"Has the Witch Hinata of the Western Holy Church failed?"

Looking at the demon king-like existence descending from the sky in front of him, King Edmalis' face was pale and his whole body was trembling.

From the strength of the opponent and the clothes of the opponent, it can be seen that the opponent is probably the leader of the monster.

Lord of the Monster Federation!

However, King Edmalis knew very well that when they attacked Emiya City, the witch Hinata of the Western Holy Church also attacked the leader of the other party.

But the other party is here now.

Does that mean that the witch Hinata also missed?

You know, the witch Sakaguchi Hinata of the Western Holy Church is known as the strongest in the West!

Even such a strong person did not remove the monster in front of her, which means that she has a strength comparable to that of the witch Hinata.

Thinking of this, King Edmalis' heart was extremely confused.

How to deal with such an enemy!

At the same time, he heard the sigh of Lazan, the chief magician of his own court.

Obviously, he couldn't imagine the scene where the other party could escape from the witch Hinata's hands.

what to do?

What can I do to survive?

King Edmalis racked his brains in thought.

Suddenly, King Edmalis had a flash of light, and he suddenly recalled the report sent by his subordinates.

"No, there may be room to turn around! I am the king of a country. It is said that I am here to negotiate, to cover up the past skillfully, and the other party will definitely be willing to talk to me. According to the report, he seems to be naive and abusive. Nice guy!"

King Edmalis thought he had a great idea.

But this is not a good idea, but a bad idea, and at the same time, his mind is still wandering in the worst direction.

"The other party is very happy just negotiating with a small country like Bulmont. If the king of the big country Farmus shows her favor, she will definitely be happy to lie on the ground and thank her!"

The innocent king is still innocent at this time.


Slowly falling to the ground, Rimuru's ears continued to hear mourning sounds.

But she didn't pay attention to what the other party meant.

Although she did have a heart of sympathy at this time.

But he knew better that this was a war, and the other side was the aggressor, their enemy!

If it weren't for Shirou Emiya, Rimuru couldn't imagine how he would escape from Sakaguchi Hinata's hands.

Even if she escapes, what will happen to her home?

Thinking back on her naive thoughts in the past, Rimuru forced herself to become cold.

Because she is no longer alone.

She is the king of a country.

"Before doing things in the future, you must think clearly! You can no longer let your own willfulness drive yourself!"

Rimuru said firmly in her heart.

Just as Rimuru released his tenth attack, the long-awaited voice reappeared.

"Confirmed. Successfully obtained... the unique skill 'Heartless One'. 》

This is not the voice of the great sage, but the long-lost 'voice of the world'.

"Heartless? Why give me this skill? I'm just a little colder, not really heartless!"

"Forget it, since I've given it all, I'll keep it!"

He shook his head, throwing his thoughts out of his head.

Just when Rimuru was about to study her newly acquired skills, a voice suddenly interrupted her thoughts.



Looking at the dirty uncle in front of him, Rimuru was a little puzzled.

What is the situation of this person, can he distinguish the current situation?

Looking closely at Limuru, he also found that his crotch was dirty, as if it was leaking urine.

And his tears, snot, and slobber made his face mushy.

To say that he is the king would make people laugh out loud.

"Ah? Are you a stand-in? Don't worry, I'm not going to shoot the deity."

Limuru, who thought it was a stand-in who was going to die for his king, explained coldly.

"He, he's not a stand-in! I'm Rethym, Archbishop of the Western Holy Church, dare to use this name to make a deal!"

Looking at the person who suddenly appeared again, Rimuru carefully looked at the costumes of the two in front of her.

Although the two of them seemed very embarrassed at this time, looking at their clothes, they should not be worn by ordinary knights.

It seems that these two people should be the righteous master he is looking for!

However, just in case, Rimuru intends to confirm it first.

"Well then, except for you, I plan to kill everyone else here. There shouldn't be the king himself in here, right?"

"I am the king himself! But, but, are you going to kill other people?"

"Hey! Wait, please wait! Put me on the whitelist too, please let me go! I hold great power in the Holy Church. I can testify for you that you are not the enemy of mankind!"

Archbishop Rethym hurriedly begged Rimuru to spare his life.

"A high-ranking member of the Western Church? He is indeed a valuable fellow, so I'll spare you one for the time being!"

After announcing the survival of Archbishop Resim, Rimuru turned his attention to the King of Farmus Kingdom on the other side.

Upon seeing this, the confident king said quickly: "Wait, wait! Didn't I just say something to talk to you about!"

Considering that the other party is the leader of the enemy army, Rimuru also intends to listen to the other party's words.

After all, according to the human world, this guy in front of him seems to be a hero, right?

"What's the matter? Let's hear it."

"Insolent, rude thing! I am the king of the great kingdom of Farmus! It's not my turn to speak up for a character like you. I'm still talking to you myself! But, it's okay. This time At once--"

"Huh? What is this guy talking about?"

"This is the hero who is famous in the West?"

"It's just an idiot who can't see the status quo!"

With a wave of Limuru's hand, he chopped off his arm, and then ignited the black flame and used the flame to stop the bleeding.

Although he didn't intend to take his life, it would be better for such a ignorant guy to suffer a little more! Feeling the pain coming from his arm, King Edmalis quickly explained while rolling on the ground~www.wuxiamtl.com~.

At this time, he was very worried that the other party would kill him.

"Wait, wait! It's not like that, this is all a misunderstanding. The Western Holy Church regards monsters as enemies, so I just wanted to check to see if you two are worth establishing diplomatic relations!"

"Also, the foreign visitors sent here are unauthorized, and I was also kept in the dark. I didn't expect them to be so dangerous."

"However, a blessing in disguise! I learned that your country has such warriors and can defeat those dangerous elements. If a country has such heroes and heroes, it must be qualified to establish diplomatic relations."

"I, I would like to establish diplomatic relations with you! Not bad, right? It's very honorable, right? Farmus is a big country, not a small country like Bulmont. How can you be honored?"

"Our country can rest assured, and you also have our country as the backing. You can find an opportunity to introduce it to the council. It's good for us, right?"

"However, we will ask for compensation for this military loss afterwards, and both parties can learn a lot from this. How about it? You will agree to it, right?"

After hearing King Edmalis' cry, Rimuru's expression was cold, but her heart became more and more angry!

How idiot is this guy, and how despised himself?

At such a time, he is still provoking himself.

At this time, Rimuru was furious like never before.

The next moment, King Edmalis' remaining three limbs were also broken instantly, and the black flames rose again to stop the bleeding for him.

He ignored the mourning of the residue under his feet.

Rimuru's mood was extremely cold.

Now she just wants to kill!

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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