A few days ago, Shirou Emiya and his group, who were searching for ruins in the desert, met Tony, the King of Swords, who was chasing after him.

So Emiya Shirou, who had accumulated a lot of anger, did what he wanted and started fighting with him.

The battle situation at that time was so intense that Zhu Na, Erica and Liliana were all affected and injured by the aftermath of their battle.

This made Emiya Shirou pay more attention to the strength of the three.

After all, people are ruthless if they are not plants and trees.

Needless to say, Zhu Cai was already his secretary and followed him.

Later, he abandoned his relatives and followed Emiya Shirou to another world.

How could Shirou Emiya not know her mind?

And Erica and Liliana, after getting along for a while, the relationship between the three is also on the rise.

After all, Shirou Emiya was originally a gentle male protagonist who was extremely easy to get the favor of women.

Now, through the development of God's grace, his appearance is even more handsome than before.

And his experience in various worlds also makes his temperament equally extraordinary.

Therefore, after erasing the oppression of their identity as godslayers, the two's goodwill towards Emiya Shirou also rose in a straight line.

And Emiya Shirou was also very fond of them both.

Therefore, after the three were affected by the battle, Shirou Emiya repaired the fallen sword king Tony, and then buried him in the ground.

After treating the injuries of the three, Emiya Shirou began to think about enhancing their strength.

And among his means of enhancing the strength of the three, the best should be the grace of God and the protection of the youth!

So, last night, Shirou Emiya painted the grace of God for the three of them, and then gave them protection by kissing.

With this double gain, Zhu Cai and the three of them were already full at this moment, both in terms of combat power and potential.

It's just that the consequences seem to be a bit serious!

Looking at the three people who had their heads lowered and followed behind him, Emiya Shirou could only keep silent, acting as a guide in front of the three, walking towards the nearby ruins.

It stands to reason that it is usually Erica or Liliana's task to lead the way ahead.

But now, it has become Emiya Shirou's task.

"Is this the level collapse!?"

Emiya Shirou couldn't help feeling emotional about the current situation.

Obviously yesterday, the relationship between the three of them was still the king who killed the gods and his attendants.

But today, the relationship between the three has become Emiya Shirou and his lovers.

And all of this is because of the necessary conditions for juvenile protection.


Among the three, Zhu Cai was the first to have a crush on Shirou Emiya.

But she was slow to express her thoughts.

Even if he was going to leave with Emiya Shirou at the beginning, he used the identity of the secretary.

Therefore, the relationship between the two has always been in an unexplained state.

And Erica and Liliana only had a good impression of Emiya Shirou before.

Influenced by the oldest god-killer, Count Vorban, magical societies around the world are happy to send their young girls to be god-killers as lovers.

Therefore, when the two of them were forced by Shirou Emiya to join him, they secretly thought about whether there was such a possibility.

Although this idea was deeply buried in their hearts, it was completely detonated after the kiss last night.

Zhu Cai's feelings were also stabbed.

So, the current scene appeared.

"It's really troublesome!"

A certain beneficiary sighed shamelessly.


Gu Yu After walking out of the town, Shirou Emiya projected a car, and a group of four got into the car and drove to the destination.

As for Little Limuru?

After being forced into the bow and arrow form by Shirou Emiya last night, he is still angry and refuses to change back.

In the moving car, Zhu Cai is naturally the driver.

In the back, Erica and Liliana were sitting on both sides of Emiya Shirou, their heads lowered nervously.

Looking at the two of them from the corner of his eye, Emiya couldn't help but wonder in his heart.

According to his understanding, Liliana can be nervous and shy, after all, that's her personality.

But he remembered that Erica's character was very proud and outgoing.

She should get used to it soon.

It's like this anyway.

After some thought, Emiya Shirou had a general idea in his heart.

It is estimated that half of Erica's expression is fake.

She did feel shy, but that was all.

Her character is destined that she will not be very shy like Zhu Cai and Liliana.

However, it is different from her identity in this track.

In the original trajectory, Erica was the first to follow Kusaka Godou, and she also made a lot of sacrifices when Kusanagi Godou killed God.

Therefore, her credit and experience with Kusakagodo doomed her to be the main palace beside Kusakagodo.

So when she faced all the problems around Godou, she was always so calm.

But now, there is clearly Zhu Cai on her head.

With Zhu Cai's feelings for Emiya Shirou, a passerby can see it.

In this way, in Erica's heart, Zhu Cai is the main palace.

Now, as her immediate boss, Zhu Cai is still shy, but her calm appearance is too conspicuous.

Hence the disguise.

"As expected of a capable Erica! With her wisdom in the harem drama, it is estimated that she will be able to live to the end. As for Liliana, it is estimated that she will die first!"

Looking at his two subordinates, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but comment.

Then he had a whim and wanted to bully the two of them.

So, Shirou Emiya stretched out his hands directly, and hugged Erica and Liliana who were sitting on both sides of him~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Feeling the soft bodies of the two, Shirou Emiya's mouth lightly cornered raised.

And the two people who were hugged by him were in an extremely tense state at this time.

That's right, there's no disguise this time, so I'm really nervous.

"It's so close, so close! Last night, I saw my body first, and then I kissed. I started hugging and hugging today, so will I sleep together tomorrow!"

Thinking of the many scenes she saw in the novel, Liliana's eyes were already full of confusion, spinning like mosquito coils.

On the other side, Erica was in the same confusion.

However, the immediate cause of her confusion was not from Shirou Emiya's actions.

After all, in her opinion, after the kiss last night, she was already the other party's lover.

Isn't it normal to hug each other between lovers?

She was nervous not because Emiya Shirou hugged her, but because Emiya Shirou didn't hug Zhu Cai.

Feeling the sight coming from the front, Erica lowered her head, not daring to look at her.

"Wow, it's none of my business, Lord Zhu Cai!"

Erica wailed in her heart.


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