Although because of Chen Fan's plan.

As a result, there was a big difference in the timing of the decisive battle between the two Lich clans.

However, the creatures involved in this battle have hardly changed.

The ten demon saints still chose to join the demon clan's heavenly court, and they did so willingly, rather than being forced by force from Di Jun and Taiyi.

Everyone is well aware of the situation in heaven.

Behind him was the support of the top being Sun Star, and Dao Ancestor Hongjun also turned to this side.

These powerful monsters who wanted to go further in the wild world naturally made a choice in their hearts.

The Demon Clan Heavenly Court is undoubtedly a very perfect place.

Even Kunpeng, who was supposed to be subdued by Dijun and Taiyi, was forcibly subdued.

Not long ago, he took the initiative to join the Demon Clan Heavenly Court.

And he worked hard to create the Yao Clan writing and obtained God-given merits.

As a result, he gained the title of Master of the Demon Clan and ranked first among the top ten Demon Saints!

On the surface, the existence of the ten demon saints is the strongest fighting force in Heaven except the two Heavenly Emperors.

But the power behind the scenes, now in the Heavenly Court, only the most core important officials of the Heavenly Court have been exposed and know the real situation.

Therefore, they are concerned about this so-called lich decisive battle.

There is no need to worry at all. Victory in heaven can only be the only outcome.

Although the Wu clan also has very good rising stars.

For example, masters of the Wu clan such as Dayi and Kuafu have also entered the Daluo realm.

And with their powerful physical bodies, it is difficult for ordinary demon creatures to compete with them in the same realm.

After all, the subordinates of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court are somewhat mixed due to the Monster Clan’s huge base of creatures, and it is normal for them to have mixed good and bad.

On the other hand, this aspect is slightly better for the Witch Clan.

They are the inheritance of the bloodline and will not be as mixed as the demon clan.

The strength of some second-generation great witches is due to the use of their own essence and blood by the twelve ancestral witches.

In terms of numbers alone, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court is not weaker than the number one force on this ancient land, and is even slightly more powerful.

But the strength is almost the same.

Of course, this must exclude Heaven’s trump card.


I don't know which party it was, but the first one shouted kill.

Infinite magical powers and endless magic weapons instantly burst out with terrifying and bright light from the thirty-third level of the sky, colliding with the powerful body of the witch clan.

The sound was like thunder, the killing was decisive, and blood instantly spread all over the wild land.

In this terrible collision, the endless star field was instantly destroyed by the terrifying power, and the endless ancient continent sank into an abyss.

Although, this may seem like terrible destruction.

For prehistoric times, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

However, for the Witch Clan and Monster Clan, there were countless casualties in an instant.

The melee turned into a mass, with loud shouts of killing, various Taoist magic powers, strange treasures, and handovers.

Between heaven and earth, there is a murderous atmosphere! The rich calamity has become as thick as ink, shrouding the vast world, but it cannot be seen by ordinary creatures.

Within the Heavenly Palace.

Dijun and Taiyi sat at the top of the table.

Under them, the ten demon saints were lined up, while Fuxi and Nuwa sat aside, showing their status second only to the Emperor of Heaven.

Closest to the thrones of Emperors Dijun and Taiyi, there are three figures standing completely shrouded in black robes, making it impossible to tell their depth.

As for the Queen Mother of the West, who had joined the Heavenly Court early, she did not come here.

This is the privilege given to her by Di Jun and Taiyi. Queen Mother Xi does not like fighting by nature and prefers peace and quiet.

Her own strength is pretty decent, so instead of dragging her in to make up the numbers, it's better to let her enjoy herself.

Kunpeng, how is the situation?

On the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun spoke slowly, while Taiyi beside him closed his eyes and meditated in the presence of the old god.

Although the two little guys are both Emperors of Heaven, their division of labor is still very clear.

Di Jun is good at calculation and deduction, has a careful mind, and is able to take charge of the overall situation.

Taiyi has a very fiery and straightforward personality. He is the representative of the strongest combat power in heaven, and he holds the innate treasure Chaos Bell in his hand.

He can be called the number one among today’s quasi-sages!

Return to the Heavenly Emperor! The elites of the demon clan and the great witches of the witch clan haven't really entered the battlefield yet, but the world has almost turned into a millstone of flesh and blood.

Countless lich creatures fell under this terrifying millstone.

Although the poor man is not a kind person, he is still frightened by the sight and has a completely new understanding of this so-called calamity of heaven and earth!

I am afraid that after this battle, even if Heavenly Court wins, there will probably be no demon clan left.

There was a rare hint of panic in Kunpeng's tone.

This innate creature born in Beiming cultivated the way of devouring and speeding. In the endless years since its birth, it has devoured countless creatures and grown up.

It can be seen that the world is measuring calamity, but it still feels the inexplicable fear.

He was even secretly glad that if he hadn't been strong enough, he would have made a contribution to heaven.

If you get the protection of heaven's luck.

Otherwise, relying on the power of karma on his body, he may not be able to escape the catastrophe and lose his soul, make unwise actions, and truly fall into that catastrophe.

