The Twelve Ancestral Witches are the core spiritual pillars of the Witch Clan, but one of them is missing.

But it will not only shake the confidence of the Wu clan, but also directly affect their combat effectiveness!

Especially in the Dutian Shensha Formation, any of the ancestral witches of Shao Fan will be unable to condense Pangu's true body!

Aizen Sosuke: The calm before the storm is always so unsettling. Under the catastrophe of heaven and earth, ordinary creatures are just ants trying to survive. Can only transcendence be used to avoid such disasters...

Subconsciously, he pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose, only to find that the glasses he used for disguise had long been thrown away.

Aizen couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Every live broadcast by Sun Star Boss was always so shocking and made people feel insignificant.

Time Elf: Ah? Anyway, we have figured it out. I don't live in a prehistoric world, and it is impossible for me to encounter such a terrible disaster.

In my world, with my current strength, I can walk sideways without any pressure.

Why do you have to compare yourself with things that you can’t compare with (Normal Mind.jpg)?

Can Liu: Having said that, in fact, when I see such a scene, I will still feel a little emotional in my heart.

It's like, under the enlightenment of Daozu, I have already recovered my strength, even far beyond what I knew before.

It's hard to express my feelings when I see that under such calamity, I am just an ant, not even an ant.

Iron Man: I'm curious, Taoist Yangmei hasn't released Di Jiang yet. Does it take so long to arrange the backup plan according to what the boss of Sun Star said? (yawn.jpg)?

The conscientious administrator: Um, maybe it's because we don't keep track of years (dog head saves life.jpg)?

Genos: It may also be because the matter is so important that Taoist Yang Mei intends to reduce the risk as much as possible?

Evil Sword Immortal: As the biggest villain BOSS in the world of Immortal Swords, my intuition tells me that Taoist Yang Mei didn't hold it in well, and Di Jiang is very likely to have messed up his plan (Things Are Like God.jpg)!

Uncle Jiu: The villain's intuition? Well... you can refer to it (Meditation.jpg)...

Sun Star: No need to make blind guesses, I already knew what his plan was from the moment he approached the Witch Clan.

Emperor Jiang of the Wu Clan has a certain amount of Pangu bloodline, his body is unparalleled in strength, and he possesses great spatial magical powers, which conforms to Yang Mei's spatial laws.

Do you think that Yang Mei, as a Hunyuan Daluo Realm, really just wants revenge?

If this is the case, then you really underestimate the so-called saint!

The big bones were boiled into soup: Hiss! I suddenly felt a chill down my spine. Yang Mei, who had acted like a child before and gave a sermon with the Taoist ancestors, actually had already hidden his plan (fear.jpg )?!

The conscientious administrator: Could it be that... the special characteristics of Dijiang are the key to Taoist Yangmei's choice of the Wu Clan (confusion.jpg)?

Sun Star: This is just one point, and the other point is that the Wu Clan has no soul, and the Wu Clan's body is their foundation!

This Lich War is related to Hongjun's status as a saint, once Yang Mei succeeds.

This means that when Hongjun fell into the mortal world, his life and death depended entirely on Yang Mei's thoughts, and there was no room for struggle.

The most important thing is that the only saint in the world is gone. How can Yang Mei not have some ideas?

Moreover, his victory also means that the Wu Clan has destroyed the Demon Clan's heaven, and the Wu Clan can use this to gather great fortune.

It is not impossible for one of the Twelve Ancestral Witches to achieve enlightenment and become a saint through this.

In this way, if Di Jiang among the twelve ancestral witches could be secretly controlled and refined by Yang Mei at any time.

Then this newly born saint in the ancient world is still Yang Mei!

Oneself is the Hunyuan Daluo Daoguo, and with the addition of a Heavenly Dao Saint who is like an incarnation outside the body, wouldn't it be truly free and at ease?


After Chen Fan's explanation, the group once again fell into the daily state of intermittent breathing difficulty.

How could they have thought of that.

In their eyes, Taoist Yangmei looked like a reckless man at first.

There was such a terrifying plan from the beginning? !


Chapter 129

Zhang Junbao: Is this a saint? He really shouldn't be underestimated. I thought he was just seeking revenge from Hongjun, but in fact...

Even though he is old, he can still dance: The actual plan is to take the entire prehistoric era into his pocket! This is the ambition that a saint should have (praise.jpg)!

Aizen Sosuke: Sure enough, ambition and strength are equal. It is worthy of the existence of Hunyuan Daluo. While venting hatred, he plans the entire prehistoric world. The heart of a saint is unfathomable!

Can Liu: The most important thing is that once Yang Mei really succeeds in revenge, I am afraid that his Taoist heart will become completely perfect and reach a higher level.

When the time comes to add the incarnation-like existence of God Jiang to gradually control the prehistoric times, it will be truly perfect.

The big bones were boiled into soup: Now I realize that my world is so happy! Although monsters appear every once in a while, they are not as dangerous as in the prehistoric times (Shame. jpg).

