"I'm here for an appointment, Welleslaner!"

The clear voice spread and flowed in this night, constantly spreading everywhere.

Along with a gust of wind, Welleslaner's figure appeared in front of Emiya Shirou.

"Ah! The time has finally come, Godslayer!"

"That's right, I've been looking forward to this fight for a long time."

The eyes of the two looked at each other, and their firm wills collided constantly in the void, as if sparks rose in the void and spread around.

This is a continuation of past battles.

It is also the beginning of a new war.

This is not the chaotic three-way war of the past.

It's a fairer, more direct confrontation.

The god-killer and the **** of disobedience, two people with different fates will fight for life and death here.

"I really didn't expect it! You can actually defeat that God King and seize his power."

"Although the reason for my injury was that he was attacked by him, it is a manifestation of his strength after all. That God King is not an enemy that can be easily defeated!"

"But now, he's dead."

Seeing Welleslaner talking about Mekal, Shirou Emiya laughed.

"Although it is said that killing a **** is an act of a fool, if there is no preparation, except for those guys who are suddenly involved, who will take the initiative to swing the sword at the gods?"

"I already have a complete plan for the fight against you."

"Really? It seems that you are not only a powerful warrior, but also a wise man!"

Hearing Shirou Emiya's explanation, Welleslana also laughed loudly.

In the laughter of the two, the magic power of the two continued to rise.

The terrifying pressure continued to spread around, so that the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

"Is this the godslayer and the **** of disobedience?"

Feeling that oppressive force, the three of Liliana, who were watching the battle from a distance, couldn't help but hold their chests, trying to soothe their oppressed heart.

This kind of feeling as if the heart was being grabbed really made the three feel uncomfortable.

"To be honest, this is the first time I have experienced this feeling."

"The last time Shirou-sama fought against the two gods of disobedience, I didn't feel that way."

"It seems that after becoming a godslayer, Shirou-sama's strength has increased a lot!"

Looking at the two people in the distance, Zhu Cai proudly introduced her king to them.


The momentum keeps rising.

The magic power collided continuously in the air.

At this moment, it was as if the whole time stood still.

But all this is just the tranquility before the eruption.

With the sound of air bursting, two figures that surpassed the wind resistance came out of the air and waved their fists towards each other.

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Emiya Shirou and Welleslana's iron fists collided fiercely.

At this moment, the atmosphere really burst.

The strong storm continued to spread out centered on the two of them, squeezing the surrounding terrain constantly, as if to grind everything into a flat ground.

And this is just the beginning.

Starting with this, Shirou Emiya and Veleslaner start a hand-to-hand battle.

Boxing, boxing, boxing.

Kick, kick, kick.

In the face of the opponent's offensive, the two did not give in an inch, and launched a close combat with fists to the flesh.

Emiya Shirou slammed Welles Rana in the face with a punch, almost knocking him to the ground.

But the next moment, Welleslaner returned to normal, taking advantage of Shirou Emiya's flaws in the attack, and also punched him in the abdomen.


Feeling the severe damage to his abdomen, Emiya Shirou spat out a mouthful of blood.

But he didn't back down.

I saw him leaning forward, using the inertia brought by his body to wave his arm, turning his arm into a whip, and swiping it towards Welleslaner's face again.

But this time, he was blocked.

"I wouldn't fall in the same place twice."

"Then try this trick!"

Emiya Shirou swung another fist into a palm in mid-air and grabbed Welleslana's other arm, and then his body attacked, directly bumping his knees into Welleslana's abdomen, hitting him go out.

"That's it, at this level, are you really a Martial God?"

Reaching out his palm to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, Shirou Emiya laughed loudly at the name of Veleslana's Valkyrie.

In response, Welleslaner smiled contemptuously, and then said lightly, "Godslayer, aggressive tactics are useless to me."

"But your bravery really exceeded my expectations."

"After becoming our old enemy, not only your physical ability, but you seem to have transformed even your martial arts realm!"


Emiya Shirou responded with a smile.

That's right, as Welleslaner said, Emiya Shirou's boxing skills have been transformed in previous battles.

At this time, the Pankrasin he learned from Chiron has also reached the realm of the gods.

This is also the reason why he chose the 'shattering' ability before.

Re-positioning, looking at Welles Rana, who was completely flawless, Emiya Shirou once again bullied himself.

Before, he was able to take advantage of it because Welles Laner miscalculated his own punching skills.

But now, he won't make that mistake again.

"It's really troublesome!"

Feeling the blood that seems to be burning in the body, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the beating heart that is accelerating.

In Emiya Shirou's eyes, there was nothing else at this time.

Only the desire to fight remains.

"Come on then!"

In the cry, Shirou Emiya and Veleslana collide again to continue the battle of myths.


"Is this the scene of the godslayer fighting against the **** of disobedience? It always feels so hot!"

Looking at the two people who were all over the place in the distance, with fists to the flesh, Liliana raised her fists excitedly and kept shaking.

"No, a normal God-killing battle shouldn't be like this."

Compared to pure Liliana, Erica obviously has other opinions.

"The battle between the godslayer and the disobedient **** should be a competition of power most of the time, and there are very few cases of hand-to-hand combat."

"Sometimes even if one of the parties has such an idea, the other party doesn't like it."

"So, in this situation, both sides must be proficient in hand-to-hand combat, and this kind of scene will only appear when they have a good heart in this regard!"

As Erica said, Emiya Shirou is naturally proficient in melee combat as an adventurer who is blessed by God.

And Veleslana is naturally proficient in melee combat because he is a **** of war.

Moreover, during the previous three-way battle, the two had been close to each other for a time, and they had both won and lost.

However, because of the intervention of the God King Mekal, the battle did not continue, and the winner was finally decided.

Therefore, at the beginning of the game, the two chose to fight hand-to-hand.

But both of them knew very well that this was just the prelude to this feast of battle. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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