
Paralyzed on the ground with a helpless expression on his face, after listening to Emiya Shirou's explanation, Ereshkigal spit out the word in grief and indignation after being silent for a while.

"Ha, what despicable is that!"

Squatting in front of Ereshkigal, Emiya Shirou angrily poked her face with his finger and said quickly, "You are so embarrassed to call me a despicable account hacker?"

"You're just laughing at 100 steps at 50 steps, okay?"

The duel between Emiya Shirou and Ereshkigal was completely a fight between gods.

If we use the game as an example, Ereshkigal is the crumb of a duel with the account of the ordinary player with the account of the GM.

On the other hand, Emiya Shirou saw that the opponent was completely invincible, and he directly hacked the account.

The two are completely at the level of half a catty.

"I, I haven't lost yet!"

Infuriated by Emiya Shirou's constant poking in the face, Ereshkigal quickly stood up and waved his spear at Emiya Shirou.

But in the face of her flawed martial arts, Shirou Emiya dismissed her attack lightly, dropped her weapon, and hugged her in his arms.

"You have already lost. Without the authority of the underworld, you have no ability to resist at this time."

Without the authority of the underworld, Ereshkigal is only a middle-class **** in divinity.

Although at this time she still has a strong fighting power in theory under the blessing of this divinity.

But as Emiya Shirou said before, apart from the application of the authority of the underworld, Ereshkigal has no other abilities.

Even though the divinity she has now can crush everyone present, she is completely unable to exert this power.

Therefore, in the face of Emiya Shirou, whose physical ability was not weaker than hers, Ereshkigal was captured without any backhand.

"let me go!"

Feeling the heat coming from his face, Ereshkigal's face, who had never been in such close contact with other people, was already hot.

Coupled with the unconvincing in her heart and her firmness to her purpose, she kept resisting.

"Don't bother! Your wish has been unfulfilled."

"As long as I don't use your power sealed in this slate, it will be sealed in the slate forever."

"And without the authority of the underworld, whatever you want to do has failed."

Ereshkigal shuddered.

"Am I a complete failure?"

Thinking of this fact, Ereshkigal's body, which had been struggling, suddenly calmed down.

Tears kept rolling in her eyes.

Seeing this, Shirou Emiya let go of her arm, leaving her alone in the pain of failure.


"Is this a victory?"

On the side of this temple, Fujimaru Tatsuka asked suspiciously, who had put all the pictures in his eyes.

After all, Emiya Shirou's actions were too quick.

Before going deep into the underworld, Fujimaru Rika began to constantly think about how to fight.

After all, Ereshkigal is invincible in the underworld.

Before the battle, she was ready to die or be imprisoned after defeat.

But now, they have won such an inexplicable victory?

"Although the process looks short, the battle is not easy."

"You look relaxed because you only saw the last moment."

"We have no idea how much Shirou Emiya prepared before this battle and how many tactics he made for Ereshkigal."

Obviously, Gilgamesh is very satisfied with the victory of Shirou Emiya.

"Perhaps, from the moment they agreed to fight, Shirou Emiya has been constantly collecting information on Ereshkigal and looking for her weaknesses?"

"Although we don't know the process, the results have proved everything for us."

"Shiro Emiya has already seen Ereshkigal through! For a countermeasure warrior like Shirou Emiya who can find targeted weapons from many projected Noble Phantasms, the outcome has been decided long before the start. confirmed."

"This is knowing oneself and knowing one another, and winning a hundred battles! It's a wonderful battle."

After listening to Gilgamesh's explanation, Fujimaru Rika and others also understood the inside story of the battle.

Seeing that the outcome was decided, the four of them also began to walk forward.

"Yo, Ereshkigal, he said so many big things before, why did he fail in an instant? How weak! Hahaha!"

After Ereshkigal's power was stolen, Ishtar, whose body had recovered, walked to Ereshkigal's side, covered his mouth, and laughed at her proudly.

In this regard, Ereshkigal did not pay any attention to her meaning, and just said silently: "Kill me, this is my end as a goddess who was bewitched by the magic king."

Upon seeing this, Ishtar's smug expression instantly disappeared.

Instead, he looked reluctantly: "It seems that you have come to your senses, so how about making some excuses. If you are willing to change your ways, we are also willing to accept you."

"No, I won't beg for mercy."

Lifting his head, Ereshkigal said resolutely: "A goddess of harvest like you will probably live on stealth if she gets the chance!"

"But I'm different~www.wuxiamtl.com~ If the goddess of death denies death, then there will be no corpse. As the goddess who has captured many souls, I will fall."

"Goddess Ereshkigal's will is firm and flawless! When she thinks herself evil and longs for death, what should we do at such a time! Shirou-senpai!"

Looking at this scene, Mashu, who was standing beside Emiya Shirou, asked sadly in his language.

"Of course it's ignoring her choice!"


Looking at Emiya Shirou with his arms on his chest, everyone's eyes were full of doubts.

In response, Emiya Shirou stretched out his palm and pressed Ereshkigal's head slowly and said, "I made an agreement with Ereshkigal."

Hearing this, Ereshkigal's body trembled violently, and his firm eyes instantly shook.

"If I lose the duel between the two of us, my soul will accompany her here forever."

"But if the winner is me, then as the loser, she will become my property, and she will not resist when I send her."

Emiya Shirou, who had already thought about this scene, squatted in front of Ereshkigal and looked at her.

There was a smile in his eyes.

"So, the current Ereshkigal has no decision-making power, and her decision-making power is mine."

The next moment, Shirou Emiya stood up and shouted to the side, "Father, since you've been watching for so long, why not move your hands?"

"Like, a knife?"

Emiya Shirou said with a smile, pointing to Ereshkigal who was squatting on the ground.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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