Just when Mu Jinxuan was thinking about new solutions.

Taiyang Xing: Forget it, let's put this question aside for now. There's no rush anyway. You should analyze the second question first.

The reason why he said this was not that Chen Fan thought it was troublesome for the tool man.

In fact, it was Chen Fan himself who temporarily gave up on the idea of ​​transforming into a free sun.

After all... He is so outstanding in heels and feet that he has the strongest foundation in history. Even with his current strength, he is still unable to meet the requirements of transformation!

This is so outrageous!

Who doesn't want their heels to become better, even a little bit, it will be of great help to the future.

But when it came to Chen Fan, it became an obstacle for him to transform into a Tao body!

Since he can't transform, Chen Fan naturally doesn't desire freedom that much.

You can't go out sightseeing under the bright sun, right?

That probably can’t even be called a sightseeing tour, but should be called burning the sky and boiling the sea!

Ever since, before his strength could get any further, Chen Fan temporarily chose to give up his unrestrained thoughts.

Secondly, Chen Fan still values ​​​​the two golden crow little lolita that were born on his body.

After all, they are my two lovely little daughters. I can't just watch them fall into the lich's catastrophe in the future, right?

So, the time has not come yet.

The conscientious administrator: Well... in this case, I will not give up thinking about this problem. Don't worry, Mr. Sun Star! Speaking of the second question, what is (careful.jpg)?

Looking at the animated picture provided by Mu Jinxuan, the corners of Chen Fan's Yuanshen villain's mouth slightly raised.

This girl was probably frightened by her first question and lost her sense of control.

But think about it, letting a girl who can't revive the world with spiritual energy help you analyze things in the prehistoric world has certain problems in itself.

Different perspectives will ultimately lead to different ways of looking at problems.

However, as a boss, of course you have to behave like a boss.

If there is such a perfect tool man, if he doesn't use it, he has to think about everything by himself.

That would be so boring!

Chen Fan didn't want to live in such a boring time, just by chatting and spanking in the group, after solving the problem by himself.

Therefore, it would be more interesting to hand over your problem to the sand sculpture group friends to help analyze it, wouldn’t it?

Sun Star: The second question is much simpler. How do you think I should use to enter the heavens and worlds without destroying their world?

The conscientious administrator: Huh? Mr. Sun Star, the ancient world where you are located is the only and most powerful world in all worlds, the source of everything. Do you want to go to other worlds to see it?

Sun Star: In order to go further, this is necessary. Analyze it for me.

The conscientious administrator: Well, this question actually seems to be much simpler! I thought of this when you gave me the dead leaves of the hibiscus tree before.

With your strength, Mr. Sun Star, you can completely refine the hibiscus tree into an external incarnation, dead leaves and the like, and then refine it into a weaker incarnation. You can use this to enter the weak world like us. Refining the avatar It should be very simple for a big guy like you.

Sun Star: This is a good idea, but I ignored it. Thank you for reminding me, little guy.

The conscientious administrator: Hehehehe... Mr. Sun Star is being humble. I know you must have come up with this idea a long time ago. You just deliberately tested me. I understand, I understand everything.

Chen Fan was speechless, he had never thought about these things at all.

Because of the existence of Mu Jinxuan, a tool person, Chen Fan was naturally too lazy to use his own brain. Wouldn't it be nice to leave the problem to others?

Sun Star: You are a good seedling worth cultivating. Perhaps, in your world, you can become my spokesperson. The reward for helping me analyze the problem will be given to you first.

As for the third question, let’s put it aside for now and discuss it at an appropriate time.


[The great and supreme Sun Star has sent you a special red envelope: the Sun Star’s blessing! 】

Revitalize the world.

Mu Jinxuan lay on the big bed every day, chatting with Mr. Sun Star in her mind.

The next moment, endless spiritual energy spewed out around her villa like a fountain. The spiritual energy was so rich that it was almost turning into substance!

Mu Jinxuan only felt that her body seemed to have opened some kind of shackles, greedily absorbing the spiritual energy around her.

Outside the villa, the sun hanging high in the sky is so bright.

The sunlight shining on the villa is particularly bright.

The source of all these changes was a blessing from the boss of Sun Star.


It had only been a few minutes since Chen Fan gave Mu Jinxuan his blessing.

In the Wanjie chat group.

Bip! Blop! Blop!

A rather harsh sound, similar to an alarm sounded.

Immediately afterwards, a message was automatically released in the system announcement from the Wanjie chat group.

[In the world where member Conscientious Administrator lives, a world mission appears: Annihilate the Demonic Reincarnator! 】

[Number of mission members: 5]

[Task reward: 30,000 points (distributed according to work)]

[Ask the current world members to be conscientious administrators and select mission members within one day to start the world mission! 】

[Tip: During the world mission, there is no need to consume cross-border symbols when crossing borders]

Sun Star: What a coincidence? They actually released a world mission. It's a bit interesting. The Demonic Reincarnator doesn't sound like a serious thing.

Ordinary ordinary person: Is this the first time a world mission has appeared? If possible, I would be very interested in helping the administrator!

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: It's sad, I'm old and frail now, and I can't exert my fighting power at all. Otherwise, I would be very interested in participating!

The big bones were boiled into soup: The strength is too weak, so we won't interfere (slip away. jpg).

Cute Queen: Nani! Damn it, why is the world managed by dogs triggering the world mission? How can it be fixed!

