"That's right, it's you!"

Ignoring the excited crowd, Shirou Emiya continued.

"Don't underestimate yourself, Godou, you are a man with the qualifications to become a godslayer."

"Me? Godslayer!?"

Kusanagi Godou, who already knew from the mouths of everyone what the godslayer was like, pointed at himself in surprise, with a look of surprise on his face.

And the people beside Emiya Shirou also looked incredible.

"Excuse the offense, Wang, do you think the man in front of you has the qualifications to become a godslayer?"

Erica, who was shocked to the extreme, asked Emiya Shirou seriously.

"That's right!"

Glancing at everyone's expressions, Shirou Emiya continued: "Actually, from the existing clues, I have already seen the future."

"If it weren't for me, a certain knight who came here happened to meet Godou, who became friends with Veleslaner, and they were entangled around the Prometheus slate he was carrying."

"Then, after returning the slate, the wicked Lucrazia will definitely give the slate to Godou, making him a stumbling block for dragging the knight, in case the proud she goes to kill the gods and die. "

"Then Godou will take this opportunity to meet Veleslana again, causing Veleslana to use the power in the slate to defeat his avatar and make room for the Prometheus slate for him."

"After that, Godou, who is already familiar with Veleslana, can use the Prometheus Slate to steal the power belonging to Veleslana."

"Finally, in the battle of Veleslana and Merka, use his power to deal the fatal blow to him and become the new Godslayer."

After listening to Emiya Shirou's reasoning, the living room fell into extreme tranquility.

Obviously, everyone was thinking about Emiya Shirou's words.

"This is too far-fetched! King."

Facing Emiya Shirou's reasoning, Erica retorted excitedly.

At this time, she even forgot the honorific. After all, after being brought into the reasoning of Emiya Shirou, Erica understood that the knight Emiya Shirou was talking about was her.

This made her, who was extremely contemptuous of Kusakagogou at this time, unacceptable.

"Indeed, this reasoning has a big flaw in logic, after all, everything is too coincidental!"


Seeing that Emiya Shirou also admitted that it was far-fetched, Erica said excitedly.



Looking at the crowd, Shirou Emiya said indifferently: "To turn the impossible into a possibility, to have the ability to avoid all unreasonable things and move towards the most reasonable ending, this is the strong luck of the godslayer!"

Yes, godslayers are a collection of luck.

Their luck has become so strong that it can be called fate.

Therefore, this world will spread that sentence.

It is not that ordinary people kill gods and then become godslayers, but only godslayers can kill gods. This is an irreversible cause and effect relationship.

After all, the gap between ordinary people and gods of disobedience is unimaginable.

Without strong luck, it is impossible to accomplish this great feat.

"It's a pity, this time it was me who became the godslayer with stronger strength, but I believe that in the future, you may have other opportunities!"

After saying that, Shirou Emiya threw the Prometheus Slate in his hand to Godou.

"This, this is?"

Taking the slate, Kusanagi Godou looked at Emiya Shirou suspiciously.

Although Emiya Shirou said he might become a godslayer, he didn't really feel that way.

After all, he is not a character that fights fiercely.

I just learned about this mysterious world.

Therefore, he was very confused at this time.

"gave it to you!"

Waving his hand, Shirou Emiya smiled faintly: "In the hands of others, this Prometheus slate is not very important, but in your hands, it may be able to trigger a miracle!"

"I'm very curious about that possible miracle!"


Caressing the slate in his hand, Kusakagogodo didn't know what to say.

Is it acceptable?

Or reject it?

He doesn't understand.

But then, he asked earnestly: "Then why did you come to me?"


Putting his hands under his head, Shirou Emiya said unabashedly, "Your aptitude will affect my plans."

"With your contact with Welleslaner, under the influence of strong luck, you may steal some of his powers through the Prometheus Slate."

"If that's the case, even if I kill him, I won't be able to gain his power, so am I wasting my time?"

"So I brought you directly back."

After saying that, Shirou Emiya looked at Luculazia and ordered, "This child is your friend's friend, so you can take care of him during this time!"

"Before Welleslana was taken out, the island was very dangerous, and he was safest here."

"Yes, this subordinate understands!"

Luculazia instantly understood what Shirou Emiya meant, and then she stepped forward and put her arms around Godou's neck and said, "Since it is the descendant of Ichiro, let me treat you well, grandma! "


"Miss Luculazia, what are you doing!"

Ignoring Godou's wailing, Lucrazia dragged her by the neck and walked upstairs.

Seeing the scene where the two disappeared, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

Then he turned his attention to Erica and Liliana who were beside him.

"Then it's the two of you next!"


Liliana tugged Erica who was thinking about it~www.wuxiamtl.com~ and woke her up.

Then the two knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "King, please order."

"I remember that the two of you are talented girls from the local magic association, the eldest lady in the famous magic family, right!"

[The book chasing app recommended to me by an old book friend who I have known for ten years, Mimi read! It’s so easy to use, I rely on this reading aloud to pass the time before driving and before going to bed, you can download it here]

"In front of the king, these are nothing."

Although I don't know what Emiya Shirou has to do with the two of them, no matter what it is, the two of them don't dare to neglect.

"In that case!"

"The two of you will declare your allegiance to me on behalf of the magical society you belong to!"

Emiya Shirou said with a smile.


Hearing Emiya Shirou's order, the two of them couldn't help but feel panic in their hearts.

After all, the society they were in was nominally ruled by the King of Swords.

If you change the court rashly, you may be punished by the King of Swords.

Although the two feel that the other party should not do this, they can't make up their minds about this matter!

"I know you two can't be the masters, but you can pass on my request to your leader."

"Also, this is not an invitation, but an order!"

Emiya Shirou gave the two of them an ultimatum with words that fit the status of a godslayer.

Although he didn't want to overwhelm people.

But time is not forgiving.

He didn't have time to entangle with each other slowly.

After all, when it comes to fists, it's his toughness. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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