After all, these guys are just attracted by the vast fluctuations of merit power, and they have no other meaning.

Of course, this has no other meaning, mainly because the power of merit originates from the sun star.

If it's somewhere else, it's hard to say.

Money and silk are attractive to people's hearts, especially those involving the power of merit. In the ancient times, no living being could resist this temptation.


The laws of nature are unpredictable, and accidents will always happen.

A certain Demon Ancestor Rahu who was hiding in the west saw the terrifying power of merit that almost soared into the sky on the sun star.

Its performance is different from many powerful powers in the prehistoric era. The terrifying murderous intention condenses into substance and turns into the roar of the infinite demon.

The endless surge of demonic energy turned the place where Luo Hu was into a demonic realm.

There is no other way. The way of killing and killing practiced by the Demon Ancestor Rahu emphasizes karma and despises merit.

Such a strong power of merit has almost made everyone aware of it.

How could he, Rahu, not be free from murderous intentions?

Ever since.

It was like this that he looked straight at the sun star with a gaze that barely concealed his murderous intent.


A cold snort came from outside the thirty-third heaven, causing countless creatures in the wilderness to become as silent as cicadas for an instant.

But Luo Hu was confused at that time!

It is true that there are living beings on the Sun Star. Although Rahu is not good at deduction, he also knows that two innate beings should be born on the Sun Star.

But, even so, those two innate beings haven't achieved anything so far?

This cold snort actually hit his heart directly, making him, a powerful person at the pinnacle of quasi-sage, feel his mind turbulent and a chill running down his spine!

Yuan Shen was trembling faintly, with inexplicable fear!

at the same time.

A faint fluorescent light, like a spark the size of a mustard seed, unexpectedly fell from the thirty-third heaven.

Its target——directly to the hiding place of Demon Ancestor Rahu!

The small flame that seemed to be extremely slow and swaying fell straight down.

But Luo Hu, who had the power of a quasi-sage, couldn't avoid it and could only watch the flames falling on his eyebrows.

next moment.

Ah! Ah! Ah!!!

The tiny flame that seemed to have no lethality turned out to be the comrade Demon Ancestor who wanted to prove his enlightenment with the power of killing.

A hoarse hoarse roar erupted, shocking the surrounding creatures to the point of bursting with liver and gallbladder.

Those creatures that were too close were shocked to death by the sound wave!

Luo Hu, who was originally shrouded in endless demonic energy, now looked extremely ferocious, and his pupils were full of horror.

And his entire body was actually covered with tiny cracks the color of magma.

There was a faint red light in the crack, and the extremely flaming aura tortured Luo Hu all the time, making him miserable.

The most terrifying thing is that those cracks cannot be healed at all!

Even though he, Rahu, tried his best, he couldn't do anything about the slightest bit of extremely flaming energy in his body.

I can only bear the painful and terrifying feeling every moment.

On the thirty-third heaven, after Chen Fan gave Luo Hu small punishments and big warnings, he stopped paying attention to him.

As for killing Rahu?

He didn't have the intention, and he didn't bother to take action to kill such an unlucky guy who was about to fall into a catastrophe.

However, as the first guy who dared to show his murderous intention towards himself.

Naturally, Chen Fan would not let the other party go so easily, so he used a ray of power of the Law of the Sun to turn into painful shackles and bind Luo Hu's body.

Unless the other party dies, the endless pain that even the peak quasi-sage cannot endure will continue forever.

What Chen Fan didn't know was that there was almost no time between Luo Hu's small punishment.

The great fortune that the Demon Ancestor in the west had gathered plummeted by at least three levels in an instant!

For a moment, the Demon Ancestor, heartbroken to the point of bleeding, looked up at the sky with his cheeks covered with magma-colored cracks, and his eyes seemed to be filled with question marks.

As if questioning Heaven: Why? !

However, what he didn't know was.

Originally, in the battle between Dao and Demon, Heavenly Dao only favored a few Taoists and a little Hongjun.

Generally speaking, Luo Hu still has a slight chance.

But after the sun star punished Rahu in anger.

Heaven, which was supposed to be impartial and upright, actually changed its position and revealed its dislike of Luo Hu.

Therefore, it has naturally become a normal thing for one's luck to be cut.

Under the circumstances, Hongjun, who represents the future ancestor of the Taoist sect, has experienced a surge in luck, and even his strength has been slightly improved.

You know, at the level of Quasi-Saint Peak, if you want to move to the next level, it is no longer as simple as just grinding away time.

But just because of a certain Demon Ancestor's attempt to commit suicide, it resulted in a situation that was not very favorable to him.

It turned into a deadlock in an instant!


[Sure enough, I knew that the hidden boss was actually around us. That kind of boss with thousands or tens of thousands of flowers actually existed! The author is grateful! 】

[There will be an additional chapter on flowers later, thank you for your support! ].

