"The king of swords?"

Hearing Zhu Cai's name, Emiya Shirou suddenly understood why the three of them gathered around to discuss.

After all, that is a godslayer!

In this world, it is impossible to overestimate the matter of the godslayer.

"Is that the King of Swords Salvatore Tony? To be honest, I really don't want to get involved with him!"

Emiya Shirou is naturally familiar with the Sword King Salvatore Tony.

After all, his identity as a sword idiot can be regarded as a very eye-catching setting.

For his character, Emiya Shirou is hard to forget.

"If Lord Salvatore came here, his purpose would probably be to find Lord Shirou to fight. After all, he is that kind of person who focuses on fighting."

Erica, who had met the King of Swords with Liliana before, naturally understood each other's character.

What's more, when their two magical associations had not been forcibly incorporated by Shirou Emiya, they were each other's subordinates.

"A fight? To be honest, I don't want a fight with him!"

After two exciting battles in a row, Shirou Emiya couldn't raise the slightest fighting spirit at this time.

In his opinion, fighting against the King of Swords Salvatore Tony is completely thankless.

After all, the opponent is a godslayer, and even if he wins, he will not be able to gain the power of the opponent.

And if you lose, it will be even more embarrassing.

Although Emiya Shirou doesn't think he will lose.

Thinking of this, Shirou Emiya immediately warned Erica and Liliana: "You guys should prepare for our departure immediately. I want to avoid the plague star and go to the European continent."

"It's time to start our European tour."

Because he didn't know where to find the traces of Hephaestus, Shirou Emiya needed to wander around the ruins of Hephaestus around the world, looking for places that could be used to guide Hephaestus' descent.

"Yes, we understand!"

The two who had already been informed of their next destination by Shirou Emiya knew what he meant.

So, after Erica and Liliana listened to Emiya Shirou's order, they took out their mobile phones and began to negotiate with the local staff members who belonged to their association.

Let them quickly fulfill Emiya Shirou's request.

"It's ready, Shirou-sama!"

In less than three minutes, the two have completed all the notifications.

"Good job!"

Sitting on the sofa in the center of the hall, taking the black tea that Zhu Cai handed over, Shirou Emiya took a sip and praised with satisfaction.

At the beginning, the reason why he chose to add the two to his command was for the power in their hands.

As long as they are there, Emiya Shirou doesn't need to worry at all no matter where he goes.

He just needs to relax and travel happily.

"Speaking of which, why didn't you see Luculazia and Little Limuru?"

Taking a look at the surrounding environment, Emiya Shirou asked suspiciously.

"Miss Luculazia drank too much last night with Mr. Godou, and the two seem to be still sleeping!"

"As for little Rimuru, she went out to play, it seems she was planning to go for a walk."

"That's it!"

After listening to Liliana's explanation, Shirou Emiya nodded slightly.

Yesterday was the day he killed the gods, Luculazia must have understood Shirou Emiya's previous explanation, and wanted to get Kusakagodo drunk on that important day.

After all, any kind of accident could happen to this guy who is fortunate and has an intersection with the gods.

So, just in case, Lucrazia thought it would be better to let him get drunk.

So, she and Kusanagi Godou had a drink.

It led to today's loss of both sides.

Gu Yan "Don't worry about Luculazia, a quiet witch like her should not want to travel with us."

"When she wakes up, if she sees us gone, I'm afraid she will applaud!"

Thinking of the expression that Luculazia will have at that time, the four of them can't help but laugh.

After all, after getting along for this period of time, they can be considered to have a deep understanding of each other.

"However, if Limuru is concerned, call her back quickly!"

"Zhu Cai, little Limuru will ask you."

"Yes, Lord Shirou!"

Having said that, Zhu Cai turned around and walked out, heading to the town to find little Limuru.

"If you two are the two of you, hurry up and pack up. Let's get out of here as soon as possible."


Looking at the busy figures of the two, Emiya Shirou returned to his room and packed his things.

In his room, there are many souvenirs that he brought from all over the world.

These things are very important to him.

Soon, after packing up the luggage, Shirou Emiya and his group left after leaving a letter to Lucurazia, went to the airport arranged by Erica and left Sardinia by plane island.


"It's really unfortunate! Not only did he not find any trace of Hephaestus, but he was chased by the King of Swords and got into a fight. It's really unfortunate!"

On the streets of a small town somewhere in Europe, Shirou Emiya, who was wandering around, couldn't help but complain.

It has been more than a month since he left Sardinia.

In the past month, he took Zhu Na, Liliana, and Erika to run around the world, and according to the information provided by the Seven Sisters, he ran around the suspected ruins of Hephaestus all over the world.

But there was no gain at all.

And, a few days ago, he was chased by the King of Swords in a certain desert, and the two of them had a great fight.

At that time, because of the lack of gains during this time, Emiya Shirou was also holding a fire in his heart.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya put all his anger on Tony, the King of Swords.

He beat him hard.

He was beaten with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and he was inhuman.

But even so~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Tony didn't have the slightest resentment. Instead, he wanted to be friends with Emiya Shirou and often exchange ideas with him.

He even wanted Emiya Shirou to call him 'Toto'!

This really disgusted Emiya Shirou.

So, Emiya Shirou buried him in the desert, and then left with Zhu Cai and others.

"I hope I don't see that guy again!"

Constantly expressing his resentment, Emiya Shirou said as he walked, but no one answered him at all.

"Hey, why don't you three talk!"

Turning his head, Emiya Shirou complained to the three in front of him.

But soon, he realized that the three of Zhu Cai were blushing and shy.

Emiya Shirou suddenly realized.

"The three of you haven't recovered from what happened last night, haven't you?"

Hearing Emiya Shirou's words, the three of them lowered their heads, and their faces seemed to become even more shy.

Looking at the shy three, Shirou Emiya looked helpless.

Isn't that just painting them with the grace of God and bestowing the boy's blessing?

As for?


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