Passing through the woods, the car that Zhu Cai was driving stopped in a clearing.

"Sir Shirou, there is no way ahead."

"Then let's walk!"

Hearing the cold voice coming from the front, Shirou Emiya shuddered, and quickly let go of his hands.

After getting out of the car, Emiya Shirou began to examine the surrounding environment, without any intention of communicating with anyone.

But behind him, a cold gaze stayed on his back all the time, making Emiya Shirou unable to concentrate at all.

"Oops, overplayed!"

"Zhu Cai seems to be really angry."

"No, we have to think of a way."

Emiya Shirou turned around, looked at the three girls standing beside the car and said solemnly, "Okay, get out of your negative emotions quickly."

"We're going to explore the ruins next."

"Unlike before, I feel that this time we seem to have found a place."

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, the girls who were immersed in their own emotions immediately returned to their normal state.

Even Little Rimuru, who was being held in Zhu Cai's arms, turned into a human again and jumped to the ground.

"Is this really the place we're looking for?"

It was Zhu Cai who asked, and Emiya Shirou saw joy and worry on her face.

After all, Emiya Shirou has said similar things many times.

But the real insubordination Hephaestus never encountered.

Because Emiya Shirou's purpose is to kill the recalcitrant Hephaestus, Emiya Shirou's first task is to first find a way to make the recalcitrant Hephaestus descend.

And this, you need to find the ruins that can make Hephaestus descend.

Before killing Veleslana, Shirou Emiya gave the seven sisters the task of finding the ruins related to Hephaestus, and asked them all to search for him.

What followed was information like snowflakes.

Highlight that is called more than one.

Before sending the information to Emiya Shirou, they need to confirm the accuracy of the information.

As a result, magical societies throughout Europe were mobilized by them.

This is also the reason why the Sword King Tony was able to find the traces of Emiya Shirou so easily.

However, even if all the magical societies in Europe were mobilized, only one-tenth of the information passed to Shirou Emiya would be useful.

Among them are either the relics of other gods, or the relics that have no divine power and are useless.

In these information, they have encountered places where Shirou Emiya felt a similar aura several times, but each time they encountered relics that were useless because of time.

After all, in the face of time, everything will eventually fade away.

Not to mention the ruins that have not been taken care of for thousands of years?

Therefore, they traveled all over the world for nearly a month, but they did not gain anything.

That's why Zhu Cai was both happy and worried at this time.

She was glad that she and the others had found the right place again, but worried whether the ruins could still be used as they were.

"Don't worry, Zhu Cai!"

Emiya Shirou said comfortingly: "Searching is always full of twists and turns, but because of this, we will feel extremely satisfied when we find it."

"You said, right!"


Zhuna, Limuru, Erica, and Liliana responded in unison.

"Then go ahead!"

After saying that, Emiya Shirou led the four into the forest and walked towards the place he sensed.


Step through the dense jungle and advance in the grass without roads.

Emiya Shirou led the way.

Behind him, Erica and Liliana, who had returned to their original state and took everything around them seriously.

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"Is there an undeveloped virgin forest? Maybe this time, there may be something to gain!"

Through previous explorations, Shirou Emiya discovered.

Of the many ruins, only a few have disappeared naturally.

The disappearance of most of these remains is actually man-made.

Especially where humans can easily set foot.

Except for the ruins that were secretly protected by the magical association, the ruins in those places were all destroyed by the development of the human forest.

In some places, the **** of disobedience has also been drawn.

Preserving the remains there is extremely difficult.

And in places where humans can't go, many relics are still preserved.

"Hopefully get something!"

Passing through the primitive forest, the ruins of a temple appeared in front of the five people.

That is the ruins of the temple dedicated to Hephaestus.

Looking at the ruins, Emiya Shirou's nervous heart instantly cooled down.

Because in the ruins of this temple, Emiya Shirou can clearly see the traces of swords and soldiers facing each other.

"This place should have been destroyed hundreds of thousands of years ago, so it is so desolate that it gives us the illusion of 'never set foot here'."

"It's true now that I think about it. After all, the reason for the destruction of the ruins is not only the modern environmental development, but also the ancient war!"

After observing the ruins of the temple, Erica helplessly reported the situation to Shirou Emiya.

"In ancient times, theocratic power was often above the kingship, which led to the battle between different countries, not only destroying foreign countries, but also destroying the temples enshrined by the other Now many ruins are similar to it. , it's just that it exists in this unexplored forest that it gives us hope."

"It now looks like we've failed again."

After listening to Erica's summary, everyone present couldn't help showing bitter expressions.

Obviously, everyone was disappointed.

Only Emiya Shirou has been staring at the ruins of the temple, with a serious expression.

Seeing this, Liliana asked, "Lord Shirou, what's the matter with you?"

"I always felt something was wrong."

"Not right!?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, everyone turned their attention to the ruins again and kept exploring.

"That's right!"

Jumping from a height, Shirou Emiya walked along the outer wall of the ruins of the temple ruins.

It seems that he wants to imprint all the plants and trees here in his mind.

After walking around the ruins of the temple ruins for a few times, Shirou Emiya suddenly accelerated and returned to the outside of the ruins.

"Erika, Liliana, little Rimuru come back quickly."


Hearing Emiya Shirou's order, the three quickly withdrew from the ruins of the temple ruins.

"How is it, have you gained anything? Lord Shirou!"

"Ah! A little, but I need to try it!"

After saying that, Emiya Shirou stretched out his palm towards the sky.

The next moment, the sky began to roar.

As a flash of light fell, divine thunder fell from the sky, shrouding the ruins of the temple ruins on the ground.

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