Uncle Jiu: Same feeling! Every time I watch the live broadcast of Sun Star 14, I can't help but sigh, the monsters and monsters in my own world are nothing!

Compared with the most rubbish creatures in the world, they are not even ants.

Then I got excited and ran into the zombie forest at night, and then I ran back after being rubbed.

Although I can't beat him, I still want to say that the monsters and monsters in my world are all garbage (Stubborn.jpg)!

Zhang Junbao: Um...Is Mr. Lin Jiu so fierce? (Funny.jpg)?

Iron Man: As a modern person, I, Tony, have also experienced great storms, and I have never seen any conspiracies.

But today, after meeting this so-called saint, I realized it.

Conspiracy? But these are just leftover and outdated things left over from the play of these big guys (too scary.jpg)!

The conscientious administrator said: The prehistoric saint can know the past, present, and future in a single thought, and can deduce endlessly, and all things are under control.

Except for the manifestation of calamities of heaven and earth, and the blessing of calamities and the secret of heaven, it cannot be deduced.

The rest of the time, only beings of the same level can compete with each other.

Underneath the saints are all ants, this saying is no joke (look up to the boss.jpg)!

Gu Aotian: Envy, you can see everything in one thought. With such ability, it's no wonder that you can scheme against others at will.

Hey, I'm finally back. The real show has finally begun.

On the Sun Star, Chen Fan's avatar's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

His eyes seemed to transcend time, space, and destiny, and fell on Na Di Jiang.

Countless space divine patterns are hidden under every inch of skin and on the bones of Dijiang's body!

The entire body is almost completely covered by that unique divine pattern.

That is the imprint from the law of space, the imprint of Tao that belongs exclusively to Yang Mei!

Especially in Di Jiang's heart, which is full of infinite vitality, there is an almost complete law of space hidden!

Once it breaks out, even the peak strength of a quasi-sage cannot compete with it. It will be annihilated by the power of space in an instant, and the soul will collapse.

This is Yang Mei's backup plan to deal with Heavenly Court.

A hidden power of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal!

As for whether the big one bullies the small ones, Yang Mei doesn't care about that now.

They have all been reduced to a situation where they have to face Hongjun head-on. There is no point in caring about this.

not to mention.

Dijiang's back-up plan was just an attempt.

After all, both sides have stood on the table to confront each other, using the chess pieces in their hands to decide Hongjun's life and death. Hongjun cannot be defenseless.

At this level, it would be a matter of time before he ended up in person.

And this is also the reason why Chen Fan joined forces with Hongjun for this plan.

Dijiang! Are you back?

Regarding Di Jiang who suddenly appeared in Pangu Temple, Gonggong looked happy at first.

Then he asked nervously.

Obviously, during this period of time, the Twelve Ancestral Witches were worried about Di Jiang.

Taoist Yang Mei only regarded them as pawns, and they had no way of predicting what kind of actions he would make.

Don't worry, it's just that I experienced a very miserable ordeal, and finally improved my innate magical powers to a higher level!

At the same time, Taoist Yang Mei left a force of space law in my heart.

At a critical moment, it may work wonders!

Di Jiang said with a little excitement on his face.

In his understanding, he had only experienced a brutal cleansing under the power of Taoist Yang Mei's Space Law.

In the end, he was able to enhance his own strength, and was finally able to contain the power of the law of space in his heart.

But he didn't know that his body seemed to be under his own control now.

However, Yang Mei can completely transform it into her own incarnation with just one thought!

Now, it's just that the time has not come yet.

There was no intention to hide the news of Di Jiang's return.

After all, his return can boost the momentum of the Witch Clan, and at the same time it will completely declare war on the Heavenly Court!

Boom! Boom! Boom!...

The dull sound of war drums came from the prehistoric land, and the vast and solemn atmosphere instantly enveloped the entire prehistoric world.

The sound of the constantly beating war drums shook the world, seeming to strike in the heart of every living being!

It made their hearts seem to beat to this beat!


Just like the melodious trumpet sound from eternity, it fell from the thirty-third heaven.

The endless chill was bone-chilling, and accompanied by the sound of the horn, it spread to every corner of the wilderness.

The sound of war drums and horns playing against each other made the endless primitive creatures seem to see countless creatures fighting in the void.

Blood dyed the vast earth red, star fields collapsed and disappeared, stars in the sky fell, the earth cracked, and the sky became dark.

But in the blink of an eye, the terrible scene disappeared.

But the next moment.

The creatures of the primitive world discovered that from the ground, countless figures of the Witch Clan were rising into the sky holding the most primitive weapons.

Above the thirty-third heaven.

The subordinates of the endless demon clan, uniformly dressed in standard armor and weapons, occupy the infinite sky.


Only the twelve ancestral witches and the two heavenly emperors have not yet appeared.

But, everyone knows.

This life and death battle is inevitable.

The most frightening thing is that after the dispute between the two Lich clans comes to an end, there will most likely be a real drama!

The kind that is so big that it scares countless living beings!


Chapter 130

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