"Don't worry!"

"With me here, no one can destroy our village!"

The reason why Emiya Shirou did not follow Rimuru to the human city was because he knew.

When Rimuru travels to the human world, the city will be attacked by humans, and Aster will die in that attack.

She was not resurrected until Rimuru became the Demon Lord.

These are what Emiya Shirou has seen from the barrage before.

Therefore, he did not know the specific reason for the matter.

But he didn't want the city named after him to be destroyed like this.

Even if it will return to its original state in the future.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou did not mention the request to follow Rimuru to the human world.

As for Rimuru will be attacked by human powerhouses?

Limuru in the normal trajectory can escape from birth, not to mention the enhanced version of Limuru who is often trained by him now.

However, he was not unprepared for it.

"Although this trip to the human world, I can't be with you to protect your safety."

"But I have a present for you!"

Saying that, Emiya Shirou put three exquisite cards on the table and pushed them in front of Rimuru.

"Because of time and materials, after you told me you were going to the human world, I worked overtime to complete these three items."

"This is?"

Rimuru asked in surprise and confusion.

"This is a prop card I made. In the card, the weapon I have activated is sealed."

For this kind of card that can store weapons, Shirou Emiya has already had the idea of ​​​​making it a long time ago.

After all, there is a class card as a template.

And this thing is actually an alternative magic scroll.

It's not that difficult.

Emiya Shirou leaned back on his chair and said with a smile: "Among these three cards, there are three Noble Phantasms that have been activated by me, and they all have the same power as I used myself."

"These three Noble Phantasms are 'Sun Wheel, Obey Death', 'Small World Surrounding the Heaven', and 'The Talisman that Breaks All Laws'!"

"These three Noble Phantasms represent attack, defense and demon breaking respectively!"

"Among them, I don't need to introduce the attack and defense, and the focus is on breaking the devil!"

Emiya Shirou paused and said, "I think, with your strength, if someone intends to attack you and threaten you, it is most likely someone from the Western Church in this world."

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"In their hands, there seems to be a set of enchantments that can be used to suppress the power of monsters."

"This is undoubtedly extremely restrained for you who don't have the ability to break magic. Therefore, I made this Noble Phantasm for you!"

"With it, any magic can be instantly dispelled. In this way, the enchantment or other magic traps are useless."

After listening to Emiya Shirou's explanation, Rimuru only felt that his heart was filled with warmth.

"Thank you, Shirou!"

"You're welcome, after all, you are my sister!"

"Ah, I see, Shirou-san!"

Without refuting again, Rimuru admitted it straightforwardly.

Afterwards, she said to the people around her, "Then the town is up to you!"

"Don't worry, Lord Rimuru! We will protect the city well."

Aster Zhucai and others responded earnestly.


After deciding to go to the human world, Rimuru did not go immediately, but continued to deal with the affairs of the dwarf kingdom.

The reason for this is that, in addition to the importance of communication with the dwarf kingdom.

Also, she needs to wait for her guide to arrive.

That is, the three of Aileen.

After contacting the three through Souei, Rimuru began her wait.

After all, he has never been to the human world, and it is normal to need a guide.

Secondly, before going to the students of Izawa Shizue, she still needs to discuss the issue of alliance with the country where the three are located, that is, the Kingdom of Bulmont.

In addition, she also needs to provide her with proof that she can meet Yuki Kagurazaka, the head of the Free Alliance, through her identity as the head of the Free Alliance.

Therefore, she continued to stay in Emiya City for a while.

But this period of time was not long. After receiving the invitation of Rimuru, the three of Aileen quickly came to Emiya City.

Then he took her on a journey to the human world.


"Let's go, go back, and see that she has already gone to the human world."

Patting the shoulders of Benimaru and the others, and glancing at the back of Rimuru, who had completely disappeared, Shirou Emiya said lightly.

"Yeah! I'm afraid Mr. Rimuru won't be back in this period of time!"

Aster said sadly.

"Not necessarily!"

Obviously, Emiya Shirou didn't think so.

"Don't forget, Rimuru has the ability to transfer magic, so she can come back at any time."


Aster clapped her palm excitedly, and then said cheerfully, "I'm afraid Lord Rimuru will be back soon!"

"Then I can't stay here for a long time. I must take advantage of this time to work hard and impress Limuru-sama!"

After all, Aster couldn't help but imagine such a scene, and her saliva was drooling out of laughter.

Then, she quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

Looking at this scene, Emiya Shirou and the others couldn't help but glance at each other, and then laughed out loud.

"As expected of Aster!"

"That's right!"

Just like this ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the originally heavy atmosphere was instantly washed away.

Everyone shook their heads and separated, and went to their posts respectively.


After Limuru left Emiya City, there were no accidents in the whole city.

Everything is going smoothly.

Not long after Rimuru left, Yumu, who had become a hero, returned to Emiya City.

It's just that this time is different from before, there is one more beauty in his team.

"The devil?"

Standing high in the conference room, looking at Youmu who was greeting Crucis, and the beauty standing beside her, Shirou Emiya instantly saw through her identity.

"Why do high-level demons come here at such a time?"

"Will it be the vanguard of the enemy? Or the inspectors?"

Thinking of this, Emiya Shirou instantly thought of Demon Lord Clayman.

After all, when it comes to the leader of the devil, it is naturally the devil!

And Demon Lord Clayman was the Demon Lord Rimuru killed later.

Considering Rimuru's character, Emiya Shirou can be sure that it is definitely the opponent's first move.

From this point of view, the demon in front of him may not be his subordinate.

"Whether it's Clayman's subordinate or not, she needs to be watched!"

Thinking of this, Shirou Emiya summoned an invisible crow familiar and let it fly away.

"Watch her anytime, anywhere!"

"Yes, Emiya-sama!"

Looking at the flying crow and glancing at the demon below, Shirou Emiya returned to his room.

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