Jiu Ying, who was cruel by nature, immediately spoke gloomily.

The rest of the demon saints also wanted to end immediately, so that they could kill everyone and wipe out the hateful Witch Clan on the spot!

It's time for you to take the stage, but... the great witch of the witch clan is your enemy, the ancestral witch is not as simple as you think.

Father God once said that they can evolve into the Great Formation of All Heavenly Gods and summon the true form of Pangu, which is extremely powerful, even far superior to the peak power of Quasi-Saint!

At that time, we will still have to rely on the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to fight against us. Even the two of us will not dare to rely on it easily.

Remember, your enemy is the great witch, not the ancestral witch!

Di Jun's voice was as calm as water, with no emotion at all.

Zu Wu's yelling and scolding did not affect her judgment at all.

We accept the order! We will bring back the head of the great witch and make a blood sacrifice to the demon creatures we died in battle!

The demon master Kunpeng's eyes flashed with cold light and he said fiercely.

The fight has reached this level, even if they haven't taken action yet, they already have true fire in their hearts.

I can't wait to kill the enemy to vent my anger!

Kunpeng took the lead and disappeared into the palace in an instant.

On the thirty-third heaven, a black bird that shrouded a whole sky suddenly manifested itself!

With a flap of his wings, a terrifying storm was rolled up like a rain of swords, wiping out countless creatures of the Witch Clan in an instant!

Then he opened his mouth and swallowed, and a terrifying black hole appeared in the sky.

The terrifying devouring power exploded, and in the blink of an eye, the people of the Wu clan above the thirty-three days were turned into blood food, swallowing more than one-third of the lives (only those on the thirty-three days, the battlefield does not stop here) !

Among them were some weaker witches, all of whom fell instantly to Kunpeng's sudden sneak attack.


Countless great witches, as well as the twelve ancestral witches, all looked up to the sky and roared angrily!

Kunpeng! If we don't turn you into ashes today, you will become a witch clan!


One after another, the terrifying figures with Qi machines rushed towards the Kunpeng in a frantic manner.


The title of Master of the Monster Clan is not for nothing, and he has no intention of confronting him head-on.

After winning with one blow, Kunpeng turned back into a small body and kept hiding among the creatures of the two Lich clans who had lost billions of lives in bloody battles!

From time to time, he would devour endless witch creatures in one gulp, causing the great witches to vomit blood and roar like thunder!

But Kunpeng still acted on his own. What he was good at was the way of devouring and the way of extreme speed.

The great witch could do nothing to him!

For the first time, the top-ranked Hongchen guest in the Zixiao Palace showed his terrifying minions to all sentient beings.


Thanks to [Baowan Little Secretary c13440] for the 100VIP point reward and the 100VIP point reminder ticket support, thank you very much! .

Chapter 131

On the sun star.

Electric Mouse: Pika Pika! Pikachu... (What a big black bird! So scary! Trembling...)

The conscientious administrator: Ahem...this is called Kunpeng, not a big black bird. If he knows that you call Pikachu that, hehehe...

Rem: Hiss! How many Pikachus will you eat in one bite? (Rem-like shock.jpg)?

The hungry dragon roared: It's terrible, it's terrible (fear.jpg)!

Evil Sword Immortal: I don't know how to describe it at all. How many souls of the Witch Clan disappeared with just one mouthful? The entire thirty-third heaven was cleared out!

Now I feel so kind. As a world-class BOSS, I have killed all the creatures.

I guess the total is not as much as Kunpeng's fraction (horrible.jpg)?

Time Elf: Can you please be more confident? Remove the word 'estimate'. Kunpeng will swallow up the number of creatures in just one moment. Even if you don't stop for a moment, you won't be able to gather this amount!

The bones were boiled into soup: It's such a cruel prehistoric period. It's hard for me to accept it. Why do we have to fight to the death?

It is obvious that in the prehistoric times, living beings can easily achieve what others have been dreaming of for their entire lives - immortality.

But now... (with mixed feelings.jpg)

Iron Man: I feel the same, but after all, this is in the ancient times, with completely different rules. It can only be said that we should be glad that we are not in such a world.

Otherwise, for weak chickens like us, we might not even have ashes left after we die!

At least in my world, you can have a good funeral after death, and there are still some ashes to bury (wry smile.jpg).

Tom Cat: Shivering... It seems that the mice in the ancient world are not something that this cat can catch. It's better to go and play with Jerry!

Crippled Evil God: Suddenly I felt that I was completely unworthy of the title of Evil God. I looked at Kunpeng, and then I looked at myself. Why is there a useless Evil God like me? (Recognize the reality.jpg)?

Staff Goddess: Huh? The evil evil god actually has a day to admit that he is a waste? Hey, today is really a happy day for this goddess (gloating.jpg)!

Crippled Evil God: Haha... I don't want to argue with a stupid guy who can't recognize his own IQ (smile.jpg).

Loves eating carrots: Sure enough, Xiao Wu is still huddled in the Xingdou Forest with peace of mind, just like an abandoned house, after watching the live broadcast of Sun Star Boss.

Now I don’t want to go out even half a step, the outside world is too scary (shrinking into a ball.jpg)!