Chapter 26

Do you know how much merit Father God has poured into the fusang tree?

Not far away from the figure transformed by Chen Fan's spiritual thoughts, Taiyi asked Dijun with a trembling body.

Um... I don't know, but what I do know is that with such a massive amount of merit, I'm afraid no living being in the vast wilderness can obtain it!

Di Jun answered affirmatively, full of pride!

That's nature. Our Father God is a great sun star. Who wouldn't bow down to the great sun star?!

Taiyi said with the same pride, the admiration in his eyes almost overflowing.

It can also be seen from this.

Although these two little guys admire Chen Fan very much and regard him as the greatest father in their hearts.

But towards other creatures in the ancient world, the two golden crow little lolita had a sense of innate arrogance.

However, Chen Fan didn't care much about this.

This is my daughter, what's wrong with the arrogance? This is what the Golden Crow should look like!

Conscientious administrator (private chat): Are you there? Mr. Sun Star?

Sun Star: Well, are the mission members ready?

The conscientious administrator: As expected of the boss of the Sun Star, you thought of it as soon as I opened my mouth, hey hey hey... The members are all ready, and now I'm just waiting for your order to come across the border!

Sun Star: Don't worry, I can leave after I finish refining this external incarnation.

The conscientious administrator: Hey! The boss of Sun Star is refining the incarnation. This is really fascinating! I don't know... that... can...

Mu Jinxuan expressed her meaning tactfully, but her little heart was full of expectations.

The boss of the Sun Star is refining his incarnation. If you can go and watch such a big scene, it will be a great blessing.

After all, an innate god like Mr. Sun Star refines his external incarnation.

In Mu Jinxuan's opinion, it must be a kind of art, and it might even use various magical powers to give people great insights!

Sun Star: It's not just about refining the incarnation, there's nothing taboo about it. If you want to watch it, I can start a live broadcast and let the group friends come in and take a look. By the way, let the new people who join the group, Feel the prehistoric style.

The conscientious administrator: “Then, I’ll ask Mr. Sun Star to start the live broadcast (super excited.jpg)! I’ll go and notify the sand sculpture friends right away!”

Sun Star: ...

A group of sand sculpture friends? Are you afraid that you are starting to get a little arrogant? How dare you use my exclusive title for my group friends?

emmmm... I need to find an opportunity to let the tool manager understand his identity.

Chen Fan sighed slightly and started the live broadcast of the Wanjie chat group.


[The great and supreme Sun Star started a live broadcast, and the title of the live broadcast was Some Daily Life of the Ancient Sun Star]

[Group members who want to watch the live broadcast can watch it through the chat group projection! 】

Chen Fan's live broadcast has just started.

Mu Jinxuan's hot promotion in the group has also ended. Friends in the group, after learning the news that the Sun Star boss started live broadcasting.

Almost instantly.

A series of special projections instantly appeared not far away from the figure formed by the intertwining of Chen Fan's spiritual thoughts, separated by the hibiscus tree in the middle, maintaining a certain distance, slightly close, but without losing respect.

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Hiss!!! Is this the surface of the Sun Star Boss? There are golden flames everywhere. My intuition tells me that if it weren't for the projection, I would have been completely cold by now!

Ordinary ordinary people: To be more precise, maybe if we are contaminated by this flame, not only our bodies, but also our souls and even our 'existence' will be wiped out!

The big bones were boiled into soup: Ah! I feel the power of light! Could it be said that this is the real source of Ultraman's power (Piety.jpg)?

Little girl: Wow! Look, there are two little suns over there (curious.jpg)!

The dedicated administrator: Little girls, that's not a little sun, um... Actually, it's not a big problem to say they are little suns, but their true identity is the three-legged golden crow, an innate creature conceived in the body of the sun star boss.

The little girl's speech instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The gazes shifted to Di Jun and Taiyi.

This kind of perfect and powerful innate creature made the sand sculpture friends look at it with envy.

Especially after Mu Jinxuan explained to the group of friends the general state of the ancient world and the many powerful innate beings.

They are full of awe for the terrifying creatures like the Three-legged Golden Crow, which are at least golden immortals as soon as they are born.

Time Elf: While you are still looking at the big golden bird, as a diver, I discovered what we should really pay attention to!

That is - Mr. Sun Star (Gather, come to me.jpg)!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

The words of the diver's time elf instantly caused all the friends to turn their heads and search their eyes slightly.

Then I saw the figure behind the dazzling hibiscus tree!

An imperial crown, a golden robe, and a big sun above the robe bloomed with immeasurable light, turning into endless divine rings all around him.

The countless flame divine patterns are like swimming dragons, extremely agile.

Perfect body proportions, flawless face, and the incomparable divinity of the gods!

Esdeath, who took the time to come to watch the live broadcast, and many female idiots in the group...

Queen of Cutie: “awsl!!!”

Dedicated administrator: awsl!!!

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