I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

Darkness, boundless darkness.

Emiya Shirou, who woke up in the time shuttle, only felt the darkness in front of him.

But even in this dark world, there is still light.

That was the goal of his trip.

new world.

Traveling through the darkness, bathed in the brilliance of the new world, Emiya Shirou felt a burst of warmth.

"Déjà vu, don't tell me, I'm back?"

With this strange feeling, Shirou Emiya came to a new world.


[Sterling silver and iron. The Grand Duke who made a contract with the cornerstone. The color dedicated to it is "black". 】

[Building walls to stop the coming wind. Close the gates of the square, start from the crown, and cycle on the three-way road leading to the kingdom! 】


[Your body obeys my orders, and my destiny is placed on your sword. 】

[If you follow the destination of the Holy Grail, follow the meaning, and respond accordingly! 】

[Swear here. I am the one who accomplishes all the good in the world, and I am the one who does all the evil in the world.

[——You are surrounded by the three spirits of words for seven days, come from the wheel of restraint, guardian of the balance! 】

A solemn announcement resounded in his ears.

Emiya Shirou frowned at the familiar incantation.

Feeling the changes in his body, Emiya Shirou couldn't help but sigh.

"Can you even become a heroic spirit? As expected of you! [Moment in a distant time]!"

Feeling his state, Emiya Shirou's mouth couldn't help but chuckle.

I finally came back.

The long-lost moon world.

Even if this is not the parallel world he is in, Shirou Emiya is still very happy.

As for why Emiya Shirou determined that this was not the parallel world he was in?

Of course it was because of the knowledge the Holy Grail had instilled in his mind.

This is the Holy Grail War, and he came to this battle as Black's Assassin.

And in his own world, there is no Holy Grail War to summon heroic spirits.

There, is the world of dream calling.

As the surrounding magic power slowly calmed down, Emiya Shirou opened his eyes and saw the surrounding situation.

His master Sagara Leopard Ma, and the sixth director Reika, who fell to the ground and was about to die.

"What an unpleasant way to summon!"

"Are you my Servant?"

Looking at the boy who appeared in front of him, Sagara Leopard Ma couldn't help being surprised.

According to his plan, what he wants to summon should be the murderer of London, Jack the Ripper!

But the boy in front of him is obviously the same as himself, with the appearance of an oriental person.

And in him, he didn't feel the slightest evil aura.

How could this guy be Jack the Ripper.

"Yes, ServantAssassin works for you!"

With Emiya Shirou's admission, the contract between the two was completed.

Until this time, Sagara Leopard Ma could see the data belonging to Shirou Emiya.


Real name: Emiya Shirou

Attribute: Strength: B Durability: B Agility: B Magic: A Luck: A Noble Phantasm: EX

[Class Skills]:

Breath blocking: A

[Inherent Skills]:

Clairvoyance: B

Eye of the Heart (True): B

Against Magic: B

Magic: A

Acting alone: ​​A

God's warning: A

Mana release (fire): A

Magic Genius: A

Shapeshifter: A

【Treasure Tool】:

Just for that, the oath under the snow: EX

Unlimited Swordsmanship: A


"Have I drawn a treasure?"

Looking at the ability value in front of him, Sagara Leopard Ma only felt dizzy in his brain.

This ability value is a proper top-notch heroic spirit!

With him around, he might be able to win to the end, maybe!

At this time, Sagara Leopard Ma was ecstatic.

Why did Sagara Panama choose to summon Jack the Ripper here?

Isn't it because Assassin is too weak?

Originally, Assassin's strength was the weakest among the seven ranks, and in this world, it became even weaker.

As for why?

All because Danic used the power of the German team to steal Fuyuki's Great Holy Grail in the Third Holy Grail War.

Because of the use of military power, everything in Fuyuki was exposed.

Therefore, subsequent magicians established the ritual of the Holy Grail War of the subspecies on this basis.

and spread all over the world.

From decades ago to the present, the subspecies Holy Grail War has been fought countless times.

Assassin's orthodox calling is the limited number of Hassan groups.

After hundreds of subspecies Holy Grail Wars, the information of the rare Assassin has been known to all those who are interested in the Holy Grail War.

Equally well known are their coping methods.

Therefore, Assassin's combat effectiveness in this world is further weakened.

This is also the reason why Sagara Leopard Ma does not conduct an orthodox summoning, but rather takes a gamble.

But now, he actually won the bet.

"Yes, Master, you have drawn SSR!"

I saw Emiya Shirou stretched out his hand and waved, and with the activation of the projection magic, the night rain of the black iron beads Shizuku appeared in his hand.

"Assassin, what are you going to do?"

"It's nothing, I just hate death that doesn't matter."

With the waving of the nighttime rain, a large amount of moisture condensed from the air, and finally wrapped the Liudao Lingxia on the ground.

In an instant, the fatal injury suffered by the sixth director Lingxia disappeared without a trace.

"Although my rank is Assassin, I am not a murderer."

"Please, Master, wash away her memory, and let her get out of here!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya, who made his own decisions, Sagara Kauma felt unhappy, but he wouldn't conflict with Assassin just like that.

After all, this is the way to turn around!

"I see, Assassin! I won't kill ordinary people at will in the future."

"Looks like I've drawn a good Master too!"

Emiya Shirou also smiled as he looked at Sagara Leopard Ma who was humbly accepting the advice in front of him. After all, he knew very well the nature of magicians.

After a simple conclusion, Emiya Shirou followed Sagara Panama out.

On the way, the doubtful Sagara Kama immediately asked, "Assassin, is your real name Emiya Shirou? Why haven't I heard of your name."

As we all know, Heroic Spirits are all famous figures in history.

No-name people can't become Heroic Spirits~www.wuxiamtl.com~ That's because I come from the future, and there is no concept of time in the Hall of Valor, so I shouldn't have been born yet! "

No, the Emiya Shirou in this world has already been born, but I don't know if it's called Emiya Shirou.

"The future?"

After hearing Emiya Shirou's words, Sagara Kama was all excited.

"Assassin, do you know the winner of this Holy Grail War?"

"Sorry, Master. The world I live in and this world seem to be different parallel worlds. Although I participated in the Holy Grail War in my lifetime, it was the fifth Holy Grail War in Fuyuki City."

"So this is ah!"

Although this result made Sagara Kauma a little disappointed, he couldn't help but think about Emiya Shirou's identity.

"If Danny hadn't won the Great Holy Grail, then the fourth Holy Grail War should have been ten years ago, and the fifth one should have been fifty years later."

"Looking at Assassin's appearance, he should have reached his peak when he was a teenager. In this case, he is probably at least twenty or thirty years away from his birth!"

Thinking of this, Sagara Leopard Ma couldn't help but sigh.

"I didn't expect that I would be able to summon the future Heroic Spirit. Even if Danick and the others knew Assassin's real name, there would be no danger."

"This is really good!"

Thinking that after solving the red side, the internal Holy Grail War has already gained the upper hand, and Sagara Kama couldn't help laughing.

"Maybe, no, I will definitely get the final victory in this Holy Grail War!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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