After the next action plan was arranged, everyone went to their respective jobs.

Start waiting for the date of the final battle.

Emiya Shirou couldn't help but smile as he looked at the crowd who were gearing up.

He knew that this battle was just an appetizer.

The real decisive battle is the crusade against Demon Lord Clayman.

That's the end of the matter.

After everyone left, Rimuru followed Emiya Shirou to the place where Muran was and offered her a reward.

That is to replace her heart.

However, before changing the heart, Rimuru also acted for Clayman.

In front of the unsuspecting Yum and Crucis, Rimuru announced the death of Muran.

Then in the pleas of the two, her heart was shattered.

At the scene there, Emiya Shirou could be said to be holding back laughter the whole time.

Looking at Yum's snot and tears, Emiya Shirou had been laughing for a long time in his heart.

If it wasn't for the purpose of deceiving Demon Lord Clayman, he would probably have laughed out loud.


After a few days.

Rimuru and Emiya Shirou, who learned that the army of the Fasimus Kingdom had arrived in the Great Jura Forest, announced the start of the battle.

Then the two took Vimana and flew to the place where the main battlefield was.

At the same time, Benimaru and others also led their own troops and rushed in four different directions.

On the east side of Emiya City.

Benimaru, who was carrying the long sword, stretched out the other palm.

The dark flames burned continuously in his palms.


Looking at Benimaru walking slowly from the forest, the knights stationed in the camp soon found his trail.

"Me? Of course I'm here to destroy you guys!"

With a wave of the flaming palm, the entire camp quickly burned.

In the face of Benimaru's offensive, these knights were powerless to resist.

"What kind of monster is this!"

"I've never heard of such a monster here!"

"Didn't you say you're here to rob treasures and slaves!?"

Listening to the mourning from the sea of ​​flames, Benimaru said coldly: "Stupid scum, I really don't know where you have the courage to dare to attack us!"

After saying that, Benimaru turned around and walked away.

Stop looking at the flames behind you.

And in the south of Emiya City.

He wears sturdy armor and wields a heavy axe.

Klute and the soldiers of the pig tribe are trampling in this camp, destroying everything here.

For him, the enemy in front of him is extremely hateful.

After all, this is their current home!

He, the Pig King Krut, will never forgive the enemy who dares to attack their homeland!

North of Emiya City.

Souei, who led Canghua and the others, was as easy as chopping vegetables, annihilating all the enemies in the camp.

Among the four sides, the one that took the longest to subjugate was undoubtedly the western part of Emiya City.

It was Gobuta and Shuna who came to conquer this place.

And their opponents are also Mizutani Nozoshi and Tachibana Kyouya who once played against each other in Emiya City.

Originally, the task of subjugating them was given to Gobuta.

After all, they are in conflict with each other and have fought each other before.

However, worried that Mizutani Xixing's unique skills will be plotted against Gobuta, so Zhu Cai also followed and specially dealt with Mizutani Xixing.

"Hey, boy, don't you want to see my attack? Now my attack is coming!"

"But why do you have such an unbearable expression!"

Constantly waving the spear in his hand, today's Gobuta is extraordinarily aggressive.

Under his gun, Tachibana Kyouya kept parrying with his sword.

At the back of the battle, Zhu Cai, who was in the middle of several goblins, was calmly watching the scene in the field.

On the ground next to him, Mizutani Xixing's body was lying there.

In the face of Zhu Cai's magical ability, Mizutani Xixing has no ability to resist.

"Bastard, mere goblins, why are you so strong!"

Constantly defending against Gobuta's gunfire, Tachibana Kyouya roared with an ugly face.

Obviously, the death of Mizutani Xixing on the side made him very stressed.

But he didn't notice that it was his roar that made his original perfect defense flawed, and then he was hit critically by Gobuta's swift blow.

"When fighting, keep calm at all times! This is the foundation of martial arts!"

Looking at the corpse on the ground, Gobuta said indifferently.

So far, the four battles outside Emiya City have ended.


Standing on the edge of Vimana, looking at the army of Farmus Kingdom stationed at his feet, Rimuru's eyes were full of coldness.

"Don't think about it, it's just war."

"You know, in our world, in ancient times, there are probably countless people who died because of war!"

"And that's the cruelty of war."

Emiya Shirou, who was worried about Rimuru's psychological reasons, gently comforted him.

"Moreover, the initiator of this war is not us, but the other party!"

"We just happen to be stronger."

"If we are the weaker party, then we don't have to guess what the consequences will be!"

"Death, plundered, enslaved!"

"I can see the consequences of that!"

Limuru's eyes were extremely She took out the mask she made and put it on her face, covering all her expressions.

The relic that originally belonged to Izawa Jingjiang was given to a student in the human world by her, and this mask was made by him.

Spreading his wings, Limuru turned back and said, "I'll go!"

After all, he flew out.

"Are you guys trying to destroy my home? It's an unforgivable sin!"

Looking down at the army under his feet, Rimuru, who was floating in mid-air using gravity, stretched out his palm to the sky.

The next moment, a huge barrier quickly opened, covering all these troops in it.

This is the great magic 'magic nullification domain' that originally belonged to Mulan.

The information used for positioning is quite complete, and a large circle with a diameter of 50 kilometers appears on the ground.

The coverage area is 30 meters above the surface, completely covering and blocking the sky and the earth.

This time the enemy can no longer use any magic.

And Rimuru used this magic simply to prevent them from escaping.

He didn't intend to let anyone go, thus sealing the magic teleportation technique.

"Now is a good time to launch that."

"The most suitable mass killing magic to kill this group of people."

This is a powerful magic that Rimuru has meticulously researched.

"Suffer to death! Let you witness the wrath of God, the wrath of God!"

A flurry of light descended from the sky and reflected back and forth on the ground. Before the knights could react, they penetrated their bodies.

The alarm bell that kicked off the curtain did not sound, and a killing started quietly.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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