Young monk Fahai: The demons of reincarnation sound like they are full of evil and killing. Please make sure that the poor monk can free them, Amitabha.

[Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 】

[In terms of the plot, if there are any problems, everyone can raise them, and the author will make modifications according to the appropriate circumstances. Everything is done with the readers in mind! ].

Chapter 23

PS: Thank you to boss [Huang Ling] for your VIP point reward support, as well as [Feng Chui] and [Hedan Saint] for your support of 100 VIP points each!


Have you seen my little bear: Am I the only one who saw 30,000 points (eyes shining.jpg)?!

Lin Jiu: With so many points, we only need to distribute them to five people. As long as we work hard, we can get at least several thousand points. With the points, we can go to Wanjie Mall to spend money! With the blessing of the boss of Sun Star one step closer!

Zhang Junbao: Pindao left tears of envy. When will Minecraft be able to release world quests?

Iron Man: Why do all kinds of weird disasters always happen in my world, but I am not the first to trigger world tasks? This is unreasonable!

The big bones were boiled into soup: If we want to talk about disaster, then the world I am in is probably the one where world missions should appear most, right? (I want to cry without tears.jpg)?

The conscientious administrator: As the person who triggered the world mission, I'm a little panicked now. The Demon Reincarnator sounds like a very vicious guy, right?

If something like this appears in my world, it probably won't be a good thing!

Sun Star: I'm quite interested in the Demonic Reincarnator. I occupy a mission spot. I believe everyone has no objections, right (smiling face.jpg)?

The conscientious administrator: If the boss of Sun Star is willing to take action, then we can rest assured! Anyone who dares to object will be expelled from the group on the spot! Refutation is not allowed!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: Administrator, are you sure that the world you are in can accommodate the power of the Sun Star boss?

The hungry dragon roared: It's terrible, it's terrible, I feel like the world enchanted by the administrator will melt into a ball of ice cream.

Little Nannan: I really want Big Brother Sun Star to come and play in my world! The world where little Nannan lives is very big! There are probably... there are probably... very, very big, right?

Time Elf: The divers suddenly jumped up, picked up the cute little girl, and left without looking back (cute.jpg)!

Little girl: Uh-huh?

Ordinary ordinary person: Since the boss of Sun Star has proposed to participate in the mission, he must have solved the problem of how to enter other worlds without destroying the world, right?

After all, those of us who have experienced the great world of projection once, are the ones who know best the true form of Sun Star Boss, how majestic and boundless he is!

Young monk Fa Hai: Does the Great Sun Buddha also want to participate in this mission? Then as the most devout believer of the Great Sun True Buddha, the administrator and donor must let me join in! The poor monk is willing to pay any price!

Even though he is old, he can still dance: If you can meet the boss of Sun Star for a price, then I would also like to meet him!

Dedicated administrator: You are all thinking about eating peaches! Who do you think we are as administrators? Am I the kind of person you think of, who sells out his quota to participate in tasks for the sake of profit? (In anger.jpg) ?!”

Do you see my little bear: Yes.

Cute Queen: Take the time to say, yes! If it were not for a more ambitious goal, I, the Queen, would definitely participate in this mission this time!

Iron Man: Based on the ethos of this group, the administrator is obviously this kind of person.

Time Elf: Divers +1.

Young monk Fahai: Monks don't lie. Sorry donor, young monk has to admit the truth, +1.

The conscientious administrator: Haha... If that's the case, I originally planned to randomly draw the remaining three places since this is the first world mission, and there is also the participation of the Sun Star boss.

But looking at it now, hehehe...

have to say.

In the beginning, when the world quests appear.

Mu Jinxuan's first reaction was to feel a little panicked, but then the idea of ​​selling mission personnel came to her mind.

After all, although she is an administrator, she doesn't have many points.

This kind of opportunity is rare, and it is normal to have such thoughts.

However, when the Sun Star boss gets involved, everything will be different!

Mu Jinxuan realized this deeply.

The status of the Sun Star boss in the group is particularly special, and this is an opportunity to have close and real contact.

Using it to sell away quotas is the greatest disrespect to the Sun Star boss!

Do you see my little bear: I was wrong, I admit it, administrator, please choose me!

Although a person is old, he can still dance: I am too old and have lost my head. How can such an excellent administrator be such a profit-seeking person?

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, is everyone suffering from selective amnesia (Kanna's doubts.jpg)?

Time Elf: The divers found a cute and cute lolita! I really want to pick up the target +1!

The conscientious administrator: Enough of you two-faced guys. Except for the Sun Star boss, I have decided to adopt a random selection system for the members of this world mission. Let the Wanjie chat group automatically randomly select them.


[World mission personnel are randomly selected! 】


[World mission members have been selected: Sun Star, Roar of the Hungry Dragon, Tears, and Little Monk Fahai (the world mission initiator himself must also occupy the quota). 】

[The selected personnel are asked to prepare within the remaining 10 hours. When ready, the cross-border door will be opened and teleported into the world where the administrator is located. 】

Tears: Ah?! Did you choose me who has been diving all the time? (Confused face.jpg)?

Time Elf: We are both divers, why?! Why not me (crazy.jpg)?!

The hungry dragon roared: It's incredible, it's incredible, Kangna actually became the chosen child!

Young monk Fahai: Amitabha, we are about to meet the supreme Buddha in the heart of this poor monk. This life is enough!

Sun Star: ...Get ready quickly. Try to get ready within an hour, and then cross the border. I am also very interested in other small worlds.

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