
At this time, the soldiers of the Farmus Kingdom were having lunch and enjoying their lunch break.

After eating the prepared food, the soldiers gathered in groups of three or five to discuss the distribution of rewards after the war.

After all, according to the superiors, the kingdom of monsters that they want to destroy is a very rich kingdom.

Moreover, because there are monsters there, they can capture the monsters there arbitrarily and bring them back to use as slaves.

There was no sign of vigilance on their faces.

After all, they didn't believe that someone would be able to sneak attack on them.

This is not because they underestimate the strength of the monster kingdom.

But because around them, there are barriers for defense and reconnaissance.

When marching, the army of this world usually has a dedicated team of magicians to deploy defensive enchantments.

This defensive barrier belongs to legion magic and can guard against magic of various attributes.

And all of this is naturally because this world is an extraordinary world.

Even if the two sides in the war are far apart in terms of combat strength and number of people, the 'nuclear strike magic' from afar can still have the effect of subverting the war situation.

It is common sense in this world to be vigilant against magic of an unspecified range.

Therefore, when marching and stationing, the ordinary soldiers of this world are undoubtedly the most at ease.

And the magicians are the ones in the hurry.

At this time, around this camp, various defensive magic circles are in effect, defending and detecting all the information around them.

After all, the army of Farmus Kingdom did not dare to be sloppy. According to their information, there were monsters of A-rank and above in the monster kingdom.

In the face of such a strong man, a fool would not be vigilant!

Therefore, their defensive barriers are very carefully placed, carefully guarding against all kinds of magic.

However, the precautions of the Farmus Kingdom were not worth mentioning in front of Rimuru.

After all, after seeing their defensive magic circle, Rimuru quickly developed a new targeted magic 'God's Wrath' through the 'Great Sage'!

After analyzing the many defensive magic circles arranged by Farmus Kingdom, Rimuru understood the principle of this world barrier.

That is, by blocking the entry of magic energy, in order to prevent the formation of magic.

After all, the elemental magic of this world is formed by the interference of magic elements with the elements between heaven and earth.

If the magic element cannot be activated, the activation of the magic will inevitably fail.

In this world, spirit magic uses spirits to interfere and rewrite the laws of physics, so it is less powerful.

Therefore, if you want to defend against elf magic, you must use other specially-targeted enchantments.

Once the principle of magic is clarified and further operations are carried out with reference to the principle, it can be paralyzed.

Therefore, it is a basic skill to prepare various defense means.

The same is true for at least two more enchantments running at the same time.

After understanding the magic principle of this world, Rimuru was inspired by the 'magic manipulation' obtained from the Great Storm Demon Vortex and the 'Spiritual Breakdown' of her opponent, Sakaguchi Hinata, who had previously ambush her.

Create new types of magic.

That is the wrath of God!


Rimuru, who was floating in mid-air, was surrounded by more than a thousand water balloons.

And below her, there are more than a dozen convex lens-shaped water balls, which are larger than the water **** around her.

These water spheres combine sunlight into thin beams, which are reflected by the mirrored water spheres below and directed to any location.

Then, it is assembled by a convex lens-shaped water polo close to the surface and irradiated towards the marker.

Integrate a point as thin as a pencil, making it hot in the thousands.

This heat is more than enough to kill people.

The water polo is transformed from the water spirit summoned by Rimuru.

The magic absorbs the energy of the sun's rays from these water spheres, reflects them out, and gathers them separately.

This is Rimuru's new magic spell.

Physical magic 'God's Wrath'.

Under the irradiation of the beam, in just a moment, thousands of soldiers ushered in death.

Afterwards, Rimuru re-adjusted his direction, re-selected the target of the attack, and launched the second round of attack.

Under her magical perception, all objects are perfectly presented in her perception.

Under her aim, no one could escape his shooting.

In this way, a ** beam kept harvesting the lives of the soldiers in the camp.

