I, The Giant of the Imperial Palace, Travel Through the Heavens!

Chapter 181: 0 The use of the world tree family and magic

I, the giant of the Empress, travel through the heavens! https://

Holy Grail War!

This is an alternative Holy Grail War that is completely different from the Holy Grail War.

In this duel, a total of 14 Heroic Spirits will appear, and they will be divided into two camps, red and black, to fight.

When one of the factions is completely eliminated, the other remaining faction will start the orthodox Holy Grail War again to determine the final winner.

This is the greatest Holy Grail War ever.

Hence it is called the Holy Grail War.


"Well, um! I see, I'll be back in Tuliphas as soon as possible!"

Listening to Danny's constant instructions on the other side, Sagara Leopard Ma responded impatiently.

Immediately after hanging up the connection between the two.

"Is it the urging of Danik, the leader of the Thousand World Trees?"

"That's right! That guy Danny is really impatient!"

"That can't be helped. After all, our opponent is the Magic Association! That is the overlord of the magic world!"

After Sagara Kauma's narration and the information in Emiya Shirou's memory.

Emiya Shirou has completed the collection of intelligence.

The two sides in this Holy Grail War are the Thousand World Tree Family and the Clock Tower, which is the representative of the Magic Association.

As the leader of the Thousand World Trees, Danick personally participated in the Third Holy Grail War decades ago.

Afterwards, he used the German army to **** the Great Holy Grail from Fuyuki City.

But on the way to transport the Great Holy Grail, he disappeared without a trace with the Great Holy Grail.

Now, after decades of hard work, Danic, who has finally mastered the power of the Great Holy Grail, has launched the Holy Grail War in their territory Romania.

He first announced the existence of the Great Holy Grail, and then led the Thousand World Tree to leave the Magic Association.

Immediately use the power of heroic spirits to challenge the authority of the Magic Association.

The fifty magicians dispatched by the Clock Tower, who had misunderstood the prior information, were powerless to resist the power of the Heroic Spirit.

But one of them took the opportunity to activate the emergency function of the Holy Grail War.

When all the masters are in the same camp, seven heroic spirits can be summoned again to fight.

And this is the origin of this Holy Grail War.


"Speaking of Assassin, you are really eager to learn!"

"Ever since I was summoned, I have been reading magic-related books!"

Sitting on the sofa, drinking red wine from a glass.

Sagara Kauma was extremely puzzled by Assassin, who was reading a magic book opposite him.

"This is because of regrets in my life, Master!"

Leaning on the luxurious sofa and changing to a more comfortable position, Shirou Emiya said nonsense without raising his head.

"Although I was a magician during my lifetime, because of family inheritance, I'm only the first generation!"

"So the magic I know is only projection and enhancement!"

"Although I have practiced both basic magics to the extreme, it still cannot make up for my desire to learn more magic."

"So if I have the opportunity now, I will naturally be overwhelmed!"

"So this is ah!"

Sagara Leopard Ma nodded slightly.

He already knew about Emiya Shirou's relevant abilities.

Anything can be projected, even the Noble Phantasms of Heroic Spirits.

This is undoubtedly a miracle that can only be achieved by practicing projection magic to the extreme.

Therefore, such a claim is unconvincing.

"But Assassin, you are really a genius. You can learn so much magic knowledge at a glance."

"Of course, after all, hasn't my talent turned into inherent ability?"

This is bullshit!

The reason why Emiya Shirou is learning so fast must be inseparable from Loki's protection.

A powerful deity who is also an excellent magician in mythology.

Loki's protection is naturally inseparable from magic.

・Magic-related abilities have been greatly improved

This is the possibility that Loki's blessing brings Emiya Shirou.

As the first generation of the magician family, Shirou Emiya's talent is very good.

There are 27 magic circuits.

And under the sublimation of God's grace, his magic circuit has also been greatly improved.

Not only has the quantity become more, but the quality has also become more excellent.

This makes Shirou Emiya's magic-related talents continue to rise.

Coupled with the protection called 'Magic Genius', he himself has the talent to become the top magician.

When it comes to magic and magic, although Shirou Emiya often changes the name of his projection magic, he calls it projection magic.

But it's actually a meaning.

The name of magic is the unique name of the moon world.

Here, because of a special power called mystery, magic that can be mastered by ordinary humans will gradually lose its power and be downgraded to magic.

Like fire!

Before ancient humans mastered fire, a common fireball could even destroy a block.

But now.

It's hard to blow up a house!

Therefore, in the Moon World, magic has a special status.

It represents the power beyond the grasp of human beings, and it is the power of only five miracles.

But outside of the Moon World, magic is magic, and there is no difference.

Therefore, Emiya Shirou's protection of "magical genius" does not refer only to the magic of this world, but to all magic.

As for Emiya Shirou's magic, why is it A?

Although Emiya Shirou does not know much magic, he also learned a lot of magic theories in the wrong world.

In addition to the projection magic and strengthening magic that have been studied to the peak.

It's not unusual for him to have an A.

"But Assassin, the magic you learned shouldn't be of any use to Heroic Spirits, right?"

"These magics are indeed useless to Heroic Spirits, but don't worry, Master!"

"I will win the final victory for you with the sword in my hand."

"So, learning magic or something is more like a wish?"

"That's right!"

"That's it!"

Sagara Leopard Ma was a little overjoyed, Assassin's wish was so simple.

But it was the best option for him.

This means that Assassin does not have an overly vigorous sex.

In this way, as long as you don't touch the bottom line of the other party, the affinity between the two of them will be very good. After all, from the hundreds of subspecies Holy Grail Wars before.

All the Masters knew one fact.

That is, the affinity between the Master and the Servant is extremely important~www.wuxiamtl.com~ Otherwise, it will easily lead to disaster.

But fortunately, I am not the kind of guy with a proud personality, as long as I can win, I can do anything.

Sagara Leopard Ma thought so.

"But it seems that you have to use less magic, or try not to use magic as much as possible."

Sagara Leopard Ma is a combination of Japanese and Western incantations, making a fortune by securing buildings or protecting people at the expense of human life.

Therefore, his magic requires sacrifices.

And Assassin is obviously not that kind of evil, it seems that he needs to be cautious!

"Then, Assassin, you can read as much as you like. I'll go to rest first."

"We have to catch a flight tomorrow, to Romania!"

"I understand, Master. Please rest first!"

"I'm leaving!"

Looking at Sagara Leopard Ma who entered his bedroom, Emiya Shirou's eyes couldn't help but flicker.

Sagara leopard horse?

The two of us are really incompatible!


the next day.

Under the arrangement of the staff of the Chikaiju family in Tokyo, Sagara Kama got into the vehicle heading for the airport.

"Senior, where is the heroic spirit you summoned? Why can't you see its trace!"

Sitting in the co-pilot, a woman from the Qianjieshu family leaned out and asked Sagara Leopard Ma who was sitting behind.

"Assassin? He's incarnated! He's not in the car now!"

"That's it!"

Looking at the lamenting junior in front, Sagara Leopard Ma, who was sitting in the back, couldn't help showing a weird smile.

The Holy Grail War is about to begin.

Like me, the giant of the palace, swim in the heavens! Please collect: () I, the giant of the palace, travel to the heavens! Fastest update.

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