I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 486: A battle that ends in an instant

"Emiya Shirou, did you come here after all?"

Holding a huge light gun, Ereshkigal's questioning voice came from the huge skeleton: "Are you here to stop me too?"

"Huh? Stop what?"

Emiya Shirou was a little confused by Ereshkigal's words.

Is there something wrong with your previous statement?

Didn't you come to the underworld to rob people?

Emiya Shirou's eyes were full of doubts.

"What are you pretending to be stupid? Didn't you come to stop me from killing all Mesopotamian humans and then taking their souls into the underworld?"

From Ereshkigal's point of view, Emiya Shirou's previous words were all to convince himself that he wanted to draw him into the Uruk lineup.

After all, his purpose was to stop his actions, to defeat all the goddesses of the Three Goddess Alliance.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou's words made her feel a burst of joy.

But she couldn't accept it.

"Tsk, can I say you think too much?"

"Don't argue, this is the first time I want to do as the mistress of the underworld, I..."

"and many more!"

Emiya Shirou directly interrupted Ereshkigal, and said seriously: "I don't care what you said, and I can't understand it. After all, that's your responsibility."

"All I want to do is beat you, that's all!"


"Or are you already afraid?"


The huge skeleton raised its head and stared at Shirou Emiya.

"Challenge me? Stop joking! I'm invincible in the underworld!"

Dancing the light gun in his hand, Ereshkigal finally understood.

What Emiya Shirou said before is true.

The purpose of his coming here is only to conquer himself and then dominate himself.

This thought undoubtedly caused the face of Ereshkigal, who was hidden in the skeleton, to turn red, and a shy and violent blow.

But what followed was the boundless disappointment after the secret joy.

Because she has no chance of defeat.

As the mistress of the underworld, Ereshkigal is an invincible existence in the underworld.

"It would be great if I could really lose to him!"

As soon as this idea was born, it was suppressed by the embarrassed Ereshkigal, and it was hidden in the depths of my heart.

Instead, it was a stronger will.

"I want to complete my duty, kill all human beings, and take their souls into the underworld. This is my idea, my will!"

"No matter who stands in front of me, I will kill him, including you! Emiya Shirou!"

Ereshkigal, who became more determined, wielded a spear, and dozens of magic spears made of magic power shot at Emiya Shirou.

Containing the authority of the goddess of the underworld, these dozens of magic spears contain the breath of death.

In response to this, Shirou Emiya, who had been prepared for a long time, put the staff in his left hand on the ground, and then stretched out his palm forward.

"A small world that surrounds the sky!"

The word spirit of liberating the Noble Phantasm spit out from Emiya Shirou's mouth.

After the liberation of the Noble Phantasm, which had already been strengthened to the realm of divine artifact, it was a matter of course to block the attack of the goddess of the underworld from the shield.

"It was actually blocked?"

Just when Ereshkigal was surprised that his attack was blocked, Emiya Shirou's voice came again.

"It's not rude to come and go!"

Gu You </span> "Your turn is over? Then it's my turn!"

With his left hand holding the staff that was stuck on the ground again, Emiya Shirou slowly stretched out his right hand, revealing the slate.

In this regard, Ereshkigal did not have the slightest vigilance in his heart.

At this time, she was still immersed in the collision of many emotions.

In the Age of Gods, whether it is a staff or a slate, it is actually the equipment of a magician.

Just like the legal weapon used by Gilgamesh of the Caster class at this time is the slate.

As for magic, Ereshkigal was not worried at all.

If Emiya Shirou was using a divine tool aimed at her authority in the underworld, then Ereshkigal might be nervous.

But magic, obviously, has no such place.

"Is this the weapon you prepared? It's so disappointing."

Blocking the weapon in his hand in front of him, Ereshkigal thought disappointed in his heart.

The next moment, a flame shot out from the quaint slate and shot straight towards Ereshkigal.

"what is that?"

Ereshkigal, who suddenly had a warning in his heart, hurriedly used his weapon to block the trajectory of the flames, trying to block its advance.

However, this flame seems to contain spirituality.

When it was about to collide with the light gun in Ereshkigal's hand, it suddenly turned and crashed into the huge skeleton.

The next moment, Ereshkigal felt as if his whole body was being scorched by flames.

At the same time, something in her body was passing quickly.

"and many more!"

Sensing that something was wrong, Ereshkigal couldn't help but grabbed forward, but caught nothing.

As the strength in her body passed away, the huge skeleton that encased her gradually cracked open, and eventually became fragments and scattered on the ground.

"How is this going?"

Sitting on the ground with a puzzled look, Ereshkigal, with long golden hair and a feeling of weakness all over his body, looked helplessly at the people around him, full of doubts in his heart.

"My power disappeared?"

"That's right, your underworld power has been stolen by me!"

Slowly walking towards Ereshkigal, who was slumped on the ground, on Emiya Shirou's right hand, a shining slate exudes the breath of death.

"This slate is called the Prometheus slate. It has the ability to steal the power of the gods and use it for oneself."

"Now, your underworld power is being sealed in this stone tablet. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Looking at the aggrieved Ereshkigal, Emiya Shirou's face was full of pride.

From the beginning of the battle, Ereshkigal has been tricked by him.

Unlike Ishtar, Ereshkigal, who has been in the underworld since birth, is not skilled in martial arts, has no fighting consciousness, and even has little combat experience.

After all, she, who has never left the underworld, is invincible in the underworld.

This means that the fanatic who came to challenge her will inevitably face failure, without the slightest chance.

Just like Ishtar, in order to fight against Ereshkigal, he even prepared seven powers in advance, but all of them were deprived before meeting Ereshkigal.

Then she was killed without resistance.

Therefore, Ereshkigal, who has the authority of the underworld, is invincible!

The premise is that she still has the authority of the underworld.

Just in case, Emiya Shirou, who disguised as a magician, made Ereshkigal without any resistance and had his power stolen.

to where it is now.

"I won this duel, Elle!"

Looking at Ereshkigal, who was slumped on the ground, Emiya Shirou said with a smile.


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