I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

"Oh, do you still want to fight?"

Looking at the black iron king horse full of fighting spirit in front of him, Emiya Shirou said with a smile.

"Although your fighting spirit is good, your body is dying, right?"

"After all, after taking that blow completely, it is impossible to get out of the body!"

"So what!"

Holding up the inherent spiritual dragon claw in his hand, the magic power of the Black Iron King began to condense.

"I'm here to find a stronger opponent and become stronger. How could it be possible to run away from an opponent like you!"

"That's it!"

Slowly putting his hands into his pockets, Shirou Emiya said indifferently, "Swipe your sword!"

"I'm not interested in swinging a sword against an opponent who is weaker than me. If you want to play against me, then take a sword. As long as you can hurt me with a sword, I will have a match with you."

Hearing these words, the black iron king horse's pupils shrank.

He is familiar with this sentence, which is what he said to Leiqie Dongtang Daohua before.

That paragraph was full of contempt for the opponent.

But now, this sentence was actually used by his opponent on him.


He tightly grasped the inherent spiritual dragon claw in his hand. The corners of the black iron king horse's mouth kept rising.

"If you think so, let's try it!"

Holding the giant sword in both hands, he raised the blade and poured magic power into his body.

The ability of the Gale Sword Emperor Black Iron King Horse is the natural interference system - the ability to manipulate the wind.

The storm was born from this, turning into a tornado with the dragon's claw as the center, swallowing the surrounding air.

Air, rubble, fire.

It devours everything that exists around it.

After compression and compression, it even gained quality, and finally formed the sword of the storm that swept everything——

"Broken Moon Dragon Claw!"

The fifty-meter-long Storm Great Sword swung like Emiya Shirou with infinite quality.

"It turns out that it is the same usage as Stella's Burning Heaven and Earth Dragon King Flame. But is the power still above Stella's flaming sword?"

Just like that, Shirou Emiya took over the slashing stunt from the Kurotsu no Ma.

The Great Storm Sword slashed at Emiya Shirou and destroyed all the buildings around him.

But after the smoke cleared, the one who appeared in front of the Kurotsu no Ma was the unharmed Emiya Shirou.

"how come!"

Looking at Shirou Emiya who was unscathed, the black iron king horse was shaken like never before.

"Do you understand? My training methods are too different from yours. You were not my opponent from the beginning."

Responding to him again with the words of the black iron king horse, Emiya Shirou slowly walked forward.

As Emiya Shirou said, this is the difference between him and the Black Iron King.

The reason why Dongtang Daohua couldn't hurt the black iron king horse, in addition to the magic defense, is more important is the defense ability of the body.

But Emiya Shirou's physical defense ability is far beyond the black iron king horse.

Not to mention that even with magic power now, Shirou Emiya must be on top of the Black Iron King.

Such Emiya Shirou is simply not something that the Black Iron King can compare to.

"You chose the wrong opponent, Black Iron King!"

Walking calmly in front of the Black Iron King, Emiya Shirou swung his sword with a speed, and the Black Iron King, who was unable to react at all, was instantly slashed.

Then fell to the ground.

This is a winged sword.

It is the Sword of Speed ​​that Emiya Shirou learned from Edweis.

The speed of this sword's swing, from zero to one hundred in just an instant, is a real sword of speed.

He couldn't keep up with his swinging speed, he just lost a path.

"Hiraga Lingquan? Dolls? Take this guy away! We will settle the account with you at the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival at the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival."

"In that case, we will meet again at the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival!"

After sending the injured people away, Hiraga Lingquan came back again to investigate the matter of the black iron king horse.

As Emiya Shirou said, he is just a doll.

Therefore, he does not care about things that are dangerous to others.

After watching Hiraga Lingquan leave, Emiya Shirou walked to Dongtang Daohua's side and asked, "How is it, senpai, you're not injured!"

"I'm not injured, but I'm just a little unwilling."

Recalling that he went all out but couldn't hurt the other party in the slightest, Dongtang Daohua's heart was unwillingly annoyed.

"If you are not reconciled, continue to exercise yourself, this is proof that you have not given up!"

"I remember that the sentence said so!"

After relaying the words he had heard to Todo Toka, Emiya Shirou felt a wave of magic power.

Then I saw Shinoji Kurono and Xijing Ningyin who finally arrived.

"You are so late!"

"You can't come back until everything is over."

Although he didn't want to admit it, what Emiya Shirou said was the truth.

Some embarrassed Xin Gongji Heino and Xijing Ningyin quickly asked: "How is everyone?"

"It's okay, they are all in a coma, and there is no life-threatening!"

Looking at Shinguji Kurono and Nishikyo Ningon who finally returned, Emiya Shirou was also relieved.

If the two of them come back, nothing will happen.

Leave the rest to them.

And myself, it's time to think about leaving.

Looking at the blue sky, Emiya Shirou thought so.


Things went well after that, and Stella, who was sent away, was finally found.

The Kurotsu brothers and sisters who rescued Arisuin Nagi have encountered some troubles.

Under the arrangement of Shirou Emiya, Ikki Kurote met Edweis, giving the fallen swordsman his first glimpse of the world's strongest domain.

After that, Xiao Academy made a strong attack and became the eighth academy participating in the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

After all, the mastermind behind the opponent is the Prime Minister of Japan. Under his press control, he never mentioned the defeat of Akatsuki and others by Shirou Emiya.

This made Xiao Academy successfully become a member of the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

Because of the emergence of elites in the dark world, this year's Seven Star Sword Dance Festival can be called the strongest one in history.

It is also the most dangerous one.

But these are not what Emiya Shirou is thinking about now.

Now he ~www.wuxiamtl.com~ is preparing to leave.

After saying goodbye to the classmates of the Po Military Academy, Shirou Emiya left the Po Military Academy.

After all, they didn't know that Emiya Shirou was going to leave this world, so they didn't feel very sad.

As for Stella, Emiya Shirou didn't even see her.

After the battle, Stella felt that she was weak and went to find Xijing Ningyin to exercise her strength.

She wanted to compete with the Black Iron King Ma Yi once again at the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival.

Therefore, Shirou Emiya specially left a letter for her, asking Kuro Tiezhu Shizuku to pass it on to her.

"Finally, the time has come!"

In the sweet shop, as the place where Shirou Emiya first came.

Emiya Shirou will be here to set sail again.


"Really not?"

"Of course, I've said it many times, and now I don't have the ability to travel with people."

"But I don't want to leave the master!"

Listening to Edwise's words in his arms, Shirou Emiya said reluctantly, "I don't want to be separated from you, but I have goals that must be achieved."

"Is it Meiyou?"

"That's right!"

Edweis, who learned of his past from Shirou Emiya, knew of Miyu's existence.

After a moment of silence, Edwise said seriously: "Please make sure to fulfill your wish and save Miyu! Brother!"

"Well! Definitely!"

After kissing Edwise's face, Shirou Emiya carried his package and called out the golden pocket watch in his heart——【Moment of Distant Time】

"Let's start, a new journey!"

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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