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Chapter 127

Huang Xi has made great contributions to the Demon Clan Heavenly Court here, until the war between the Lich and the Demon Clan comes to an end.

Heaven's great fortune is gathering, and Emperor Xi must be a part of it!

After obtaining this great formation of stars in the sky, Di Jun would naturally not be stingy with the rewards.

The reason why Fuxi chose to join the Monster Clan was that he hoped to use its great luck to help him become a Taoist (not a saint).

Such a reward is naturally the most satisfying and desired for him!

Thank you, Emperor of Heaven, for the reward!

Without refusing, Fuxi immediately thanked him, and the excitement in his eyes was completely undisguised.

This is the Heavenly Court of the Monster Clan. Different from the Heavenly Court controlled by Haotian in the future, there are no twists and turns.

The rule between Dijun and Taiyi is that those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will be punished.

If you want to have a higher identity and status in this heaven, you must show corresponding strength and wisdom.

Fuxi, on the other hand, obviously possesses both of these points, and can be called an important minister of the Demon Clan Heavenly Court!

Since the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation has appeared in this world, we should refine it as soon as possible and arrange it in the heaven. Emperor Xi, I will have to trouble you and Emperor Wa about this matter.

Di Jun spoke again, and at the same time, he returned the formation map of the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation to Fuxi's hands.

Seeing this scene, Fuxi's eyes not only showed no trace of resentment for his hard work, but he was secretly excited in his heart!

Being able to leave such an important matter in his hands represents the trust of the two Heavenly Emperors!

It will be of great benefit to my position in heaven in the future!

Fuxi will definitely fulfill his mission! But I also ask the two Heavenly Emperors to open the Heavenly Treasure House so that they can obtain materials to refine the Zhoutian Star Banner.

At the same time, I hope that the two Heavenly Emperors will allow the many demon clan powerful men in Heaven to cooperate with me as much as possible.

If the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation wants to exert its power, the demon gods corresponding to the stars must be indispensable.

Practice and run in as early as possible so that you can unleash the power of this formation as soon as possible!

Fuxi's eyes were extremely sincere, and there was also a hint of expectation in his eyes.

No one is more looking forward to the day when this formation will show its peerless power to all sentient beings than him!


A majestic voice sounded.

Fuxi thanked him again and left excitedly.

In the divine court, only two people, Dijun and Taiyi, were sitting on the throne belonging to the Heavenly Emperor.

For a while, it was quite quiet.

The decisive battle between the lich and the lich is imminent, and the two little guys must stay in this heaven.

next moment.

Chen Fan's external incarnation condensed from a hibiscus leaf appeared in this majestic divine court.

Father God!

Father God!

Two shouts full of surprise came from the mouths of Dijun and Taiyi.

Without any regard for the so-called majesty of the Emperor of Heaven, he fell directly in front of Chen Fan.

The little eyes are full of expectation!

Until Chen Fan's big hand fell on their little heads, the two little guys suddenly showed smiles of satisfaction and joy on their faces.

Since returning from listening to Taoism in Zixiao Palace.

The friction between the Wu Clan and the Heavenly Court became increasingly intense.

Even because of this, countless members of the Monster Clan and Witch Clan have been killed and injured, and it was only recently that they began to become silent.

Ever since.

Dijun and Taiyi almost never left the Heavenly Court for a moment, sitting here and guarding against completely breaking up with the Wu Clan.

Coupled with Chen Fan's previous instructions, the two little guys also secretly made contact with the former patriarch of the three innate clans.

With Chen Fan's relationship, plus the oath of heaven made by the heads of the three clans.

These three tribes did not dare to be disrespectful at all.

Even though the cultivation levels of Di Jun and Tai Yi were still lower than those of the three chiefs, they still respected them extremely and respected them as their masters.

This is the blessing that Chen Fan's saying One out of ten brought to Dijun and Taiyi.

However, all this has not yet been exposed to the eyes of the world.

The three Xiantian clans have completely disappeared since the Longhan catastrophe, hiding in the wilderness.

Once it manifests in the future and joins the heaven.

At that time, the fate of the demon clan's heaven will skyrocket to a terrifying situation!

Since Chen Fan took action in the first place, he would naturally bring the greatest benefit to his good daughter!