Xiaoxun'er: Wait for me...forget it, forget it, now I just want to be a middle school girl, competing for hegemony and so on, it's not suitable for me, it's too bloody, too cruel, not suitable for children (嘤嘤嘤.jpg) .

Gu Aotian: Bloody and cruel are not enough to describe such killings. This world is like a millstone of flesh and blood. Every time it is crushed, endless lives die.

Even if the most terrifying war breaks out here, there is nothing comparable to this.

Canliu: Is this calamity measurement...

Aizen Sosuke: Kunpeng seems to be far more powerful than those great witches. I feel that the Twelve Ancestral Witches can't help but take action against him (thoughtful consideration, calm analysis.jpg).

Even though a person is old, he can still dance: Sure enough, Mr. Aizen is still able to keep his composure, and his perspective on the problem is still so cunning (admiration.jpg).

Deadpool: Oh, this is really a terrible disaster (suffering.jpg)!

Rem: It seems that Mr. Deadpool still hasn't fully adapted to this way of speaking. He still needs to keep working hard (last strike.jpg)!


The conscientious administrator: By the way, doesn't the incarnation of Sun Star Boss need to ambush in the heaven? Once Dijun and Taiyi fight against the twelve ancestral witches.

Is it possible that Taoist Yangmei will take action in secret?

This kind of fighting, the rules and so on, seem to have been abandoned long ago.

Sun Star: In the ancient world, there is no place where the Sun Star's light cannot shine.

Staff Goddess: Aren't you talking about whether to ambush? Why did the boss come so mysteriously and say this (confused.jpg)?

Rem: Sure enough, with your IQ, it's difficult, no! It's impossible to understand what Mr. Sun Star means (sympathetic gaze.jpg).

Staff Goddess: (sulking.jpg)

Aizen Sosuke: I think what Mr. Sun Star means is that no matter where you are in the prehistoric period, there is no difference.

No time, space or any other factors can affect it at all.

That is a power that we cannot understand at all (sentiment.jpg)!

Time Elf: Although I know that this is the power of Sun Star Boss, I still feel that this sentence is very arrogant (dog head saves life.jpg)!

Zhang Junbao: Perhaps this is the big boss. In our eyes, the apparently ordinary narrative has become a pretense...ahem, sin, sin! Is the old man also infected by Iron Man?!

No, you have to treat yourself (warning for splitting tendons and wrong bones.jpg)!

Iron Man: Daozhang Zhang, if you continue like this, you will lose me as a friend. Don't you want the latest armor in the future?

I already have some ideas on how to integrate supernatural power into the armor (Deyi.jpg).

After seeing the horrors of prehistoric times and even other worlds.

Tony Stark's vision gradually improved.

Moreover, once the world mission starts in the future, he does not want to be PASSed because of his strength.

Therefore, it is imperative to research new armors!

On the Lich battlefield.

As the top ten demon saints took action, as well as many real demon clan elites, they began to emerge quietly.

The situation of the Witch Clan, which originally had the upper hand because of the big witches' attack, almost took a turn for the worse!

Especially Kunpeng, who made countless witch clans hate him with tears in their eyes. It was the top power in the world.

After hearing the Tao for the second time and joining the Heavenly Court, with the advantages of merit and luck, he broke through to the quasi-sage realm early!

If it were one-on-one, even the twelve ancestral witches might not be able to take it down.

What's more, the other party is completely acting as a guerrilla.

The figure of Kunpeng, like a swimming fish, sometimes appears on the east side of the battlefield, and the next moment it appears in the center.

With Extreme Speed ​​at his side, even if the great witches of the witch clan want to unite to deal with him, they are unable to do so.

Even Zhu Rong, who had a hot temper, couldn't help but end up. The terrifying flames swept across the sky with the force of burning the sky, but he was also unable to stop Kunpeng.

On the contrary, the other party crazily got into the crowd of Wu clan, which made Zhu Rong throw the rat into a trap.

For a moment, there was absolutely no way.

The expressions of the other ancestral witches also continued to look cold and ugly.

You know, in the Heavenly Court, the two truly powerful ones, the two innate Golden Crows, have not yet appeared at this moment!

Their ancestral witches have already taken action, but the most difficult thing to accept is that the situation is still not optimistic.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches knew this clearly.

Once they are fully moved, Dijun and Taiyi will definitely not continue to wait.


The time has come to make a decision!

Or, just watch the situation continue to be so bad, and it is destined that the Witch Clan will be depleted because they have no other support.

Another option is to simply lift the table and fight to the death with Heaven!

In this way, if you win, everyone will naturally be happy.

Losing, after all, cannot be separated from the word death.

In this way, the choice of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is very simple.

Call on the power of Father God. Only in this way can we have the capital to crush each other.

Di Jiang's expression returned to calm.

The rest of the ancestral witches also looked solemn. They had realized that the moment to truly determine the winner had arrived!

Twelve drops of blood essence, as bright as rubies, emerged from the hearts of the twelve ancestral witches.

They gathered and merged together in an instant.

A terrifying aura was quietly born. After the fusion, what looked like a small ball of blood essence was connected to the Qi of the twelve ancestral witches.

A shadow born from chaos emerged from the thirty-third heaven.

Although it was restricted by the strength of the Twelve Ancestral Witches, the figure was unable to show its most powerful posture.

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