"Tsk, what a troublesome opponent!"

As the battle between the two progressed, Shirou Emiya discovered that the wounds on Veleslana were not deep.

He knew that it was the power of the 'camel'.

As one of the ten incarnations, the camel has the strongest leg strength.

It can elevate Welleslaner's kicking power to immeasurable levels.

Also, it increases Welleslaner's durability, dulls its pain, and stops bleeding on its own.

Continue to fight even if the heart is pierced.

And after being acquired by Godou Kusanagi, he can also directly endow the godslayer's god-level kicking skills and fighting consciousness.

This incarnation is the pinnacle of protracted warfare.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou is very clear that his duel with Veleslana will definitely end in a situation where the ultimate trick is to be fought.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

After all, if they were to fight meleely, with their stamina, I don't know how long it would take!

"So, what should we do next?"

Entering from a fierce battle state to a short rest period.

Wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth, both Emiya Shirou and Welles Rana were constantly thinking about ways to break the current stalemate in their minds.

"In addition to the four incarnations that have been used, among the other six incarnations of Welleslana, the most useless one should be the ram."

The incarnation of the ram, as a power that can be resurrected, is the power of the highest value for godslayers.

However, if its owner is a disobedient god, and the enemy is a god-killer, then he is useless.

After all, the defeated **** of disobedience has no chance of resurrection at all, and will only be swallowed up by Pandora's dark reincarnation, and then turned into the power of the godslayer.

Therefore, the ram is of no use in this battle.

"The incarnation of a young man is to give his subordinates protection and control over humans, but this move is equally useless for godslayers."

"So, are the incarnations that Welleslaner can use only 'Phoenix', 'White Horse', 'Warrior' and 'Wild Boar'?"

Emiya Shirou's eyes narrowed involuntarily, recalling the power of Veleslana.

And make all kinds of preparation plans in mind.

"Sure enough, the most difficult thing to deal with is the Phoenix!"

The power of the phoenix will bring inestimable speed to Welleslana, and it is difficult for Shirou Emiya to keep up with that speed!

As the so-called worry about what to come!

Just when Emiya Shirou was on guard against the 'Phoenix', Welles Rana had entered a state of rapid speed and attacked Emiya Shirou.

That speed is an absolute speed far exceeding the speed of sound.

In an instant, Welleslana disappeared in front of Emiya Shirou's eyes.


Under the perception of magic power, Emiya Shirou's line of sight has no blind spots.

He could even see the scene behind the stone.

However, he still couldn't see Welleslaner's figure.

"I am here!"

The figure of Veleslaner appeared in front of Emiya Shirou in an instant.

At the same time, his fists had also been swung up and hit Emiya Shirou hard in the face.

Under the absolute speed brought by the Phoenix, Welleslana's already very strong boxing became even more terrifying under the blessing of the bull.

Being hit by this blow, Emiya Shirou's brain instantly fell into a blank.

When he came back to his senses, he was already flying backwards continuously.

"Oops, in a crisis."

When this thought appeared in Emiya Shirou's mind, Welleslana's figure appeared beside him again.

What followed was the incessant assault of Welleslaner.

Boxing, kicking, fencing.

A variety of attacks continued to come, and these attacks became more ferocious under the blessing of speed.

On the other hand, Shirou Emiya could only reluctantly protect the key points to prevent them from being damaged by others.

"No, it can't go on like this."

"Since the eyes can't keep up with him, then rely on intuition!"

Emiya Shirou, who was constantly being attacked in the air, closed his eyes, turned off his magical perception, and entered a state of darkness, leaving all his actions to be judged by his intuition.

Later, when Veleslana attacked again, Shirou Emiya suddenly stretched out his hands and held Veleslana's golden sword.


Seeing that his sword was held by Emiya Shirou's blood-stained hand, Welleslana was stunned for a moment, and then immediately wanted to retreat.

But it was too late.

A club wrapped in a storm suddenly attacked and slammed Veleslaner's body violently, sending him flying out.

And these sticks were exactly the pursuers who landed on the ground when Emiya Shirou was shot and flew out.

Without Welleslana's combo, Emiya Shirou could finally land on the ground.

After some tumbling, Emiya Shirou landed smoothly on the ground.

Although he was seriously injured at this time, the sun wheel armor on his body was also shattered in the previous battle, and his body was full of wounds.

But this did not affect Emiya Shirou's combat effectiveness in the slightest.

After all, he has such magical skills as fighting continuation!

After landing, Emiya Shirou did not dare to waste a single bit of his effort.

Facing Welleslaner who also stood up in the distance, he threw the pursuer and the exile, letting them both attack freely.

After all, Shirou Emiya has no shortage of artifacts in his hands!

After projecting Karna's inextinguishable blade, Shirou Emiya rushed up.

At this moment, Welleslana, who was being chased by the pursuers and exiles, saw this~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and launched the incarnation of the 'wild boar'.

"The boar will crush you! The boar will ravage you!"

The huge wild boar attacked Emiya Shirou, who just glanced at it and threw the bow behind him.

"It's over to you, little Limuru!"

"give it to me!"

In midair, the tossed little Rimuru turned into a human shape and flew towards the huge wild boar.

"No, if it goes on like this, I will be at a disadvantage."

Welleslaner quickly flew high into the air, and then spoke again to the pursuers and exiles.

"Chasers to pursue and banish! Weapons given to Baal by Kusava Hashes, the **** of craftsmen in the past! Mekal, Baal, used them to lure the Dragon King Yam from his throne and kill him! With this crusade, Mekal was upgraded to the throne of the king of gods!"

Forge a sword of wisdom for chasers and exiles.

Veleslaner cut it off in an instant, sealing Shirou Emiya's power.

But at this moment, the Chain of Heaven emerged from mid-air and bound Veleslana's hands and feet.

On the ground in the distance, what Veleslaner saw was Shirou Emiya, who was holding the supreme divine spear and pointed the spear at his own.

"O sun wheel, obey death!"

With the release of the divine tool, Shirou Emiya threw the spear that killed Mekal at Veleslana.

Unleashed his strongest blow.


Emiya Shirou shouted excitedly.


As if hearing Emiya Shirou's voice, the bound Velesrana showed a satisfied smile. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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