After Taoist Yangmei preached, he went to the witch clan. So far, there is no trace of Di Jiang, one of the twelve ancestral witches, and he is no longer in the ancient world.

Presumably, this Di Jiang has become a truly useful chess piece for Yang Mei.

The day Dijiang appeared was when the Lich War broke out.

If Yang Mei wants to completely dismantle Tianting, it is most convenient to attack you and the other two.

However, unless absolutely necessary, Yang Mei would definitely not take action personally. After all, that Hongjun was not a decoration.

Therefore... this Di Jiang must have Yang Meibu's trump card.

I came here today to leave two amulets for my good daughter, so that Yang Mei’s backhand will not hurt you in the slightest!

Chen Fan said slowly with a smile on his lips.

At the same time, he waved his big hand gently.

A ray of invisible power was transmitted from the body of the Sun Star, fell on the foreheads of Di Jun and Taiyi and instantly merged into it.

It turned into two inscriptions with bright divine light, and then disappeared quietly, as if nothing happened.

.~Thank you, Father God!

Feeling that strange power, Di Jun and Tai Yi's delicate little faces were filled with joy.

They are not happy because they have an extra protection, but because Father God cares for them!

Within the wild world.

An invisible chilling air enveloped the hearts of endless creatures.

On that land, the witch clan that dominated one side did not show off its edge at this moment, as if it had completely fallen silent.

But the heaven above the thirty-third heaven is exactly the opposite.

The power of the stars in the sky appears in the sky from time to time, emitting terrifying energy and evolving various astonishing phenomena.

Except for Heavenly Court and the Witch Clan.

Countless great masters from the ancient times were staying quietly in their caves and paradises, giving up all thoughts of going out.

The invisible fate of living beings has permeated the world, and it is so dense that it cannot be resolved.

The longer this quiet time lasts.

The hearts of the primitive creatures became more and more panicked.

But within this calamity, the secret of heaven is not revealed, and the ability of deduction loses its effect.

It is also difficult for them to determine what the future of this ancient world will be like.

Just know.

This lich dispute involves two saint-level powers.

Once it breaks out completely, there will probably be countless casualties, and it will even become a battle between Tao and demons!


[For the time being, there will be five updates today. The author will adjust the time. His work and rest are not very regular recently. I will update when I get up early tomorrow morning].

Chapter 128

Thirty-three levels of heaven.

Above the sun star.

A group of friends gathered around to watch the boundless picture in front of them.

The picture scroll shows the scene in today's prehistoric world.

In the ancient land, all living beings except the witch clan live in solitary confinement, and not even a single person is seen on weekdays.

The famous mountains and rivers, caves and blessed lands were all covered with formations, and all kinds of defensive treasures were displayed.

Just write a few big words in front of the door - please don't disturb!

And the reason for all this is, after all, because the tense atmosphere between the two Lich clans has become increasingly terrifying!

As the saying goes, the calm before the storm is the scariest thing.

Originally, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court was still trying to adjust to the Zhou Tian Xing Dou Formation, and occasionally made some big noises.

But since more than a hundred years ago, the Heavenly Palace hanging high above the thirty-third heaven in 650 has also lost any movement.

The entire prehistoric world was eerily silent!

There is no such thing as the fierce momentum of the three Xiantian clans that broke out in an instant during the Dao-Demon War.

If it were like before, many creatures in this primitive world would feel more comfortable.

At least they could see clearly whether the sharp sword hanging high in the sky could hit their heads.

It was so silent, as if emotions were brewing before the decisive battle.

It made them so panicked that they even lost their usual mood to practice.

Not to mention meditating in seclusion, it is impossible to calm down at all.

It was not less than the second time that he listened to the sermon in Zixiao Palace and had an epiphany, about to kill the corpse and break through the power of the quasi-sage.

It was also because of the terrifying atmosphere that I was forced to fail to break through successfully.

Even some weak creatures gave birth to inner demons because of this, their Tao realm was damaged, and they retreated instead of advancing.

On the other hand, the protagonists of this battle are the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan.

After the disappearance of Emperor Jiang for a long time, the Wu Clan also began to have some hidden worries. They continued to shrink their power and strive to be stable.

The Demon Clan, on the other hand, is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai and continues to develop according to its usual pattern, and it seems that it is quite likely to overshadow the Wu Clan.

after all.

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