongjun may have to think of a way and spend some money to find a way to make up for it.


Just like Hongjun's situation, he was not the only one in the entire prehistoric period.

How could such a terrifying sudden appearance of meritorious deeds not attract the attention of these ancient powerful men?


When they discovered that the source of the power of merit actually came from the Sun Star boss.

They all immediately withdrew their gazes, and almost all made the same choice as Hongjun, sending messages of apology.

As a Sun Star, Chen Fan didn't care much about these disturbing looks and apologies.

So, I didn't intend to pay attention to it.

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