As soon as Emiya Shirou's voice fell, a sword light had already cut through Ereshkigal's body.

"You bastard!"

Seeing that Ereshkigal was cut down to the ground, Ishtar was furious and rushed towards the black-robed old man who was wielding his sword.

But her kick had no effect on the black-robed old man, and went straight through his body.

"What's happening here?"


Before Ishtar could react, Emiya Shirou's voice came to stop him.

"See clearly, what I cut off is not her body, but her contract."


After hearing the voice of the black-robed old man, Ereshkigal who was lying on the ground immediately sat up.

"I thought I was cut in half?"

Completely frightened, Ereshkigal shivered as he spoke.

"So who are you, old man? The only living people in the underworld should be Fujimaru Rika and Emiya Shirou, right?"

Gilgamesh was not surprised when Ereshkigal was beheaded just now.

It wasn't what he knew in advance.

It was because of his trust in Emiya Shirou that he would not kill Ereshkigal.

But now, when the black-robed old man said that he had cut off the covenant between Ereshkigal and the Alliance of the Three Goddesses, he was shocked.

The opponent's previous slash did not fluctuate in the slightest of the Noble Phantasm.

It was just an ordinary sword.

But this ordinary sword cut off the contract between Ereshkigal and the Alliance of the Three Goddesses, and even Gilgamesh could not accept it plainly.

"Looking at your skills, you are definitely not very human. But neither this king nor Chaldea has ever summoned you. Where did you come from?"

For Gilgamesh's question, the black-robed old man did not answer directly.

"Who knows? It's only because the situation is tangled that I come from the abyss to push the pointer. Ereshkigal, you hide the truth and fabricate lies."

"If you still have a trace of shame, answer me. The reason you created the kingdom of death is that as a goddess entrusted with your soul, you have always loved the soul."

"it is as expected!"

Fujimaru Rika on the side waved her fist excitedly.

Because of Emiya Shirou's instructions, on the way to conquer Quezal, Fujimaru Rika and Ereshkigal communicated a lot.

From her conversation, Fujimaru Tachika could clearly perceive the good and evil of the other party.

She firmly believed that Ereshkigal was definitely not the kind of evil goddess who would harvest life and soul on earth for her own selfish desires.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Seeing through the purpose and mind, Ereshkigal said nervously: "I love only my own things, only the souls that are locked in the cage."

"How can I love humans!?"


Emiya Shirou's words immediately interrupted Ereshkigal's defense.

"What is your purpose, I know very well. Don't deceive yourself, it will only make you more miserable, accept the reality."


Looking at Emiya Shirou, who was squatting in front of him and caring about him, Ereshkigal fell into silence.

Seeing this, the black-robed old man continued: "The mistress of the underworld, the blood-colored flower dedicated to the earth! You do not love dead humans, but humans who have the fate of dying sooner or later."

"Don't reduce death to a disgusting fear, but honor it. The goddess who tries to protect the soul that remains after death! The purpose of your joining the alliance is to bring as many souls as possible into the underworld for protection. "

"Even if no one understands, even if you are isolated by tens of thousands of souls in this country. Protecting this silence is your dignity as a goddess."

The thoughts hidden in his heart were ruthlessly pushed aside by the black-robed old man in front of him, and Ereshkigal's eyes were constantly filled with tears.

"But, I've..."

"If you mean the people who died because your soul was taken away by you, then you don't need to care at all, after all, their bodies are still well stored."

"As long as you release their souls back, they will come back to life."

Reaching out his hand to gently comfort Ereshkigal's head, who was slumped on the ground, Emiya Shirou gently comforted her.


Ereshkigal's eyes gleamed with joy.

"Then, of course, your debilitating death is nothing compared to the casualties inflicted by Gorgon."

Gilgamesh interjected contemptuously: "There are nine hundred people in Saku City, three hundred in Uruk, and the total number of victims is only one thousand and two hundred."

"With this level of people, as long as the basement of the tower is opened, it can be easily contained. This king will say it straight! Judging from the total number of casualties, you are undoubtedly the worst one in the Three Goddess Alliance."

"This is actually quite shocking! After all, I have already exerted unprecedented energy!"

Hearing Gilgamesh's blunt words, Ereshkigal couldn't help but lowered his head.

In this regard, Emiya Shirou raised the corner of his mouth lightly and couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, the operation this time went very smoothly. We successfully captured Alley and completely disintegrated the Three Goddess Alliance."


Fujimaru Tachika and Matthew jumped up After all, they have now captured four goddesses, and in terms of high-end combat power, they are undoubtedly crushing the goddess of nemesis Gorgon.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party possessed Tiamat's powerful demon beasts and cultivated hundreds of thousands of demon beasts, everyone could now declare the victory of the war.

"Hey, what about that old grandpa?"

After getting excited, Fujimaru Rika immediately discovered that the old man in black robe had disappeared.

For this black-robed old man, Fujimaru Rika still had a good impression.

After all, when she fell into the underworld of Saku City before, it was the other party who rescued her, sent her back to the ground, and gave her the Destiny Slate.

If the other party hadn't been telling the story of Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld, she would have gone up to say hello.

"What a black-robed old man! I didn't see anything here!"

Roman, who was supporting far away from Chaldea, asked loudly for unknown reasons.

From the detection device on his side, there was no sign of any black-robed old man at all.

"Of course you can't see it. After all, that old grandfather has reached the pinnacle of existence in terms of breath blocking!"

Although Emiya Shirou's breath blocking is also very superb.

But compared with the black-robed old man who is the crown assassin, there is still a long way to go.

"Ah? But didn't Senior Shirou see through his breath blocking just now and called him?"

Recalling the scene just now, Matthew asked suspiciously.

"I was just blind!"

"I just guessed that he would be here, and then I shouted casually."

Spreading his hands, Emiya Shirou said helplessly.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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