The wrath of the physical magic **** continues to output its own power.

This new type of magic created by Rimuru consumes very little.

This magic mainly consumes the water condensed from the air by the water spirit, and the source of energy is the sun in the sky.

Under the sun, the magic is endless.

And this is the horror of this magic.

Although it can only be used during the day.

In just five minutes under Limuru's aim, two-thirds of the soldiers in the camp were wiped out.

In the process of shooting, Rimuru will occasionally choose not to hit the enemy's key points.

Let the screams continue to flow in the camp.

Let panic fill the sky above the camp.

But he did not choose the gorgeous carriage and tent to attack, after all, he did not intend to kill the enemy king so easily.

After all, he is very vengeful.

After eliminating two-thirds of the enemy, Rimuru stopped attacking and flew down.


Before Rimuru's magic-nullifying field opened, Razan, the hero of Farmus Kingdom, was complaining to his close friends about the death of a foreigner.

After all, his purpose has always been to cultivate good visitors from another world and then occupy their bodies.

gain their abilities.

It is a pity that he has not had time to protect the other party, and the convenience is already dead.

Without waiting for Razan to complain too much, the field of ineffective magic has already begun.

Just when his close friend, Fulken, who is a super A Grade powerhouse, confidently wanted to engage in close combat with the opponent, **** came.

The Knights Templar, the experts in eliminating demons of the Western Holy Church, the Farmus Mercenary Guerrilla Group, the Farmus Magician Association, the Farmus Nobles United Knights, and the Farmus Kingdom Regular Knights. Soldiers gathered from various forces continue to die.

Although faced with these attacks, they also resisted.

For example, setting up multiple anti-magic barriers.

But in the face of "God's Wrath", there is no resistance.

In the endless panic, the Farmus Aristocratic United Knights, composed of noble children, even killed their own people.

And in such an environment, Razan and Fulken quickly came to the king's side.

In the luxurious tent, King Edmalis and Archbishop Rethym hugged together and were shivering.

Just when the two were at a loss, Lazan and Fulken came to them.

"Your Majesty, are you alright!"

"Knight Commander Fulken, come to meet!"

"Oh, Fulken! It's just right, and so is Lazan. Come on, let's run away. Go back to China and regroup!"

"You're right, what's happening now is confusing. It's better to leave as soon as possible, or we will suffer too!"

Seeing the appearance of the two strongest masters of the Farmus Kingdom, King Edmalis regained some composure.

Seeing this, Fuken who was beside him quickly said: "Please be Although there are many things I want to report to you, I will discuss that later. I will only focus on the key points now. There is no way to activate magic in the area. If you have to find a way to gather the knights, use them as human shields to retreat."

"What did you say!"

"Yes, is it feasible? The number of knights is almost dead!"

"Please rest assured, Archbishop Rethym. I will use my unique skill 'Commander' to forcibly gather the survivors. Let those people act as human shields to protect His Majesty Edmalis and His Excellency Rethym."

"Lord Fuken is really reliable!"

Looking at Fulken in front of him, the king and the archbishop praised with joy.

But unfortunately, although several people's plans are good, the reality is even more cruel.

Fulken, who had just opened the tent's curtain and was about to go out to recruit soldiers, stopped.

"Falkon, what's the matter? Answer, Falkon!"

Watching this scene, King Edmalis' fear and confusion hit his heart.

Fulken is a visitor from another world with strength beyond the A-rank. He has experienced hundreds of battles and is a proud warrior of the Farmus Kingdom. He is also one of King Edmalis' trusted confidants.

At the same time, a figure descended from the sky and appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This man has black wings that look like bats.

She is petite and wears a mask.

Although because of the mask, it is impossible to tell her gender.

But through her hairstyle and posture, everyone present thought she was a woman.

Looking at the masked man in gorgeous costume, the hearts of everyone present seemed to be grabbed.

They know, this moment!

The devil has come!

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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