I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 369: Limuru preparing to go to the human world

"I understand!"

Looking at Emiya Shirou's smiling face, Rimuru also understood his intentions.

Indeed, if they had access to food, they would have an advantage in trading with other kingdoms.

"You just understand!"

Nodding slightly, Emiya Shirou stopped talking.

Looking at Rimuru and the others who were constantly exchanging opinions, the corners of Emiya Shirou's mouth kept rising.

As Emiya City got better and better, Emiya Shirou became more and more at ease here.

"After Rimuru becomes the Demon Lord, I should be able to leave!"

Emiya Shirou thought with a smile.


Not long after Benimaru and Riguru returned, Rimuru embarked on a new journey.

This time, his destination is the kingdom of dwarves.

Go there for a deep union with the Dwarf King Gazel.

This time, Emiya Shirou did not follow Rimuru, after all, someone had to be at home.

Besides, the dwarf kingdom is no fun.

He has been there many times secretly.

If he follows, he can't go to the Night Butterfly with Rimuru, right?

will die!

After all, whether it is Aster or Zhu Cai, they are all very smart guys.

Want to carry them to a nightclub?

Find death!

Therefore, Shirou Emiya said goodbye to Rimuru, and let him return to the kingdom of dwarves with Aster Zhucai and the dwarf brothers Kaijin.

After all, they haven't been back for a long time.

This time, taking advantage of the exchanges between the two countries to go home to see, it is also a very beautiful thing.

But contrary to them, Besta did not go back.

According to what he said, he had no face to go back to see the dwarf king before he made any achievements.

But Emiya Shirou felt that he just wanted to stay and continue his research.

But there is nothing wrong with research.

After all, isn't Emiya Shirou himself researching it all the time?

Research how to develop a space that can store living people.

Emiya Shirou did this kind of research, of course, because there are ready-made examples.

Like Limuru's stomach pouch.

Then you can install elves and dragons.

Based on this, Shirou Emiya intends to develop magic that can pretend to be a person.

However, he still needs a lot of research.

After all, everything needs his research from scratch, little by little.


On the days when Rimuru left, fruits from the Orc Kingdom were also delivered.

These fruits are used to make fine wine.

After all, Monster Federation is still in the stage of stocking all kinds of natural products, rather than centralized management.

Therefore, there is not a lot of fruit here.

The brewed wines are also rare.

To this end, Albis and Sophia, who love wine, quickly expressed their willingness to provide fruit to make wine after learning about these situations.

Now, the fruit has been delivered so quickly, it seems that the other party is also in a hurry!

Not long after the fruit from the Orc Kingdom was returned, Rimuru also returned to Emiya City.

According to her, the alliance with the dwarf kingdom went smoothly without any setbacks.

But after that, Emiya Shirou learned of Rimuru's scandal from Zhu Na's mouth.

After she went to Ye Die, she was caught outside the hall.

Then he was punished for eating aster dishes for a week.

How delightful!

"What's so funny! Isn't it just being caught?"

Looking at Emiya Shirou's smiling face, Rimuru, who came knocking on the door at midnight, shouted angrily.

"What's so funny? Isn't it worth laughing at you being forced to eat aster rice?"

"You guy, it's too much!"

Taking the teacup from Emiya Shirou's hand, Rimuru said dissatisfiedly: "You must have guessed that this is the case before, so you won't go!"

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"Who knows?"

Looking at the ceiling, Emiya Shirou responded with a smile.

"Why don't you dare to look at me!"

Seeing that Shirou Emiya had such an expression, Rimuru slapped the case.

This guy actually guessed it beforehand, and what's even more exaggerated is that he didn't tell himself!

Looking at the angry Rimuru, Emiya Shirou smiled and continued: "We'll talk about those things later. You came to me at night, so you must have come to me to tell me about it."

"It actually changed the subject!"

Of course Rimuru knew Emiya Shirou's intentions, but she did have other things to look for Emiya Shirou.

Returning to his seat, Rimuru took a sip from the teacup and said quietly, "I plan to leave Emiya City for a while!"

Emiya Shirou was taken aback.

He quickly put the teacup in his hand on the table and asked urgently, "Why?"

"It's about my dream!"

Limuru paused and continued, "Recently, I've been dreaming."

"In the dream, Miss Jing kept begging me for help, please save those children!"


Emiya Shirou asked suspiciously.

"Ah, child! Those are the children that appeared in my mind. They used to be Miss Jing's students. She kept begging me to save them in my dreams. Maybe they were in some trouble!"

"How is this possible! After all, Jingjiang Izawa is dead!"

Emiya Shirou rolled his eyes at Rimuru and continued, "Since she's already dead, how would she know about those children?"

"It is estimated that these children are themselves in danger, and their situation will become more and more dangerous as time goes by!"

"That's it, that's it!"

Rimuru nodded slightly.

Shaking his head slightly, Shirou Emiya stood up and said helplessly: "I see, I will protect this place while you are away!"

"Then please! Shirou!"

Rimuru smiled and thanked him.


"What? Rimuru-sama is going to the human world, and you don't have Emiya-sama!"

"Of course not, Shirou has to protect this place!"

Hearing Zhu Cai's shout, Limuru spread his hands and said.

In this regard, Benimaru said worriedly: "That's too dangerous!"

"After all, if something happens to Lord Rimuru~www.wuxiamtl.com~ the entire monster federation will collapse!"

Emiya Shirou had no objection to this, after all, these monsters were named by Rimuru.

If Rimuru dies outside, they will definitely avenge Rimuru until death!

"Rest assured, I will act in a low-key manner."

Limuru waved his hand and continued, "Don't underestimate my ability to hide my breath!"

"Then I'll go with you as Rimuru-sama's bodyguard!"

Aster stepped forward and said actively.

"No, let's not talk about the problem of your demonic energy, just your horns can't explain it."

"The horns are just decorations! Also, I can suppress the demonic energy with my mental power!"

"Then try it."

Seeing Shion being unreasonable, Rimuru asked her to try it out.

If she can really suppress the demonic energy, there will always be a way to hide her roots.

It's okay to let her go.

"Drink ah ah ah ah!"

As a result, Shion's demonic aura became stronger and stronger.

"Stop me now, you idiot! The building is going to break down!"

Rebuked by Rimuru's angry voice, Shion bowed her head like a deflated ball.

In this regard, Rimuru's face did not show any remorse.

She knew very well that if she gave her a good look at this time, this troublemaker would definitely follow.

"If that's the case, then it's decided!"

"When the time comes, Ranga can follow me, after all, it can hide in my shadow."

"When the time comes, Emiya City will be handed over to you to protect, Shirou!"

Rimuru instructed seriously. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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