With a majestic kick, he slammed into Welleslana's chest.

Although he defended it in a timely manner, he was still pushed by this huge force and kept sliding backwards.

Afterwards, Shirou Emiya deceived himself and planned to pursue the victory.

But Welleslana couldn't be underestimated either, grabbing Shirou Emiya's arm and throwing him out.

After adjusting his posture in midair, Shirou Emiya landed steadily on the ground.

Then rushed forward again.

The fight between fists and fists became more and more intense.

And this is just the tip of the fierce battle.

The battle between the two is gradually escalating.

Across this land, the two of them continued to use what they had learned and put everything they had on this battlefield.

Under the destruction of the two people, the site that had already been in ruins became even more miserable at this time.

With a backlash after a collision as a signal, the two charged towards each other again.

But this time, the only moves the two used were fists.

"Uh ah ah!"

"Uh ah ah!"

The fists with amazing fist strength kept colliding together, and bursts of fist wind kept spreading out.

At this moment, Emiya Shirou and Welles Rana seemed to have a good heart. Instead of moving around, they chose to stand in place and keep punching.

Looking from a distance, the two of them are getting stronger and stronger, and their punches are getting faster and faster.

In an instant, it has reached the level of afterimages.

At this moment, their physical skills have reached their peak.

With the bombardment of the last punch of the two, Emiya Shirou and Welles Rana flew backward at the same time.

At this moment, both of them can be called a lose-lose.

Stabilize the figure, stand on the ground, dripping blood keeps dripping from the hands of the two.

But the two of them didn't pay any attention to it.

They were staring at each other at this time, their eyes full of fighting spirit.

The next moment, the two people who had a good heart dashed towards each other again.

But this time, the two are no longer with bare hands.

In their hands, they all hold their own weapons.


With the sound of weapons colliding, the golden sword and the pursuer collided.

After the terrifying magic power collided, a strong wind blew up all around, constantly destroying everything around.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

Holding a weapon, keep pressing on the opponent.

The two who wanted to win ignored the sparks from the friction of the weapons and stared at each other fiercely.

"It seems that our martial arts can't tell the difference!"

"You are indeed a warrior who makes my heart surge!"

Staring at each other, the two of them smiled and shouted at the same time, "Let's decide the outcome!"

As soon as the voices of the two fell, the sky changed.

Wind, gale!

With Emiya Shirou and Wellesrana at the center, a terrifying storm swept up.

A storm of more than ten levels was rolled up directly on this land.

Under the influence of the storm, the rain poured down.

Although Sardinia has a Mediterranean climate, neither of them has the power to rain.

But around Sardinia, which is located at sea, there is no shortage of seawater at all.

Under the influence of the storm, countless seawater was swept up into the sky and then poured down.

At the same time, thunderstorms sounded at the same time.

Bright lightning spreads through the clouds, seemingly ready to fall at any moment.

At this moment, the scene on this god-killing battlefield is as terrifying as the end of the world.

"This is the real battlefield of killing gods!"

On the mountain in the distance, Zhu Cai and the three of them were immobilizing their bodies with magic power to prevent themselves from being blown away by the storm.

Hearing Zhu Cai's explanation, the two of them had fallen into fear at the moment.

"It turns out that this is the godslayer and the **** of disobedience!"

"It's just a moving natural disaster!"

Erica stared at the scene in front of her in horror.

Although, as the eldest lady of a famous magic family, Erica has been instilled with the danger of a disobedient **** and a god-killer since she was a child.

But as the saying goes, seeing is better than seeing once.

No matter how much I listen to it, I haven't actually seen it more deeply.

The former Erica wanted to become an existence like her uncle Paul who could defeat divine beasts.

In her eyes at that time, the divine beast was nothing more than that.

After all, if her uncle can defeat her, then she will be able to defeat her in the future. This is Erica's confidence in herself.

So, unknowingly, Erica had a slight contempt for the **** of disobedience.

But this contempt has been completely shattered at this moment.

"Whether it's a **** of disobedience or a god-killer, they're all too strong!"

Erica and Liliana couldn't help but sigh.


Although the scene in the battlefield made the three of Zhu Cai outside feel a little bit of panic.

But inside the battlefield, the two were still fighting.

It seems that there is no difference from before.

But this is just an illusion.

At this time, Emiya Shirou and Veleslana had already done their best.

However, the two were in a stalemate at this time.

The reason for this can only be said that the overlap between the two's abilities is too much.

As Emiya Shirou, who has only one power, apart from the divine tool in his hand, all he can do is to manipulate wind and thunder.

But Welleslaner's 'Wind' and 'Goat' also have the same ability.

Can also manipulate wind and thunder.

In this way, the two people who rolled up the storm could not injure each other at all, and the lightning that struck each other would also be blocked by the lightning.

Under the mutual cancellation ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the power with the widest attack range in their hands is no longer able to threaten each other.

Emiya Shirou was left with only two powerful divine tools.

As for the incarnations of Welleslana, there are only eight kinds of 'juvenile', 'warrior', 'phoenix', 'white horse', 'male ox', 'camel', 'wild boar' and 'male sheep'.

But these eight incarnations are not very useful in this battle.

Those who can bring crisis to Emiya Shirou are even rarer.

Welleslaner needs to grasp the timing of every use of power, after all, Shirou Emiya will not give him too many opportunities.


The golden sword collided with the pursuer exile again, and the enormous power was poured into Emiya Shirou's body through the divine tools of the two.

"A bull?"

Emiya Shirou is quite familiar with the ten incarnations of Veleslana.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou is also well prepared.

On him, after the decisive battle, Emiya Shirou put on the sun wheel armor, constantly reducing the strength of the opponent.

In fact, in the previous battle, Emiya Shirou had the advantage in strength.

After all, Emiya Shirou's physical strength as an adventurer is terrifyingly strong.

But after becoming a godslayer, his body changed again.

It made his body even more terrifying.

Therefore, even with the strength of the bull, Veleslana surpassed Emiya Shirou, but he could not possess overwhelming power.

After the reduction of the sun wheel armor, it will not pose a threat.

Therefore, the bull avatar is simply not a decisive factor in this battle. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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