I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 424: Return to the Battlefield of God

In fact, Emiya Shirou had interfered with the experience of Kusanagi Godou before.

To prevent him from interfering with his own slaughter.

But he didn't hold out hope that he could obtain Veleslana's Sword of Wisdom.

After all, even if it is the same **** of disobedience, different people have different powers because of different characters or essences.

But now, after his own analysis, Shirou Emiya suddenly became optimistic.

Although he and Kusanagi Godou had completely different personalities, the two differences were miraculously intertwined.

"That's right! The ten incarnations of Welleslana are a holistic power. In addition to this, there are 'victory', 'war god', 'war god' and even 'medical god'' travels. God's nature."

"If the nature of the godslayer is closer to the latter, then there is no need to say more. But as long as the nature of the godslayer matches any of the ten incarnations, then he may gain the power of the ten incarnations."

"Although I don't know what the essence of Kusanagi Godou is that gave him the power of ten incarnations, my words should be because of the weapon, or maybe the sword!"

Think back to your origin: the sword!

Emiya Shirou nodded thoughtfully.

Then, the corner of his mouth raised a smile, after all, it was the sword of wisdom!

As a power dedicated to the power of God, its potential can be said to be almost unlimited!

Emiya Shirou was naturally excited to gain such power.

"Oops, suddenly interested in killing Welleslaner, and now I want to kill him."

Resisting the urge to fight, Emiya Shirou refocused on the information in front of him.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that Hephaestus seems to be the **** of fire!

"I don't know if my flame immunity is immune to Hephaestus' flame!"

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou thought again.

There was once a sentence describing the toxicity of drugs, and Shirou Emiya agreed with it after hearing it.

That is, to talk about toxicity without the dose, that is hooliganism.

This statement also holds true in terms of ability.

It is nonsense to compare the strength of the ability without talking about the effort!

For example, can the targeted immunity endowed by the gods be immune to the abilities of the gods or even the gods stronger than the gods?

No way!

The same is true of Emiya Shirou's flame immunity.

Emiya Shirou's flame ability comes from Loki's protection, so the upper limit of this power should be the upper limit of Loki's own strength.

So are the disobedient gods of the Godkiller world better than the gods of the Earthly Wrong world?

Emiya Shirou thought it was impossible.

Compared with the real gods in the wrong world, the disobedient gods in the godslayer world are more like special spirits.

They would be bound by myths woven by humans.

Their abilities also change as the myth changes.

A **** who is so dependent on human beings, Emiya Shirou can't really compare it with the **** who created human beings.

After all, the **** of disobedience in this world is not using the divine power that Emiya Shirou knew.

It is a higher level of magic power, which is called magic power by the world.

After Emiya Shirou's comparison, the quality of the magic power is far less than that of the divine power.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya is considered to be a **** of disobedience in the world of godslayers, and is not as good as a deity in the world of earth and wrong.

"In this comparison, wouldn't I restrain him more?"

Thinking of his restrained relationship with Hephaestus, Shirou Emiya became more interested in finding the trace of Hephaestus.

"I really hope to meet him soon and knock him down!"

For a time, Shirou Emiya looked forward to the future battle even more.


Passing through the dense forest, the vehicle driven by Zhu Cai came to the edge of a ruin.

Looking at this site that seemed to have been devastated by many natural disasters, Liliana, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help but marvel: "Is this the battlefield where Shirou-sama, Welleslana and Melka fought!?"

"That's right, it's here."

Limuru, who was in the co-pilot, proudly affirmed it.

Little Limuru cherished the experience of fighting the gods.

After all, it was a war between her and the real magic weapon!

"It's amazing how amazing it is!"

Sitting next to Liliana, Erica also sighed sincerely.

After getting along with Zhu Na during this period of time, she and Liliana also knew something about Shirou Emiya.

Moreover, they also clearly understood the course of the battle from Zhu Cai's mouth.

Unlike other godslayers, whose battle luck is very different, Emiya Shirou's battle is entirely based on his strength.

That amazing magical ability.

"No matter how much you compliment me, I will not reward you."

Hearing the exchange of the few people sitting in front, Shirou Emiya who was closing his eyes and resting at the back also joined their conversation with a smile.

Erica and Liliana didn't show any expressions about it.

Obviously, the behavior of the two people is not as vigilant as before.

And this is exactly what Emiya Shirou is happy to see.

After all, he traveled the world to make friends, not to be alone.

"Then prepare for me!"

Hearing the gift, Limuru hurriedly answered.

"You have such a thick skin to beg for it! Little Limuru!"


Listening to the conversation between the two~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the other three people in the car could not help but laugh.

In laughter, Zhu Cai slowly stopped the car.

"Here we are, Shirou-sama."


Looking at the familiar venue outside the window, Shirou Emiya smiled and got out of the car.

Then, with a wave behind him, the projected sedan disappeared.

"This kind of magical projection magic is simply appalling!"

Although already known from Zhu Nai, Emiya Shirou is proficient in projection magic, and uses this as his trump card.

But every time they saw Shirou Emiya projecting something, Erica and Liliana couldn't help but be filled with emotion.

After all, the basic magic of projection also exists in this world.

And it is also extremely basic magic.

But like Emiya Shirou, they have heard of projection magic that can even project divine tools.

This is something you can't even think about!

"Don't be dumb, just follow Zhu Cai to the side of the mountain! It's safer there."

"As for the magic of projection magic, you will definitely be able to see it later."

"Yes, Emiya-sama!"

Obviously, as talented girls who practiced magic since childhood, Erica and Liliana were also very curious about magic.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

After seeing the three of them leave, Shirou Emiya took Little Rimuru slowly to the center of the former battlefield.

Then he chuckled and said, "I'm here to make an appointment, Welles Rana!" Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!

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