Although according to Emiya Shirou's guess, even if they wiped out all the knights of the other party here, the other party should not give up their plan.

But this will inevitably lead to unnecessary consequences.

make the situation at hand even more troublesome.

So Emiya Shirou let them go. Anyway, their trip didn't hurt anyone at all.

Emiya Shirou, a resident living around, had long since evacuated it, so only the heavily armored soldiers who faced the opposing cavalry were injured.

But because of the complete recovery of the potion, as long as they do not die directly, they will not die.

Therefore, in this battle, there were no casualties on our side at all.

This is undoubtedly a happy situation.

"And the other party is just a soldier. Except for the disgusting person, other people don't need to deliberately take their lives."

"And this should be our last mercy!"

"If they leave here, they may still be able to live. But if they continue to attack here, there is only one way to go, and there is no other choice."

After many experiences in the world, Emiya Shirou's good-natured personality has long since been tempered and disappeared.

Today, he will never look friendly to those who are malicious to him.

For him, his family and friends are the most important.

Others are not worth mentioning.

After a pause, Shirou Emiya said to the people around him: "For now, don't worry about the other party's affairs, let's get the situation right on our side first!"

"I don't plan to destroy this barrier for the time being. After all, showing the enemy's weakness is also a very important part of the art of war."

"All, you should start patrolling the city now to see if any citizens are unwell, and help them as soon as possible!"

In this barrier, the existence of magic energy will be purified.

You know, monsters are extremely dependent on magic energy.

In a sense, it can be said that monsters are made of magic elements.

This can be seen from the fact that high-level monsters can give low-level monsters magic power to greatly increase their strength.

Therefore, in this enchantment, the monsters that are too weak may not even be able to maintain their own stature.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya only spread out most of the army to save the ordinary residents of the city.


Hearing Emiya Shirou's order, Benimaru and the others quickly dispersed and rushed to various areas in the city.


Without letting Shirou Emiya wait, Rimuru quickly returned here.

"It seems that you have also encountered an attack? Demon King Clayman is indeed inextricably linked with the human world, otherwise the time would not have been chosen so appropriately."

"Indeed! But this time it's all thanks to you, Toshiro, I almost died!"

"So dangerous!?"

Emiya Shirou, who thought that Rimuru would save himself from danger before, asked in surprise this time, who didn't care much about him.

Aster and Zhu Cai on the side also looked worried when they saw this.

"Yeah, it's so dangerous!"

Rimuru patted his chest, showing a look of fear.

"The other party set up a 'Holy Purification Barrier' on my only path in advance, which greatly affected my strength."

Seemingly worried that everyone could not understand the power of the 'Holy Purification Barrier', Rimuru hurriedly pointed to the barrier above and said, "It's an enhanced version of this thing. In that, C-rank monsters will probably be instantly wiped out!"

"Ah! This is too scary!"

Hearing Rimuru's description, Zhu Cai shouted in surprise.

Although Shirou Emiya had previously proposed that this kind of barrier would cause monsters to be wiped out because they could not maintain their shape, no one in the entire city of Emiya died because of it.

The barrier that Rimuru is in actually destroys monsters of C rank and below, which is really terrifying.

"And it's just a side dish."

Rimuru waved his hand helplessly and said, "The other party seems to be able to master my movements, and almost took away the flame elf Ifrit that I summoned."

"Furthermore, the weapon in her hand acts directly on the spirit. If I hit one more sword at that time, I'm afraid I'll go to the west!"

"Later, the other party used super powerful magic. If it wasn't for the props that Shirou gave me before, maybe I would have been wiped out by him!"

"How many cards did you use?"

"It's all used up!"

Rimuru scratched his head and said embarrassedly, "Shirou, your cards are really useful! Give me a few more!"

"That? We'll talk about it later!"

With a wave of his hand, Shirou Emiya continued to ask, "Is that guy dead?"

"No, her strength is very strong, I used the gap between attacks to escape."

"That's it!"

After sorting out the information in his mind, Shirou Emiya thought about it.

In the process, Zhu Cai also explained their current situation to Limuru.

"Really? Is the war about to begin?"

After listening to Zhu Cai and Shi Wan's introduction, Rimuru's eyes also sharpened.

Straws of killing intent continued to surround her body, making her temperament look even colder.

Awakened from his contemplation by this killing intent, Emiya Shirou's expression became serious.

"How are you, are you mentally prepared?"

"'m ready!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou's face, Rimuru said with certainty.


Soon, Rimuru gathered all the cadres to discuss the next thing.

In this meeting, Rimuru confided in his heart.

Indicates that he is going to become the real Demon King.

To this end, he will kill all the intruding enemies with his own power.

"Is Rimuru-sama going to face the 20,000 troops alone?"

Souei asked in surprise.

After his investigation, a total of 20,000 troops of various types of troops that the Farmus Kingdom had sent at this time were rapidly approaching here.

At the same time, in the surroundings of Emiya City, four sets of magic devices are constantly playing their role, maintaining the enchantment of purifying magic energy.

In these four groups of camps, there are also squadron-level enemies.

"Yes, this is the condition I need to awaken!"

After shouldering the responsibility of the frontal battlefield, Rimuru began to assign the next tasks to everyone.

"When the time comes, Benimaru, Gobuta, Souei, and Krut, each of you four will lead a team to the surrounding camps to destroy the enemies stationed in the camps."

"Yes, Rimuru-sama!"

"Then I will go to the main battlefield with you, Limuru!"

Looking at the determination on Emiya Shirou's face, Rimuru said with a smile: "Then don't shoot at that time!"

"Don't worry, I will quietly appreciate your actions in the distance!"

"Never disturb your battle!"

Emiya Shirou replied with a smile.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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