At that time, it will not be as majestic as it is now, and it will still hold the status of the master of the demon clan.

No need to sigh, the perfection of the way of heaven requires the promotion of calamity, the karma of the demon clan and the witch clan is too deep.

Although this battle must be won, the evil demons that are harmful to heaven must also be eliminated and turned into ashes.

The demon clan can be destroyed, but the heaven will never be destroyed!

This is the final bottom line. You must understand this truth. This is the cruelty of prehistoric times!

Di Jun's voice gradually turned colder, and his eyes were slightly warning.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the palace changed slightly, with a hint of horror in their eyes.

They didn't expect it to be so serious.

It is clear that the current strength of the Demon Clan in Heaven is far stronger than that of the Witch Clan.

But the Emperor still said such words, and the meaning was self-evident.

This is the will of heaven, to destroy those monsters and shamans with deep karma and turn them into ashes.

It also secretly expressed a meaning: the future protagonists of the world will not be the two lich clans.

The fight between them is nothing more than allowing the calamity to evolve and promoting the perfection of the way of heaven.

For a while.

The ten demon saints, Fuxi and Nuwa all fell into a brief silence.

Only the three figures shrouded in black robes seemed quite calm.

Didn't they fall into such a calamity back then and almost lead to the complete destruction of the three clans?

Therefore, they can best understand the cruelty in this wild world.

Without transcendence and becoming a saint, there is always the possibility of falling into this calamity.

No matter whether you have achieved great fame in ancient times or achieved eternal fame, it has no effect at all.

When the calamity comes, they will all be ants!

Only people like Di Jun and Tai Yi stood behind them, the most elite beings in the wilderness.

Only then can they be able to cope with this calamity with ease.

The Witch Clan, within the Pangu Temple.

Dijiang is at the top of the list, surrounded by twelve ancestral witches.

At this moment, there was already a hint of worry between their eyebrows.

We can't keep dragging it on like this! We, the sons of the Witch Clan, are not like the bastards of the Demon Clan, who are as numerous as the morning stars and can be killed endlessly.

The growth of every warrior of the Wu clan like us has paid a lot of price.

If we continue to fight like this, I am afraid that even if we win in the end, the Witch Clan will already be in ruins!

Di Jiang spoke in a rather helpless tone, and his eyes gradually became decisive.

He originally thought that with the natural advantages of the Witch Clan, those miscellaneous monster creatures were nothing to worry about.

But a good man can't stand the crowd!

For other demon creatures, it is possible to exaggerate to give birth to dozens or hundreds in one birth.

But the people of the Wu Clan cannot do this. The birth and growth of each of their sons requires several times the energy and time of the Demon Clan.

That's the current situation.

If they are allowed to continue fighting, I am afraid that there will not be many members left in the Wu Clan in the future.

Although after defeating, you can slowly regain your strength.

However, it has to be said that the Twelve Ancestral Witches cannot be cruel enough to do this to people of their own clan.

Because every branch of the Witch Clan has a part of their blood flowing through them.

With such a connection, they cannot be as indifferent as Dijun and Taiyi.

Once Dijun and Taiyi leave Chen Fan's side, they will have the true nature of emperors, and everything will focus on the survival of heaven!

We can't wait any longer. It's time for us to lead the great witch and have a life-or-death showdown with those two miscellaneous birds!

Di Jiang stood up slowly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and the power of space was distorted.

The figures of the Twelve Ancestral Witches instantly appeared outside the Pangu Temple, in front of the members of the witch clan.

All the great witches obey our orders, follow us, and kill for thirty-three days. Heaven will be destroyed today!

Zhu Rong, who had a bad temper, couldn't wait for a long time and roared angrily, shaking the whole country.

And the great witches of the witch clan, who had been preparing for war for a long time, also roared angrily for nine days.

Figures with terrifying auras kept leaping up from the ground. With one step, the mountains and rivers turned upside down and appeared above the thirty-three days!

Those two miscellaneous feathered birds of the demon race, come out quickly and lead them to death!

Outside the heaven, a loud shout spread throughout the world, and red flames filled the body of the ancestral wizard Zhu Rong, covering the entire sky.

The countless weak demon creatures around him were instantly wiped out like smoke and dust.

The other ancestral witches also showed off their innate magical powers, wiping out the monsters in the starry sky with a raise of their hands.

He killed decisively without any hesitation.

They don't care at all about the so-called bullying of the small, they just want to do their best to retain the strength of the Wu clan.

On such a battlefield, the so-called rules have no meaning at all!

Within the Heavenly Palace.

Hearing the screams of the ancestral wizard Zhu Rong and their actions regardless of their status, countless creatures of the demon race were instantly wiped out.

The ten demon saints instantly fired their angry flames towards their souls. Fuxi and Nuwa also had stern expressions on their faces, with murderous intent frequently appearing in their eyes.

Emperor of Heaven, please allow us to go into battle. We will definitely eat the ancestral witch of the witch clan alive!

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