Looking at the two people whose expressions were constantly changing in front of him, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

In fact, the reason why he wanted the two to join his subordinates was not only because the two of them happened to appear here, but also the purpose of Shirou Emiya.

Because he intends to completely solve the reason of the last king in the future, he must leave more time for the future.

Therefore, his stay in this world this time must make full use of every day.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou did not plan to return to Japan as the seventh godslayer as the original trajectory, and then rule the magical society there.

He doesn't have that time.

For the time before leaving this world, Emiya Shirou has decided to stay in Europe.

He wants to look for the shadow of the **** of disobedience here.

Increase your strength as much as possible.

In this case, he needs to have someone as a guide and entourage to help him deal with all kinds of chores in the magical world during the time he is in Europe.

And as the Seven Sisters who are famous in Europe, Emiya Shirou was naturally brought into his sight.

Moreover, from their hands, Emiya Shirou can also get clues about Athena who does not obey.

Wouldn't this serve multiple purposes?

In fact, Emiya Shirou's purpose in this trip, in addition to looking for Kusanagi Godou, was to capture Erica as a tool for him to connect with the Seven Sisters.

As for Liliana's appearance, it was somewhat unexpected by Emiya Shirou.

But it also makes sense.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou directly brought both of them back.

"Then, from today onwards, the two of you are my entourage."

"King, we!"

"I repeat, this is an order."

Hearing Shirou Emiya's domineering remarks, Erica and Liliana looked sad.

But at the same time, there was excitement in their hearts.

After all, there is no better place to be a knight than to be at the side of a godslayer.

This is a rare opportunity for the two who want to become world-famous great knights.

"Okay, this is the end of it!"

"The two of you should learn from Zhu Cai first. I'm very dissatisfied with your names."

"Yes, Wang! We will study hard"

Seeing that the two of them were still like this, Emiya Shirou shook his head, left here, and walked to the upstairs room.

After Emiya Shirou left, Zhu Cai walked up to the two of them with a smile and said, "Let's go, I'll arrange a room for you first, after all, depending on your situation, you should be staying here!"

"After that, I will tell you how to get along with Shirou-sama."

"We follow your arrangements, Miss Zhu Cai."

"Please train us well!"

Erica and Liliana were eager to learn how to get along with Emiya Shirou.

After all, how to communicate with godslayers has always been an important task for major magic associations.

Looking at the serious expressions of the two of them, Zhu Cai couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that you are both good-natured children, so let me train you well!"

After saying that, she walked aside with the two of them.


Pushing the door and entering his room, Shirou Emiya came to the table and took the information on it in his hand.

This pile of information is all the myths and legends he had collected from Luculazia before.

The battle between the godslayer and the disobedient **** has always been a brutal battle of life and death.

Therefore, in such a battle, if you can understand the opponent's intelligence in advance, it will naturally have an advantage.

And this is a preparation that only a godslayer can do.

After all, the deity and power of the disobedient gods are determined by the myths and legends that make up them.

Through these myths and legends, godslayers can make many preparations to their advantage before the battle.

Although Emiya Shirou is a knowledgeable person in other worlds, he knows that the myths and legends of this world are very different from the myths and legends of the world he has experienced.

The most classic of them is Athena.

In this world, Athena used to be the supreme god-king, but after being defeated by Zeus, she was downgraded to the daughter of the other party.

Moreover, the Athena of this world is not so much Athena, but a combination of Athena, Metis, and Medusa, and the composition is quite complicated.

This shows how complicated the myths of this world are.

Totally need him to relearn.

At this time, what was placed on Emiya Shirou's table was only the information of a few gods.

"Sure enough, after layers of screening, the one that best meets my requirements should be Hephaestus!"

Looking at the document in his hand, Emiya Shirou fell into deep thought.

Emiya Shirou has certain assumptions about the gods he wants to kill and the power he wants to gain in the future.

In his view, the existence of power is more important than essence.

After all, he is different from the godslayers in this world, and he can continue to grow.

And the godslayers in this world, the moment they complete the killing of gods, their power and magic power have been fixed and can no longer increase.

No matter how you use the power, it is only to increase the proficiency of the power.

And no matter how many disobedient gods they kill, their magic power will not increase, but only increase the number of powers.

Therefore, the old godslayers who have lived for hundreds of years do not have many advantages in front of the new godslayers~www.wuxiamtl.com~ They just have more power.

And Emiya Shirou's power can be continuously improved. In this case, the number of powers is not of much use to him.

The power that is compatible with him is the most important.

Therefore, he wanted to kill a **** of craftsmen.

He wanted the ability to forge artifacts.

His intuition told him that this was very important to him.

Although it is said that after killing the gods, what kind of power is obtained is not necessarily.

But Emiya Shirou came to a conclusion after speculation based on his existing intelligence.

The powers that he, Emiya Shirou, are most likely to acquire are related to the gods of the gods who do not obey.

Even if it is a composite type of power, it must contain the existence of divine tools.

And Hephaestus, as the **** of craftsmen who forged divine tools, is very likely to obtain the power to forge divine tools from him.

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Mimi to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by both Android and Apple. 】

And this is also the goal of Shirou Emiya

"But thinking about it this way, after killing Veleslaner, isn't it very likely that I will gain powers similar to those of Godou?"

After all, that golden sword represented the warrior of one of the ten incarnations of Veleslana.

As for the ten incarnations as an integral power, Shirou Emiya should not be able to split it up.

At that time, it is estimated that restrictions will still be added.

And this is exactly the same power that Kusanagi Godou obtained in the original trajectory!

"This is really interesting!"

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but chuckle. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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