I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 371: Demon Lord Clayman's Conspiracy

some night.

Emiya Shirou, who was studying magic in the laboratory, suddenly heard a sudden knock on the door.

Opening the door, it was Rimuru who appeared in front of him.

"Why are you back at this time?"

"Because I'm inconvenient during the day!"

After closing the door, Rimuru followed Emiya Shirou into the laboratory.

In this laboratory, Zhu Cai is also thinking about related magic structure issues.

"Limuru-sama, you're back!"

Looking at Rimuru who suddenly appeared, Zhu Cai smiled happily.

"Ah, come back to deal with some things, by the way, I have a gift for you!"

Saying that, Rimuru spit out all the books in his stomach bag and piled them on the side of the room.

"This is?"

Opening a book, Zhu Cai's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"It's actually all magic books, and many of them are hidden versions!"

"That's right!"

"These are all good things I got from the human world, how are you, satisfied?"

Looking at the two people who were flipping the book in front of him, Rimuru put his hands on his hips and said with a smile.

These gifts are carefully prepared by her.

Rimuru knows that Zhu Cai likes all kinds of magic knowledge and loves magic very much.

Emiya Shirou needs more magic knowledge to help with the magic he is designing.

That's why Rimuru prepared the same gift for the two of them.

"Yes, it just so happens that I need some new information recently, and these things came in a timely manner."

"As long as you are satisfied!"

Rimuru said with a smile.

After flipping a few pages of the magic book in his hand, Shirou Emiya put it aside, then looked at Rimuru and asked lightly, "So, is there any urgent matter for you to come back?"

"Ah, there are indeed some!"

Rimuru's expression slowly became serious.

Zhu Cai, who was on the side, stopped talking when she saw this, but came to the side and started to make tea for the two of them.

"Shirou, do you know where the entrance to the Spirit Realm is?"

"No, I do not know!"

Emiya Shirou answered seriously.

At the same time, he already understood why Limuru came back.

This is for the children who are guarded by Shizue Izawa!

"Sure enough, it seems that I can only ask Toleni or Bai Lao and the others later."

Asking Torreni is of course because she is an elf herself.

And asking Bai Lao is just because he is very old and well-informed.

After a sigh, Rimuru began to tell about those children.

In this world, there is magic that summons people from other worlds through magic. When these summoned people travel between the two worlds, their souls will be transformed by this power.

make it powerful.

But those are adults, and if they are called children, they will most likely be burned to ashes by powerful energy in the process of traveling through the world.

And even if he didn't die at the time, he would eventually die because he couldn't control the powerful power in his body.

According to Kagurazaka Yuki's explanation, they can only live for five years at most.

When taking care of these children, Izawa Jingjiang recalled that he was also a child when he was summoned, so he wanted to find the devil who once summoned him and find a way to save these children.

But in the end, he died right in front of Rimuru's eyes.

Now, inheriting Izawa Shizue's last wish, Rimuru also wants to save those children.

Under the analysis of the great sage, Limuru learned that the reason why Izawa Jingjiang did not die was because a superior spirit possessed her and helped her control the energy in her body.

It survived.

Therefore, in order to save those children, Rimuru also embarked on the road to find the spirit realm where the upper elves live.

"That's it!"

Emiya Shirou nodded slightly.

It was no different from what he knew.

"Then you can only go and ask one by one!"

"I think so too!"

After taking a sip of the tea made with jujube, Rimuru put a box of snacks on the table.

"This is a gift for Aster. Zhu Cai will hand it over to her tomorrow! After all, I will be going back tonight, and I will teach the children during the day tomorrow!"

"Yes, I see, Lord Rimuru!"

Putting away the snacks, Zhu Cai responded with a smile.

Seeing that things had been arranged, Limuru stood up and prepared to leave here.

But at this time, Shirou Emiya suddenly said, "Wait, I have other things to say!"

"Other things? Didn't Benimaru say everything went well recently?"

"That's just the surface!"

He took out a very smooth and polished gem and placed it in front of Rimuru.

With the transmission of Emiya Shirou's magical power, a beautiful girl appeared on the side of the gem.

"Is this, Mulan?"

Zhu Cai, who was also a little puzzled, looked at the figure on the gem and couldn't help but scream.


Rimuru looked at Zhu Cai suspiciously.

Seeing this, Zhu Cai quickly explained: "This is the magician who was brought back by Yum recently. It is said that he is very strong, and both Yum and Crucis were defeated by her."

"Yum's new companion? So did she do something suspicious?"

Hearing Rimuru's question, Emiya Shirou said solemnly: "It is almost certain that she is the spy sent by Demon King Clayman."

"Is it actually the minions of the Demon King?"

Rimuru and Zhu Cai's pupils shrank suddenly, and their expressions became serious.

"Yes, but under my surveillance~www.wuxiamtl.com~ I found that the relationship between the two is not the kind of close master-servant relationship. They are more like the relationship between the coercer and the coerced."

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"Later, through my exploration, I found out that this Mulan's heart doesn't seem to be the original one, and there seems to be an eavesdropping technique in her current heart."

"I guess her heart should be in the hands of Demon King Clayman!"

"Do you control your subordinates by grasping their hearts? As expected of the Demon King's actions!"

After hearing Emiya Shirou's explanation, Rimuru couldn't help but sigh.

Then, Limuru asked curiously, "Then what do you think the other party's purpose should be?"

"Obviously it's us!"

Emiya Shirou's expression became more serious.

"Remember what Milim said? She felt that Clayman was inseparable from the matter of the Joker Company of the Moderate, so she went to the Demon King's territory to investigate."

"If it was just suspicion, we can be absolutely sure about it now."

"After all, it shouldn't be a coincidence in the world that there is a shadow of his Clayman behind everything!"

"Obviously, he's the mastermind behind everything, Clayman!"

After hearing Emiya Shirou's summary, Rimuru and Zhu Na nodded earnestly.

Obviously, the two of them thought so too.

"However, the point of the matter now is what he will do next."

Rimuru said solemnly. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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